And you wonder why UK porn is so bad..

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
andy ide
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Re: And you wonder why UK porn is so bad..

Post by andy ide »

Whether you're an amateur or a pro making stuff I really think that vision is key to you making money -- what do you want to shoot and how do you want to shoot it? Dig deep down into your pervo soul and see if there's anything there that stands out, that's different. Get that sussed right and you'll get people wanting to watch your stuff. That's why I've got a bit of a problem with people going on about how there aren't the budgets in this country to make different stuff -- that's not the point. The point is vision and soul.

I'm not a big fan of UK stuff myself (which is entirely a matter of taste; for example, obviously I've seen some of Terry's stuff and it's great, it's spot on for the market) so to illustrate I need to refer to some Stateside directors. Obvious example is Jules Jordon. Jesus, did that guy have a picture inside his head of what he wanted to make. Totally fresh, totally unique, totally fucking RIGHT. Totally fucking SELLABLE. And now he's got his mansion to prove it and by the look of a couple of recent vids he never steps outside his front door to film his stuff anymore! He doesn't need megabudgets. All the money's on the outfits and what the girls are doing. A visionary and he deserves his fortune.

And the other guy, and I'm always going on about this dude, he's God so far as I'm concerned, is John Leslie. Again, no huge budgets, just vision, a deep, deep need to turn people on with his stuff. And he gets that from inside himself, it doesn't cost nothing.

This, bottom line, is what the UK needs. Vision, originality. There are a million and one different views on sex, attitudes, visions. Have a look deep inside yourself and see what you've got. And remember that in any industry, 95% of the people in it aren't doing their best (and that includes me). The door is always wide open.

If the UK industry doesn't progress then we only have ourselves to blame.
andy ide
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Re: And you wonder why UK porn is so bad..

Post by andy ide »

Another thing (I'm stoned and on a roll here, fuck the takeaway that's just got delivered). Think America. Think international markets. That's how the rest of the UK film and TV industry thinks. Do stuff that the UK wants (essential bottom line thinking) but stuff that the foreigners are going to want to watch as well. So do the stuff you want to jerk off to in post-production but think about how you can maybe tweak it for foreign markets. Do you really think that John Stagliano doesn't want a Brit producer to add to his Evil Angel line-up? He'd fucking love one! And if he got one then that would only help the UK industry, because the bloke (or girl) who's doing stuff that he can wank to is bringing US money back into the UK and by doing so building things up.

A couple of the major studs here in the UK have just raised their rates to a level that I can't afford at the moment. I think that one of them is a superb performer and there's going to be a hole in my stuff next year because I'm not going to be able to use him. But although I'm the loser I actually think that -- directly or indirectly -- they're doing the industry a bit of a favour. They're upping the ante. And my attitude is, well, sunshine, better start building your business up so you can afford him and so that you can also pay the girl more than him. And that ain't a problem. It's a challenge. It's a motivator. And I look forward to being able to pay rates that I actually think are more respectful than the rates I'm paying at the moment.

Build it and they will come. Little by little, make the industry more professional, the product more dynamic, more varied, and we will, eventually, get the girls we want. It's all about public consciousness. And hats off too to Rik Porter for that PR post about his new movie. Everhard (I think it was Everhard) congratulated them on fashioning the kind of press release that's commonplace in the States. Indeed. Took my breath away the amount of piss and wind there was in it but, hey, it's business, play the game.

Less time jerking around umming and ahhing about it on here. More time getting our collective cocks out and having some fun working out how to come up with the dirtiest, horniest porn we can. As Nacho Vidal said in an interview on the DVD sampler that Hot Rod is dishing out at the moment, the English girls are by far the hottest, most up-for-it girls in the world. Let's give them some fun.
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My apologies for interrupting, but..

Post by Studio666 »

Hi, my name is paul, I have just posted a message on the promotions forum asking for the chance to do some unpaid work, I wont repeat the whole thread here as I don?t wont to spoil this one.

But the reason I am asking for the chance to cut my teeth is exactly because of what has been written in this thread.

It?s not about the money It?s about the vision and the passion to create something new and something that you are truly proud of.

I think that there is a lot of good stuff being produced by people from the UK industry, and I hope one day that will include myself as well, but as has been said before you just don?t get to hear about in all.

Onwards and Upwards?

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Re: My apologies for interrupting, but..

Post by davewells »

So you do it for nothing and stop the likes of me earning my living - wonderful stuff, fucking amazing!!!!!!!
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Re: My apologies for interrupting, but..

Post by Studio666 »

Dave, as flattered as I am that you would feel that I, (someone who has never shot anything porn related or anything else for that matter, I?ve always been on sound,) would be a threat to someone who has been in the porn game for 22years, I just can?t help thinking that you are over reacting somewhat.

All I?m offering is to help out in anyway I could, which will most probably end up being as a runner, carrying the heavy boxes and getting the sandwiches.. ( all of which I will be happy to do)

I?m just asking for a chance to learn how to make "good" porn before I claim to be a new producer, surely that can?t be a bad thing??
one eyed jack
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Re: And you wonder why UK porn is so bad..

Post by one eyed jack »

I couldnt have said it better Andy. Reminds me of someones rant about low production values. Its true, you can dress everyone in roman togas and throw as much money as you like at it but it still lacks that certain something- Oh yeah, good old fashioned horny sex because people were too pre occupied with making high budget classy porn and forgot about the sex. Its true, you don't need huge budgets to make a good video...Though if you could and execute it well then you can still make something worth buzzing about. Otherwise, Andy said it best

Dave, no ones robbing food off your plate. Theres plenty to go round. I hear your not short of work so come on, get on board.
Rude Boy
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Re: My apologies for interrupting, but..

Post by Rude Boy »

I'm just baffled why anyone bothers shooting anything at all in the UK anymore, I'm sorry to be unpatriotic but the East European scene is just in a different league entirely. Working in the UK is like working in the dark ages compared to how it is over here. How long is it since you guys shot a model who actually works out and looks after herself? Do English girls have abdominal muscles? Oh well it's not my problem, Mya Diamond will be here to shoot in about twelve hours. Now SHE is a MODEL.
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Re: My apologies for interrupting, but..

Post by Studio666 »

Well Rude Boy, as I said if you need someone to be an extra pair of hands or even just make you a lovely sandwich, you know where I am.

Seriously, I would jump at the chance to get myself out to Eastern Europe for a visit if it meant being able to learn a bit more about the different ways of shooting ?good? porn.
Rude Boy
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Re: My apologies for interrupting, but..

Post by Rude Boy »

E-mail me mate and I'll see what I can do, no need to make sandwiches as you get three meals a day laid on for you over here!! I told you it was different class!
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Re: And you wonder why UK porn is so bad..

Post by davewells »

Dunno where you heard that Terry but it's not true mate! I'm skint through lack of work, false promises and bullshit.
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