Can any body out there tell me if donna ever did hardcore in any of her films,i own a copy of paris tapes where there are some good lesbo scenes of her in action.But she never got it on with any of the men,i was wondering if she did in the follow up NO.2 and if so where i could get acopy,i would be willing to do a swap .
p.s does anyone know what donnas up to these days still working or as she retired,thanks fred.
donna ambrose
Re: donna ambrose
Try look in Films models hardcore.also check Donnas Yahoo club.P.S.britishtotty call her Collins.Cheers
Re: donna ambrose
She has sex in the 2nd one. The copy I saw was not very good quality and incomplete.
I think she is still working as a stripper on the london pub scene but I haven't seen her for a few months.
Re: donna ambrose
hey fred any chance of getting coppies of both those paris tapes cheers macky
Re: donna ambrose
fred I did have no1, but lost it, and want it again. I will trade with you. Contact me direct and we can talk.
Re: donna ambrose
Would definately be up to buy a copy of No.2.Anyone got one or know where to get one from let me know,or will do swops,have lots of Brits in Hardcore.Stacey Owen,Charmaine,Tracy Gibb,Shona McTavish,MelPenny,Louise Hodges,Minnie Champ,Nikki Kennedy,Dawn Seveda,Luna Winters,Claire,Titanic Toni,Vida Garman,etc etc.
Re: donna ambrose
thanks for all the info on donna,trig i will run you a copy of paris tapes,let me know how we swap e-mails etc,what movies have you to trade,let me know.fred
Re: donna ambrose
hi fred im afraid ive lost my vid collection due to house fire so i would have to buy the tapes from you if you dont mind.just to remind you id like both tapes,my email is,please let me know,thanks mack 3