Ref Models That Dont Show For Shoots

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Jennifer Martin
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Ref Models That Dont Show For Shoots

Post by Jennifer Martin »

I have been talking to the owners of a web site called No Shows, which is basically a web site where photographers can list girls that dont show up for shoots, all you have to do is register which is free and then type in the girls modelling name and if she is listed then it will tell you a little about her attitude to work if she turned up for the shoot or her reasons or lack of them for not showing up for a shoot.

Thought it might be useful to you guys okay not all models are listed but the more people that use it the more girls get listed.

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Re: Ref Models That Dont Show For Shoots

Post by steveuk »

Looks like a legal minefield?
JFT Media
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Re: Ref Models That Dont Show For Shoots

Post by JFT Media »

Going to have a look at that, now this will be fun

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JFT Media
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Re: Ref Models That Dont Show For Shoots

Post by JFT Media »

Do the models know there real name are being given out on the site, not good.

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Re: Ref Models That Dont Show For Shoots

Post by sandie »

haha. im pissing myself with this one.

since jennifer posted on here - im sure she had all good intentions - several people have just put posts up on the site to say how "great" certain girls are.

derrrrrr. i think the point is in the domain.
NO SHOWS - not how fantastic the current model ur trying to promote is!

anyway gotta dash. got a puddel on the floor to mop up now.
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Re: Ref Models That Dont Show For Shoots

Post by Wendy »

I, and for that matter, a number of other girls who regularly contribute to this forum have never failed to turn up for a booked shoot. Since it seems a little unfair to single out unreliable models without highlighting equally guilty people can a I suggest someone starts up similar sites for-

1. Agents who send you 200 miles for a shoot in the wrong week!
2. So called professional photographers whose only equipment consists of a ?150 digital camera.
3. Producers/Directors who ask you to arrive on set at 10 but who are so badly organised that the shoot doesn't start 'till 5
4. Agents who take commission for a booking but don't give a monkey's what happens to you on the shoot and whether you're safe or not.
5. Photographers who pay in counterfeit ?50 notes.
6. Guys who beg you to let them try out as a porn stud but then either chicken out at the last moment or can't 'rise' to the occasion.
7. Photographers/Directors/Producers who think that because you're on their shoot they have the right to shag you and get upset when you say no.
8. People who lie about who they've worked with to try and get more work.

Need I go on? Got the point?


(PS all of the above has either happened to me or girls I know)
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Re: Ref Models That Dont Show For Shoots

Post by rrankin »

Sounds like the whole thing is open for abuse, especially for malicious postings.

... also somebody got the chance to get jiggy with Wendy and couldn't? Blimey, I know how gutted I would be to miss out on that opportunity!
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Re: Ref Models That Dont Show For Shoots

Post by Riley »

Wendy you have some very valid points there and on most occasions the finger always points to the models. In the years I have been shooting the amount of no shows can be counted on one hand and then most of those contacted us with valid reasons why they couldn't make it even if they had the balls to say sorry but overslept they got a second offer.

I wonder how some of the not so proffesional "photographers" where exposed by the models would feel if their details went up on a web site. Sorry don't agree with that sort of exposure just my opinion.

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Re: Ref Models That Dont Show For Shoots

Post by fayerampton »

i agree wendy !!!!!!! ive just had my job on thursday cancel on me today ! apparently the photographer has a family problem ! oh well !
i get cancelled on more than i actually cancel myself !
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Re: Ref Models That Dont Show For Shoots

Post by davewells »

Bang on Wendy (if you see what I mean).
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