BAIHA Update

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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BAIHA Update

Post by Mike@MSS »

Hi Guys

I want to pick up on a number of points raised in a previous thread and to give a brief synopsis of the meeting that took place on Thursday.

Firstly the event was attended by approx 35 people we were hoping for considerably more but work and still general apathy set in, if two people can fly in from Spain for the meeting then most in the UK could have made the effort, the lack of communication cannot be laid at Jason's door I know he contacted everyone on his database and told them of the event ,and details of the venue when they responded, quite obviously not everyone in the industry is on his database we asked the other agents in the UK to inform all their talent and producers of the event I have no idea if they did all I would say is that the only people to turn up were invited from Jason or word of mouth I will leave you to draw your own conclusions .

If you work in the industry and wish to be registered for all future meetings and to be put on the BAIHA mailing list please email Jason at and he will make sure you are.

Secondly we had in attendance a number of people from the medical profession including a doctor I would like to thank those people for giving up their time and attending we were all very grateful for your contribution.

The outcome of the meeting is as follows and let me just emphasise that the industry is self regulatory we have no powers we can only recommend and make people aware.

The talent that was there made it clear that they would only work with people that have 30 day HIV(PCR DNA) and Full STD tests ,we have set in motion a number of options as to how these tests can be obtained all details will be on the BAIHA website within the next few days.

At present the talent also made it clear that until everyone has these, they would work condom only ,once again let me re-itterate everyone has a choice if when turning up on set they do not feel comfortable then they should walk away, only then will producers/models/agents realise that this standard should be adhered to, even if it is self regulatory.In the short term it may cause inconvenience to most, in the long term it will reduce the risks,hopefully make the industry more professional and i would think (hope!)attract more people in to our industry as it is seen to be a safer and more professional enviroment to work in.

It was also agreed that anyone coming from abroad MUST have a full test carried out in the UK and the tests clear before they start work this includes all foreign workers and any UK talent that has been working abroad.We only need to look at what some Amercans are trying to do to realise that this has to be mandatory. Please inform anyone at BAIHA if they are aware of anyone working in the UK, or trying to at present that fits this category .THEY MUST BE TESTED IN THE UK BEFORE THEY WORK. I also feel it is the responsibility of the agents to make sure that this happens.

It was also agreed that all girl/girl models must have full tests every thirty days effective from 1st July.

More details of this meeting will be forwarded to everyone in the industry in the next few days,in the meantime i hope that this goes some way to letting you know what was said and discussed.


Dan Dares
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Re: BAIHA Update

Post by Dan Dares »

It is really great news and lets hope that first of all the tests will be available in various places throughout the UK and not just in London. Also, let us hope that the agencies here are far more scrupulous than in the States and actually inform new talent of this standard and insist on it.

As for JFT's database...well what can I say, Denise Davies did some web cam work for them a few years back and it seems she obviously isn't on their database as she didn't get an invite. Can't be very comprehensive so let's all write to Jason and hope he replies and puts aside some of the petty past differences to move the industry out of the stone age.

Dan (He Who Dares!)
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Re: BAIHA Update

Post by sandie »

will u all just shut up about the invites - seems pretty trivial in the picture at present.

me mike and jason all have emails (which are displayed on this forum) and alot of u know our personal mobile no.s so why not contact us to find out where, when etc etc.

not one of u did that with me.
Dan Dares
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Re: BAIHA Update

Post by Dan Dares »

Well for one I wasn't even aware you were a key player in BAIHA Sandie and whose Mike? I would think its unrealistic to believe all UK talent reads this forum, knows about BAIHA or the meeting. It just seems to have the risk of either someone is in the top elite clique and involved or risks not being aware of it at all except by chance.

Certainly if your not liked by JFT or working as regularly as some of the top people it can all pass you by and then all the tests in the world would be useless!

Dan (He Who Dares!)
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Re: BAIHA Update

Post by sandie »

which is why its important in the words of the jahova witness' to ..."spread the word"

go forth all the talent of the UK isles and ye forumites and spread the word of BAIHA.

ok when the BAIHA site is up soon it will be easier but until then talk. talk like uve never talked or gossiped before.

it really does worry me that when i get an ingrowing toe nail all of the world knows but try n get people to pass on important information and topics and they become zippy off rainbow.

if it isnt already clear who to talk and confer with, me - email above and sites below.
jason at jft -
mike from MSS -
and im sure there are afew other people who are passionate about all this (who i havent confirmed with first so shall not mention names) one being a scotish guy who used to have a truck and the other being a girl whos last name is an island in greece wouldnt mind helping peole out and at least pointing them in the right direction.
Dan Dares
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Re: BAIHA Update

Post by Dan Dares »

I would agree and suggest that perhaps the BAIHA website should be up and running before the next meeting is held so theinfo can be on there to stop it being as ill fated as the first?

Dan (He Who Dares!)
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Re: BAIHA Update

Post by golostruda »

I don't think people are that interested, mate. When 9/11 happened a load of morons refused to travel by tube for a few months, then it calmed down and everything went back to normal. Same will happen with porn. You want to set up some voluntary whatever, good luck to you, but I think it's like gym membership. Everyone joins one in January - to work off the Xmas pud - and loses interest in Feb. Ditto whatever you are trying to do. The US porn HIV outbreak will be contained in a month or so and no-one will care any more. Sure, do what you want to do but don't start spouting "people came from Bristol, why couldn't more people come from London" type shit 'cause you just look like a pompous pillock and lose whatever high ground you are trying to hold.
Snake Diamond
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Re: BAIHA Update

Post by Snake Diamond »

I have read with internest, all the posts regarding the BAIHA, & I am very interested in this, but what is the URL for BAIHA ???

I don't care if the site is up & running yet or not, I want to add it to my List!

Snake Diamond,
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Re: BAIHA Update

Post by photographer »

personally I am not inclined to send mails to jftmedia as that site looks like a porn portal and i dont want to have my mailbox filled with spam thank you.

why is there no info about baiha on that site? I see loads of latest news posts about who is releasing what dvd and how to find swingers, but nothing about this subject

golostruda has a point, in 3 months it will all be forgotten - look at the last time it happened 6 or 7 years ago, everyone started using condoms then dropped it all within a couple of months. you don't remember it? Bingo!

Private are no longer taking ANY productions from the US.
They have also sent out new model release forms with part of the text changed to read:

.....Performer is at least eighteen (18) years of age. Performer has submitted in the last 5 days, or agrees to submit, to an HIV test as a condition to Performers engagement and to provide to producer the results thereof, proir to the start date.....

the 5 days is singnificant as previously it was 10 days.
They were orginally playing with the idea of "the day before a shoot" but I advised them that is practically impossible to do so it was changed.
Dan Dares
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Re: BAIHA Update

Post by Dan Dares »

On this basis it will be interesting to see if Private now insist on a PCR/DNA test within the last 5 ?250 a shot per performer they will have to stump up a fair amount of cash per shoot to make it worth the time and effort and allow everyone to make money. Either that or do at least 2 or 3 shoots over a 3 day period and pay the guys the same as the girls!

Dan (He Who Dares!)
<> (My Photography Portfolio Site)
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