Why is is so hard to contact porn stars

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Re: Why is is so hard to contact porn stars

Post by jj »

Phil mCc wrote:

> I have been reading this thread and It seams obvious, most of
> the girls don't want aproached by amatuers, professionals can
> find their numbers easily.
err.......don't most 'professionals' start out as 'amateurs'?
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Phil mCc
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Re: Why is is so hard to contact porn stars

Post by Phil mCc »

I presume they do, I never, but whats that got to do with an amateur approaching a model. Surely as an amateur you would be prepaired to go through the correct steps to contact a model. Thats what her agent is for. As a professional its easy ring another professional or in most cases as a professional the models contact us, our web-sites and mail addresses and even phone numbers are easy to get.
I prefer the idea that a model starting out contacts professionals, agents or photographers who have web-sites already on-line and who have been around for a while. If any girls tell me they have a photographer who has no web-site a hotmail or similar and can't get another professional to vouch for them well I would avoid them or take further steps to find out who they are,
I can tell you mild stories of girls traveling to train stations for a guy who does not even show or ones where a girl was booked for a bondage shoot by an amateur who tied her up then scared her witless,,,
I say to girls give a professional your number only or be very careful,

Phil McC

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Re: Why is is so hard to contact porn stars

Post by jj »

Phil mCc wrote:
> I presume they do, I never,
You didn't? So you were born a pro?

>Surely as an amateur you would be prepaired to go through the correct
>steps to contact a model.
I should hope so: otherwise, as you say, suspect funny-business....or take a big beefy 'friend' along.

> Thats what her agent is for. As a professional its easy ring
> another professional or in most cases as a professional the
> models contact us, our web-sites and mail addresses and even
> phone numbers are easy to get.
But this thread, as I understand it, is about that very problem: the difficulty in crossing-over from Am to Pro- it sounds a bit of a closed shop to me. I'm sure you're not frightened of a bit of competition.......
"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
Phil mCc
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Re: Why is is so hard to contact porn stars

Post by Phil mCc »

I never, my first photo shoot of a girl went to men only, I bought video equimpent as a professional, I trained to GATP standards as a photographer with Plessey & Marconni,
When you start work as a plumber you are a trainee not an amateur, when you charge for your services you are a professional,,,this whole pro-am title is bullshit. I know some briliant amateur photographers in fact better than professionals but this is not about professional or amateur its about common sense. What's Jorden's phone number and why does she not out it on her web-site.
If I was affraid of anything it would be big news ask around, i help anyone who ask's. Like I tell everyone if you want to make a million in the porn game bring 2 million with you,

Phil McC

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Re: Why is is so hard to contact porn stars

Post by Peter »

"You didn't? So you were born a pro?"

Its possible for someone who did things the "proper" way to be a pro from the beginning, ie get a proper college course and qualification, get a job assisting an established pro, and move on to setting up your own operation.

"But this thread, as I understand it, is about that very problem: the difficulty in crossing-over from Am to Pro- it sounds a bit of a closed shop to me. I'm sure you're not frightened of a bit of competition......."

The internet has spawned legions of people who've done nothing more than buy a camera, calling themselves professional, and demanding fast track promotion to the top. As a result, models are justifiably cautious about working for "pros" with no track record or published work to back them up. Anybody who finds themselves in this position should be willing to jump through the hoops put in their way to establish their credibility. Far too many people think they can just say "I'm a pro, give me Jo Guests phone number"

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Re: Why is is so hard to contact porn stars

Post by jj »

I don't think Jim was suggesting that he'd been to 'film school'- and it takes more than a HNC in Porn-Making to make one a pro, I suspect..........
And while I take your point as axiomatic about 'Charlie and his Digicam', Videokim apparently has several years' worth of 'track-record' as an amateur. Which probably totals a lot more experience than some of the soi-disant 'pros' out there (present company excepted, of course).

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Re: Why is is so hard to contact porn stars

Post by rgb »

I run a small pay website which I am trying to build up with more content - so the level I'm working at is amateur really with professional pretensions.

I've found that most models don't care who they take money from as long as they are safe and are treated with respect. Even "porn stars" have quiet times when they are keen to find work and they advertise on sites like Modelheaven. As an unknown amateur I try to make friends with a few models and ask them to act as a character/safety reference when I approach a new model. Obviously "stars" who are currently in the limelight are going to be expensive and hard to book, but there are a lot of other girls out there looking for work who are far from being prima donnas.

If the agencies can't be bothered with you as an amateur, have a look on the internet modelling sites
Phil mCc
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Re: Why is is so hard to contact porn stars

Post by Phil mCc »

Jim even ran a film/video school, Jim has a recodnised qualification in teaching media. Jim even held an RSL granted by the ITC. Sometimes things are not quite what they seem, And to dissalusion you even further Fuck Truck was shot on Beta-sp or Broadcast DV not a palm-corder even tho you see one in the video,
This not to meen its the only way but there is both sides and they both can be succesful. The term pro comes from being payed for your work so if you charge your a pro, They grey area is when you are a taxi driver who sells a few sets every year, then if your few sets could sustain your lifstyle without the taxi you are a pro. Personally I think videokim is an group of friends who are having a great time playing and making a few quid from their video sales, they have sold a few to Your Choice I believe but they are still at amateur status because they choose to be, dropping all your full time work to go pro is a big jump,

Phil McC

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Re: Why is is so hard to contact porn stars

Post by jj »

Thanks for the correction- and apologies for my ignorance. Although I did once compliment you on the pic-quality of the FT's....
To return to the issue at hand: I suppose the question is whether VK is prepared to go the whole hog or not- but if I were in their shoes, and had had their reported diffculties recruiting 'staff', I'd certainly think twice.
"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
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