Whose to blame for brit porn being the worst

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
Officer Dibble
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Re: Whose to blame for brit porn being the worst

Post by Officer Dibble »

"they are a reflection on the quality of talent in this country which is not the producers fault and which no one can really do anything about unfortunately!"

Well, they could just stop filming till something worth filming comes along. That's what I'm doing - or not doing.

Actually, if Brit porn is crap at the moment, apart from the cultural reasons, part of the reason must be that producers have lowered quality thresholds in their unseemly, post R18, scramble for a slice of the action.

Officer D
one eyed jack
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Re: Whose to blame for brit porn being the worst

Post by one eyed jack »

Valid points JP and duly noted.

JP wrote
As a final word, people will buy shit if all that is on offer is shit, all I'm asking for is for someone within the business to do something different.

That is my point, not everyone is doing the same thing: Harmony, Relish, Paul Carder, Viv Thomas etc. There is so much more choice now and if BritPorn doesnt do it for you, there is always loads to choose from the U.S, Europe...Either way you look at it, somethings gotta grab ya somewhere.
Officer Dibble
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Re: Whose to blame for brit porn being the worst

Post by Officer Dibble »

Ah, Claire Green. Now you're talking my language.

As for solutions, I just can't see one. These are the times we live in, the culture and social attitudes that surround us. Just after the age of the porno chav began me and some like-minded colleagues came to realise what was happening and tried to come up with a solution. We thought it was simply a question of money - offer big bucks and top class stunners would be queuing by the cashing couch. How naive we were. It wasn't a question of money. The world had changed. Potential glamourpusses and sex bombs had been subsumed in to a new female culture that was the antithesis of femininity, allure and glamour. This was the so-called ?laddette? culture. Or maybe we should call it the ?chavette culture?? Anyhow, laddettes and chavettes weren?t particularly interested in making themselves attractive to men ? all that make up and lingerie stuff was for, er, girls, and they were far to busy swigging cans of Stella and having a laugh (shriek?) with their ?mates? in Faleraki. Sex with males was still on the cards, but now it was totally empty, perfunctory, banal, and ultimately, meaningless. Never mind the love, now it had reached the stage where there was no eroticism! They were just going through the motions - It was as if the act held the same sort of significance for them as washing their hair. Sex had lost it?s mystique and was now simply ?a laugh? - ha, ha, ha.

But before we aim the Beretta 9mm?s at our temples, lets just take a step back and remember - where there?s life there?s hope. Events can turn on a sixpence and who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Officer Dibble
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Re: Whose to blame for brit porn being the worst

Post by eroticartist »

Hardcore has always been available in the UK. In fact it all started here in Soho to be precise
one eyed jack
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Re: Whose to blame for brit porn being the worst

Post by one eyed jack »

It's scary to say this Officer but I have to admit you are right in your thinking. I can't, won't accept this entirely preferring to hang on the belief of your wheres life there is hope and yes the market has indeed changed. Who is responsible? Who cares. What's done is done and was probably inevitable in the first place.

I will add this though. No matter what people think like Everhard who is entitled to prefer US and Euro porn (for reasons I can well understand) the opinions of the few makes no diference on the masses who prefer Coronation Street, East Enders, chip butties, cheesy peas?! Girls Aloud and Robbie Williams it probably makes sense that Brits prefer their porn real like everything else they are into and theres nowt wrong with that. I think the problem as I've said many times before is due to the over saturation in the market place for this kind of material. No excuse should be lent though for not making porn interesting on low or next to know budget.

The opinion within the industry is that porn is disposable. It's this kind of attitude that makes producers not care, adopting cynical attitudes that it has naked girls and fucking is all it takes to sell it. This maybe true, but too much of the same old same old and people will get bored of it and that gentlemen is what we have here, pure and simple.

As for you dear officer, you've just grown out of it. Some might say, matured even that porn has no meaning for you now as you have evolved to find other interests.

As for porn in general, There's enough out there to keep everyone happy and I've said it before and I'll say it again: You've never had it so good. Theres more prettier girls than before, all over the globe and something for everyone. So much so that I fear porn may one day eat itself.
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Re: Whose to blame for brit porn being the worst

Post by johndiggler »

I do think there has been some good sense written on this thread, but to my way of thinking one of the most important points has been missed.

Modelling rates have not kept up with inflation, and in hard core they have plummeted to such a sad level that frankly I?m amazed that even the current chav crop of pornlettes even bother to turn up on set.

Without offending the mods, the dread E*******g word comes to mind, what would possess a girl to model for hard core movies with such appalling production values, shot in some grotty flat in London often with the photographer or his mate ( Sound familiar Terry and John??) when far greater earnings and little or no publicity are available for the entrepreneurial totty?

I had a girl approach me last year who was offered ? 100-150 for a full days work on the south coast, including hard core and she didn?t even have a HIV and this was by a very prominent photographer who was obviously intent on getting as much out of a decent looking newbie as he was able. Thankfully I told her to ditch the shoot which she duly did.

I used to shoot footage for a Belgian company who paid excellent rates and in turn I could afford to pay the girls good money, this harking back to the mid to late 90?s.

They won?t nowadays take the heavily tattooed , unglamorous chavs that fill the books of the two hardcore agencies in London. Which is just as well - as I wouldn?t want to shoot them anyway!

For a market to be healthy the product needs to be good, lowering the talent standards to that which can be seen shagging in night club toilets isn?t the way forward I?m sad to say.
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Re: Whose to blame for brit porn being the worst

Post by muswell »

In reply to johndigglers lament about the money available for talent I'm somewhat surprised. Having produced a number of videos in America where there is a stronger market and therefore more liklehood of making money I have to say that the rates asked by a number of British Girls with websites are laughable.

In the valley girls with Box appeall , that is the best of the bunch command around 750 dollars ( currently about ?450.00)per scene which may take six hours to shoot and could involve three and moresome dps anal oral and more. Contrast that with what "starlets" over here quote as hourly charges to give their boyfriends a blowjob, plus extra for a model release which I calculate would run to a lot more in total to produce the same amount of screentime.

As a business porn is international and a Hungarian babe has as much value on video as an essex girl and ?150.00 would go a long way in Budapest.

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