hardcore on pay per view

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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hardcore on pay per view

Post by surreypornlover »

as im sure you are all sick of people asking when hardcore material will be allowed to be broadcast on sky/cable tv pay channels, i just thought i would put a post to see if anyone has any info of when we might be able to cheer and enjoy some better tv viewing :)
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Re: hardcore on pay per view

Post by Mikey »

HMG (in the guise of its "independent" regulator OFCOM) is asking for your opinion right now:

I could be cynical and suggest that the only reason our glorious leaders are asking is because they've already decided the answer and are just pretending to go through with a democratic consultation, but it's Friday night and I'm a few Stella in, so I'll pretend that the government actually gives a toss about our opinion for a brief few irrational moments.

Apparently one of the glossy weekly celebrity mags (think it was Zoo or something like that) stated this week that h/c was going to be allowed by October. Frankly, that's as believable and likely as Britney Spears turning up on my doorstep in a school uniform, lollipop in mouth, wanting me to "make her a woman". But, hey, it might happen.

I can dream, can't I?

london male
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Re: hardcore on pay per view

Post by london male »

take it you doubt we'll get H/C on PPV then mate. LOL LOL.
if so dont beat about the bush and say it straight .LOL LOL
Paul Tavener
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Re: hardcore on pay per view

Post by Paul Tavener »

Zoo claim we might see hardcore in October, but unfortunately they have there facts wrong. Ofcom's public consultation over broadcasting standards finishes in October. After that Ofcom will consider all of the responses until the end of January when we should hear something. This should be the final version of the code, but its possible that some of the arguments now in progress could delay matters for a couple of months.

Further news on developments in this issue can be found here:


contact [email]admin@ofwatch.org.uk[/email]
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Re: hardcore on pay per view

Post by Mikey »

No - h/c will be allowed on PPV eventually.

I just believe that given HMG's heartfelt belief (in the absence of any other beliefs) that it needs to micromanage, regulate and tax every single aspect of every possible human interaction, choice or lifestyle decision, that it won't allow h/c without exacting some price.

That price may be a long drawn out "public consultation", it may be a legal fight, it may be endless prevarication while attempting to appease the legions of arch-feminists, Dail Mail readers, Mediawatch cretins or anyone else that thinks the most important thing in their life is to dictate to others how they should lead theirs.

Just as h/c was grudgingly allowed in the late 90s after endless legal battles with swingeing restrictions on its availability (only through licenced sex-shops, which allowed local councils to set draconiam terms for licences. Or, in the case of my local council, to refuse them completely to promote their own agenda), so will h/c eventually be allowed on PPV. I'm sure with equally daft and pointless restrictions. Probably to "protect children from harm" - you can get away with just about any legislation by mouthing that vacuous phrase ...

But it won't be any time soon.

Anyway, just my tuppence worth.

Dickie Davies
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Hardcore on TVX etc _ two days left to reply

Post by Dickie Davies »

If you want to see hardcore on TVX etc, you have just two days to respond to the OFCOM consultation.

Here's the detail from Paul Tavener -

Just thought I would send out one last message concerning the Ofcom
consultation. There are now just 2 weeks left before the closing date. If
you would like to respond now is the time. If you don't want to spend a lot
of time on this a simple email to Sara Winter at
BroadcastingCode@ofcom.org.uk showing support for R18 content being allowed
on subscription television would be great.

If you do have the time for a slightly longer response full details can be
found at

The consultation is "Consultation on the proposed Ofcom Broadcastind Code" and the key section is here -

Paragraph 62 has the OFCOM recommendation -


62. The status quo will prevail regarding a prohibition on R18s, and R18 standard material and also on a 2200 start for 'adult' sex material plus the other protections currently in place regarding 'adult' sex material. It will only change if it can be established that there are sufficient safeguards (technical and otherwise) to protect persons under eighteen, and ensure that adults who do not wish to see such material are adequately protected from harm and offence".

Unless OFCOM get a lot of responses disagreeing with this and saying the safeguards are already in place, hardcore will be off the agenda for a further few years.

So if you want the situation to change, send in your e-mail by Tuesday at the latest. The more the merrier.

And thanks to Paul for keeping everyone informed about this process.
big red
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Re: Hardcore on TVX etc _ two days left to reply

Post by big red »

what effect do you think this will have on the shops throughout the country and the fees that they are already paying? as i'm sure it will effect thier sales and leave many being closed or swallowed by the top 2 or 3 large chains.
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O/T Ofcom consultation ends tomorrow

Post by woodgnome »

thanx for the reminder - just sent my plea for commonsense to them.

i was bit disturbed to see this response:

surely our wend hasn't gone all god-botherish on us? ;-)

other responses here:
Paul Tavener
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Re: hardcore on pay per view

Post by Paul Tavener »

If anyone does still want to respond to Ofcom you have until 5pm tomorrow and then its time at the bar.

I see that Ofcom have just put the BBC response up check http://www.ofcomwatch.co.uk for a summary. Looks like Aunty Beeb have done a hatchet job on the new code recommending just about every rule and principle that Ofcom have proposed is changed, reworded or deleted. Auntie?s response is surprisingly liberal although unfortunately they make little comment on R18. I think Ofcom will have to rewrite large parts of it, my only concern is will they be able to get it all sorted for January?

Going back to the original question, expect the go / no go decision to be made public at the end of January 05 and the new code to come into force by March 05.

More details can be found here: http://www.ofwatch.org.uk

contact [email]admin@ofwatch.org.uk[/email]
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Re: Hardcore on TVX etc _ two days left to reply

Post by Cjm »

Have emailed Sara Winter showing my support for R18 material on subscription Satellite television. Personally I don't think it will happen. But I've made an effort to let her know that I think they should move with the times and show material that we can legally buy on tv.

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