British Bukkake

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

British Bukkake

Post by TonyBoy »

Now there's a good title for a film series, in the good ol' US porno mould.

Bukkake, for the uninitiated, is a fetish of Japanese origin where girls are, basically, covered in cum. Like, absolutely drenched. The word "Bukkake" is Japanese for "layering it on" or something equally prosaic.

Anyway the West has cottoned on, chiefly with the "American Bukkake" video series, running from No's 1-11. No.1 stars pretty much the sexiest american porno girl of all time, Mikayla Shore. check out the series:

All the above is just by the by, a sign of the public-spirited guy I am. Now I request some info in return. Is anyone aware of any British bukkake stuff which has been produced? I just dream of seeing the likes of Margerson et al being drenched in this fashon. Anyone help?


Re: British Bukkake

Post by trigg »

I'd like to add something to this thread if someone can get a willing couple of girls!!!!

Re: British Bukkake

Post by simond »

Claire Margarson in cumbath video ?
you produce it , i'll buy it !
joe king

Re: British Bukkake

Post by joe king »

well memory be damned. 'Betrayed' has only single girl/boy . One scene does have a woman spreading the white stuff (there are a lot of women in wigs in this video)
I thought of a title: 'British Cream Tarts' or 'Banged British Babes' or 'The white stuff is the right stuff' or 'Covered in love juice' or 'Bathed in bollock sauce' or 'Spunk covered gals'
or (a bit more abstract) ' '.

Re: British Bukkake

Post by TonyBoy »

I quite like the simplicity of "spunk covered gals" actually.

I'm semi-serious - this kinda thing isn't really catered for in Brit porno and you know what they say - if you want something doing properly etc. Can't be difficult, I'll look into it.


PS Ta for the Millington info I'll check it out. I take it it ain't Millington herself who gets the zinc coating?

Re: British Bukkake

Post by Maxwell »

Girl called Sara Nova (known in the US as Allison Kilgore) is in the UK trying to arrange such a fuckfest. Havent got a link but she's got a Yahoo club - got to (make sure your signed up-it's free) and search sara nova there's no pics yet but it'll soon take off

also in yahoo, run a search for semen hell - this is Sara Novas board for organising a BB event (or so it appears).

I'm as in the dark as anyone, but it seems like progress

Re: British Bukkake

Post by TonyBoy »

Arf....I would consider producing a video - they can't be expensive. You'd need a warehouse, some willing male volunteers, and a camera, then some girls...the American Bukkake series uses little-known starlets, usually, but it might be worth blowing a wad (ahem) on some serious Britcore stars - if they were willing. claire Margerson and Laura Singer in a Bukkake cumbath? Yum.

Re: British Bukkake

Post by James »

This topic appeals to me also but having read reviews ( of many of the American Bukake films they seem to miss the point...many of the blokes either miss the girl completely or just catch her chin. The Japanese however have the right idea - at the end the girl's face is absolutely covered all over with cum. If anyone does make a British version don't get it wrong like the Yanks! My personal feeling is that the film would also benefit from a hot group sex scene as a prelude to the cum bath - 75% of the American Bukake films are of guys wanking - not something which floats my boat!

So, in short: Sex scene with 3 guys & girl followed by 50 guys cumming on girls face - luverly jubbly!

Good luck to anyone who takes on the task!
Oh, and put me down for a copy!

Re: British Bukkake

Post by TonyBoy »

Allison Kilgore's in American Bukkake 3 (which is probably the least impressive of the series - most of the guys miss her). She's a nice looking girl and obviously game...

Re: British Bukkake

Post by TonyBoy »

As ever, it will fall to the British to get things right. The Japanese films are too dark in tone, and the girls usually keep their clothes on (gah). The girls do get properly coated though. Meanwhile the American films could definitely benefit from more accurate sharpshooting, and some sex to break up the relentless onanism...

So British Bukkake it must be, but in the meantime American Bukkake #8 is the best of the bunch - fit redhead Dynamite gets a proper, Nipponese-style drenching:

and uber-whore Gia Regency pilots the "cum bong", for details of which see here...