Performers who don't show for HIV test's

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Re:Why the fuck r Indigo reporting to JFT?

Post by rrankin »

Given the nature of what the issue is, it would only be prudent for an explicit (written) opt-in consent for information to be shared for Data Protection issues.

On Kitten's comment about insurance forms - I wouldn't recommend deliberate errors or omissions, as you may find just when you need the insurance policy to pay out that they find out and won't.
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Re:Why the fuck r Indigo reporting to JFT?

Post by Number1 »

..."All people concerned understand that the information will be made available to industry members only. Therefore it is not a viloation of the Data Protection Act if all parties have consulted to having the information released."

But do they have an option of choosing not to consent? Of course they don't. And if their income depends on being signed up to this, of course they'll ignore all the other implications of signing away their rights to privacy of information, just as they've ignored health risks for money in the past.

And who decides who "industry members" are? Potentially anyone could be an industry member, or are we talking about just certain industry members, chosen by the people who are running this?

I have no problem with the theory behind BAIHA, but cannot help seeing ulterior motives. And I know I'm not the only one.

The lack of any independent watchdog overseeing this rings alarm bells, and any lack of faith in an industry insider to run something like this impartially and without financial gain (?) or advantage of any sort (?!) can only destabilise the whole issue.

...from the Nation's Number 1
claire brown aka betty swollocks
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Re: Performers who don't show for HIV test's

Post by claire brown aka betty swollocks »

totaly unrelated, can you get in touch with me as i had my phone stolen and need to up-date you on a few things so dont have your number. cheers hun

Claire Brown
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Date Protection Act?

Post by laralatex »

It has nothing to do with the Data Protection Act, it's to do with medical confidentiality which the British Medical association would take a very dim view of if that has been breached. But as Jason said he wasn't given the names of the people who didn't turn up. As the Indigo clinic is there specifically for adult performers then at least people could do them the courtesy of ringing if they can't make their appointment.

HOWEVER, does your normal doctor go ringing your local councellor complaining that '10' people didn't turn up to the surgery last week?
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JFT Media
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FAO Kitten

Post by JFT Media »


Where have I said that Indigo is swapping information with me, they did not tell me the names of the people that did not show just that a number had not and had not called in to cancel.

Also I am know longer an agent in the industry, but was when BAIHA was set up and BAIHA is made up by a cross section of the industry, plus I have the contacts to both with performers and producers & photographers to as many as possible know what has been discussed and asked for by the performers in the UK industry.

But would like to know what you do in the industry if anything as you seem to want to put down the idea of a safer industry by telling performers not to go to Indigo and trying to scare people by saying we will publish details on this site.

If you were in the industry and been to the BAIHA meetings you would have known how it will work.

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kitten kong
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Re:Why the fuck r Indigo reporting to JFT?

Post by kitten kong »

I don't think that this is a question of possible infringement of the Data Protection Act, but more the basic medical ethic of patient/doctor confidentiallity.

Remember that BAHIA are not an elected body, merely a bunch of people who, as a knee jerk reaction to sodding Yanks who cant keep their dicks out of Brazilian Lady-Boys arses, decide to elect themsleves as the standard bearers of sexual health of UK performers.

Personally I think BAHIA exists solely to drive out of the business, new budding performers, who cant afford the time or the money for monthly testing, (Which I DO agree with, although 6 weeks would be better, as you have to wait a week for the results) and keep all the work for,who they consider to be, the main stars.

Why do BAHIA need a database of performers with tests, when it is quite easy to check the results yourself before working with them, by simply reading their certificate.

Its quite simple, if I see a doctor for ANYTHING at all, I want to know for a fact that they are not either now or in the future going to divulge anything about my consultation to a third party.

Is this too much to ask? Anyway if I hear that any info at all is being conveyed by Indigo to BAHIA Ill be on the phone to the BMA and see what they have to say.
kitten kong
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Re: FAO Kitten

Post by kitten kong »

Ooh sorry I spoke! I wasnt scare mongering, I was suggesting performers take their business elsewhere.What I do in this business is not your concern, but evidently you think it is Presumably as boss of BAHIA you demand to what I do, so you can chastise me or ostricise me for having an opinion that differs from yours!!
This is exactly what I was saying before, self serving and self elected bodies, like BAHIA, I believe, are ulimately dangerous, to the industry they pretend to serve, as they are inherently corrupt and are ultimately only interested in furthering the personal interests of their inner core. Bit like the Masons.
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Re:Why the fuck r Indigo reporting to JFT?

Post by MisterC »

Very good and interesting point. Any doctor registered with the BMC has no legal right to disclose information to a third party. The only way this ever happens is under court order or with written and informed consent. Similar priciples apply to nurses who now take blood samples in many instances. If that wasn't enough the Data Protection Act offers similar protection against organisations that don't join regulated professional bodies. So basically in a nutshell no consent, no disclosure.
JFT Media
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Re: FAO Kitten

Post by JFT Media »

Oh what a load of crap, I am part of BAIHA with many other's but I am the one who posted the info from Indigo so it's have a pop at JFT time.

The reason I asked what you did in the industry was there are to many people who have nothing to do with the industry and try and stir up trouble, we just don'y need them. If you are in the industry I would have thought you would want someone on your side to help improve the health tests in the industry unless there is something to hide.

I get nothing out of BAIHA or do the others who put their time and effort in for free. It has cost us all money as we take no money and people have put money in to cover meeting costs, and then we have had Jim who kindly supply us with an office to meet in the past, so what you think we get out of this I don't know.

We have set up what performers asked for, so why should they go else where??

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Phil mCc
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Re: Performers who don't show for HIV test's

Post by Phil mCc »

Jason don't take the bait mate there are always idiots, thank God the silent majority are behind it and yes I am in the Masons. One point I always find helps if people ask rather than state. Our first meeting was planned before the USA affair. And mainly to tackle the STD's.
Lastly where the fick is this underground movement of budding guys then cause Marino an me watched about a hundred fail in a competition, the even locked themself in toilets with fear,,,,,,,Its the same old story,,,,,the sky's falling, the sky's falling....Prize for the cartoon carricter who said that.
And to be blunt if you can't make an appointment ring them they are genuine people trying to help, they don't get paid to attend our meetings. So have a bit of respect.
As a matter of fact I have been choosen to test drive a new range of condom's which are excellent so girls if you want to take pillion on one buzzzzzzz me. travel expensise and free wine as long as your not Faye who gets drunk strips off and rolls around on my carpet.

Brother Phil McC

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