Neer have relationships with the staff

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Re: Neer have relationships with the staff

Post by Mikey »

Quite true - t'would have been better if you'd added the apostrophe: i.e. ne'er.

But as you didn't, then you deserve all the good-natured abuse you'll get ...

So - who did you have carnal pleasure with, and what complications does that make for your life? Apart from the obvious "rotting in the pit of hell" stuff, clearly ...

Your friendly relationship consellor,

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Re: Neer have relationships with the staff

Post by cillaodain »

I hope you don't mind an outsider commenting.

There seem to be two people hurting. It would have been better if it had never come on to this forum, but you brought it here. Say a public "sorry" to the lady, and try to get on with your life.

I hope you both get over it.
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Neer have relationships with the staff

Post by Mikey »

Well, gosh, an honest answer. There's something I hadn't been expecting.

I could patronise, and say some platitude that means nothing. But I won't do that.

You're an idiot for breaching your professional code of conduct, but that's been and gone ...

Relationships die for many reasons. You've hit your reasons, whatever they may be. From your many posts on this forum I suspect you've seen similar things with others - now it's your turn. I suspect this isn't the first time for you, but that's irrelevant.

All I can say is this - you're upset, but you'll recover. Bad things happen.

In the meantime, all I can suggest is a large amount of alcohol and some maudlin music on the CD (I'd suggest Scott Walker & The Walker Brothers - "Love Her" is the most brutal song ever written).

And it may *really* hurt to think so, but she has her reasons too why the realtionship ended. You might have been a complete arse for all I know, or she might have been. Or you both might have been. But there are two sides to every story ... you're too close to see that right now, but you will.

I did - eventually.

But it hurts, and in the meantime I'm sorry for both your losses.

Your friendly neighbourhood grief counsellor,

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Re: Neer have relationships with the staff

Post by Illinoisblue »

Quick, someone buy up the film rights, I'm crying bucketloads here.

Posts: 48
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Neer have relationships with the staff

Post by Mikey »

Thing is mate ... when it comes to this sort of stuff, we're all arses really. As blokes, we tend to get all excited when a girl actually gives us attention and acts like we're the centre of her world. It's a fiction, of course, but one we go along with. And when that fiction ends, it can go one of two ways - acceptance or denial. And I know which way madness lies ...

But ... enough. Public flogging is only a good thing if one is the Messiah, and your posts on this forum Tomsk suggest to me that you're not Jesus returned to Earth :-) I'd suggest that this discussion moves to email or is abandoned as it probably doesn't help anyone (either yourself or the good lady concerned) to bare your heart so publicly.

Your public relations officer,

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