Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

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Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Post by Spook »

"And isn't it odd that it has taken umpteen thousand years for women to come to the conclusion, just 10 years ago, that having a full bush was unhygienic?"

Well its not odd because its not true.

Plenty of cultures have gone for complete body shaving for reasons, at least partly, of hygiene - from the old kingdom Egyptians and Babylonians onwards.

"I can't understand chaps who say otherwise"

Is understanding a different opinion that difficult without coming up with the following garbage

"are the simply being pretentious?"

What is this supposed to mean? - people are saying that they don't like pubic hair because they think it makes them appear important or meritorious? Given your attempted use of half-witted history and sociology to justify your preference it appears that you are the one attempting to claim merit for his opinion.

"Are they simply saying they like the current status quo just so they can conform and feel part of the gang?"

No, they are expressing an opinion that is in no way just a modern fad. Look at some renaissance or pre-raphaelite nudes to see that the image of a completely shaven woman as the epitome of beauty is hardly a modern idea.

"Is it because maybe they are too timid to say otherwise?"

What - and you think that you expressing your opinion signifies bravery and fortitude? Well done - you've scored 11/10 for misplaced self-important bluster.

"Or are there darker reasons why they prefer the pre-pubescent look?"

Only if you can accept similar dark reasons as the explanation for why so many men prefer women to have shaved legs and armpits.

You have your opinion - well done and good for you. But in seeking to claim that your opinion is right and that an opposing opinion is deviant you simply show yourself to be foolish and bigoted.
Officer Dibble
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Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Post by Officer Dibble »

Yo, spooky baby! What's prompted you to pipe up? You have been rather quite of late. Could it be that for your own peace of mind you had to defend and justify a personal fetish that your conscience is dubious about? Could it be you?re in denial about something? Your reply does some rather prickly, as though someone had touched a raw nerve. Hmmm...

Anyhow, yeah, you have come up with some valid opposing points that we could spend all week dissecting and splitting hairs over, but Crimbo looms and I have deadlines to meet, so I won't be going there, this time. But just let me say, I wasn't stating that my opinion was right, I was just saying how it looked to me from my perspective, and thereby inviting other forumites to challenge my reasoning (preferably in a civil manner) thus precipitating an interesting and constructive debate. Merry Christmas.

Officer Dibble
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Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Post by Spook »

"Could it be that for your own peace of mind you had to defend and justify a personal fetish that your conscience is dubious about?

Nope - my last post wasn't defending a personal preference.

"Could it be you?re in denial about something?"

Who knows - but if your knowledge of psychology is at the same level as your knowledge of sociology, evolutionary theory and history then I'm probably not going to get an answer here.

My model of choice at the moment is Tess Scott - dyed hair, boob-job and shaved vag. I don't think that a liking for such model displays a dubious personal fetish or that I'm in denial about anything - but I could be wrong. If you don't find this sort of model attractive then that's just fine, its simply down to preferences and opinions.

"But just let me say, I wasn't stating that my opinion was right"

No - you just questioned whether or not those people with a different opinion were pretentious unthinking cowards with paedophillic tendencies. I responded to those queries in a nicely pompous and arrogant manner.

Hope you have a good 2005 with as much pubic hair as you can cope with.
Officer Dibble
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Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Hope you have a good 2005 with as much pubic hair as you can cope with."

Why thank you Spook. You are a very nice man.

Officer Dibble - agreeing to disagree
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Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Post by Riley »

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Paul Tavener
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Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Post by Paul Tavener »

I vote for bush (femail that is) It would be nice if there was more choice. Why is it 95% one way?

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Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Post by mart »

95%? The opening post said 98%. Where do these statistics come from?


Joe A
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Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Post by Joe A »

It's 10.15 pm Sat 11th Dec and if you have SportXXX Ch 975... Sahara is about to shave Kiera... Live on air... LOL

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