Best Black girl uk movie

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Best Black girl uk movie

Post by charlesbukowski »

Any one know the best Blcka girl website or movie to get?

i adore amanda white any one know where 2 get the vid she did with chris news and dr disgusting?
Arnold Layne
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Re: Best Black girl uk movie

Post by Arnold Layne »

You could do worse than check out

Mix it deep


UK Urban flavas

both from Rude Britannia

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Re: Best Black girl uk movie

Post by DiSanto »

I produced Mix it Deep (distributed by Rude Brit) and there are some good black girls in there but my personal favourite in the UK would be Marissa Brown
She's great!! Check out this free trailer of her and Anjali with a white guy.

the second trailer down

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Re: Best Black girl uk movie

Post by charlesbukowski »

where do ifind mix it deep?

i adore amanda white any one know where 2 get the vid she did with chris news and dr disgusting?
Bob Singleton
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Re: Best Black girl uk movie

Post by Bob Singleton »

There are far too few inter-racial movies where it's black girls and white guys!!!!

Most of the inter-racial stuff is black guys and white girls. I'm not a black guy, so when I watch them I can't equate with what's going on.

There are so many beautiful balck girls out there, how come so many white mingers (Nicola Holt immediately springs to mind!!!) get scenes?

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Re: Best Black girl uk movie

Post by longuun »

i watched that uk urban flavas what a load of shite, did u read the comments on the forum about it, were did u get the girls from?????????

love the booty
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Re: Best Black girl uk movie


Have u made any movies i can review????

I got two things in this world my word and my balls and i dont break them 4 anyone
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Re: Best Black girl uk movie

Post by charlesbukowski »

i have seen your sites- they are quite poor-i think most of them are rip offs- 2 get your best value you need to go on the yank websites-chelsea sinclair is on quite a few........btw nicola holt is a real minger-the type u gave a kitkat at school in exchange for a finger

i adore amanda white any one know where 2 get the vid she did with chris news and dr disgusting?
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