porn censorship R18s

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porn censorship R18s

Post by JULIA »

Has the bbfc now got it right with R18s or should the laws continue to be relaxed?
Would be interested to hear what other people think.

I think countries like the Netherlands are too lax and shouldn't allow rape videos or bestiality (as animals can't properly consent). But why doesn't the UK allow anything that isn't in breach of criminal law (bestiality is illegal in the UK anyway) which is pretty much what countries like France and Germany do. I don't see why fetish activities(providing it is fully consensual NOT LIKE MAX HARDCORE) such as fisting, watersports as well as S&M are at present banned by the bbfc when all these activities are legal in the UK. My only disagreement with the laws of say Germany,apart from allowing MAX HARDCORE videos is that I think that scat should probably not be allowed even if it is legal because even if it is scat fetishists' choice to indulge in these activities there are obviously considerable hygiene and health risks at stake for the participants (not to mention the psychological health of the participants to want to indulge in shit play in the first place). As a result it could be looked upon as exploitation of the mentally ill and endorsing an activity that is potentially dangerous.

What do people think?

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Re: porn censorship R18s

Post by DavidS »

Totally agree with you.
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Re: porn censorship R18s

Post by Pianaman »

Me too - fisting, watersports and S&M should def be allowed - the law is discriminating here.
Officer Dibble
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Re: porn censorship R18s

Post by Officer Dibble »

"But why doesn't the UK allow anything that isn't in breach of criminal law"

It's politics - the majority politicians don't give the slightest dam about porn either way. They're far to busy spouting platitudes and striving to maintain their party positions and privileged jobs. They certainly don't want to suffer the embarrassment of sticking their head above the parapet and defending porn against the small, but vocal, band of lunatics from both the left and the right of politics. Neither do they wish to brave a rabble rousing and lynching headline in the Daily Mail.

?because even if it is scat fetishists' choice to indulge in these activities there are obviously considerable hygiene and health risks at stake for the participants?

But isn?t that their business?

?As a result it could be looked upon as exploitation of the mentally ill and endorsing an activity that is potentially dangerous.?

Are you suggesting scatologists are nutters?

Officer Dibble
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Re: porn censorship R18s

Post by cpfc4life2004 »

True if it's legal then it should be allowed to be seen uncesored for whoever wants too see it...................
I mean just coz S n M aint exactly my thing doesn't mean that it should be banned in this country........................

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Re: porn censorship R18s

Post by Mikey »

Okay, you're a blatant troll, but might as well have a bash ...

"... or bestiality (as animals can't properly consent)"

Animals are not people, and are incapable of communicating as such. You betray your own disrespect for humans by assuming animals are capable of human emotions. They're not - deal with it. I don't like bestiality, but I'm damned if I'm going to try and argue against it because the poor widdle animals are being traumatised. They're walking/crawling/clucking food, end of story.

"(providing it is fully consensual NOT LIKE MAX HARDCORE)"

Hmmm ... While Mr. Hardcore may push the taste envelope at times, everything's consensual (unless, of course, you have evidence to the contrary). The fact that it may not appear to be consensual on video is because they're *acting*. Obviously, people are too stupid to appreciate that so they need to be "protected". And so, the whining bleat of the censorious continues ...

"I think that scat should probably not be allowed"

Well, gosh, thanks for sharing.

"As a result it could be looked upon as exploitation of the mentally ill and endorsing an activity that is potentially dangerous"

LOL - I don't like something, so anyone that does like it must be mentally ill and be protected from themselves. You don't work in Health & Safety do you? You'd make a great Blairite ...

I don't like scat videos, but I'm not about to promote their banning. Horses (back to bestiality again) for courses. And, again, it's all consensual.

Why should one adult tell another adult what s/he can/can't watch, read, listen to, write, think, etc.? You have your limits, I have mine. Why are your limits more important than mine? No-one gets hurt, everyone gets paid ... the rest is moralistic posturing bullshit.

Cue the "protecting the children" argument, or the "pornography funds terrorism" argument. You can get any old bollocks legislation through parliament these days by quoting one of those ...

joe king
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Re: porn censorship R18s

Post by joe king »

go fuck yourself

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R18 DVD Shop
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Re: porn censorship R18s

Post by R18 DVD Shop »

What a load of complete and utter bollox - animals feel pain and fear amongst many other emotions which you automatically assume only humans can feel. The long and short of it is animals cannot give nor withdraw consent and therefore bestiality is wrong - period. If an animal was able to give its consent then I wouldnt have an issue with the act but as it stands they cant so its wrong and illegal.

If you follow your argument thru to its conclusion then in effect what you are saying is that pedophilia is ok - opinions like yours have no place on this board and serve only to drag the adult industry in this country further and further down and I can only hope the mods see this and remove your post before some journalist sees it and decides to run an article about the "typical porn watching punter in the UK"


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Re: porn censorship R18s

Post by Mikey »

Ummm ... okay, I seem to have hit a raw nerve there.

I didn't mean to suggest anything other that humans and animals are different, and that basing a decision on the assumption that animals shared the same emotional framework as humans was incorrect. I didn't mean to suggest anything else (although rereading my original post I can see that that meaning could be inferred). And the "paedophilia" argument I have to take exception at - that is not a logical extrapolation.

But, apologies if I offended anyone. I thought I was taking a troll on at their own game and as such was trying to be a little controversial. In retrospect I stepped over the line. I enjoy this board and enjoy contributing to it when I can, so apologies again.

joe king
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Re: porn censorship R18s

Post by joe king »

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