Password sellers

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Re: Password sellers

Post by Raven »

Hi Dean,

Thats happened to Strand 3 times in the last week.

1 guy from France
1 from the UK
and 1 from Denmark.

We keep a regular check on the search engines and we also watch the stats page which we added to the members entrance page....passwords sold show up there on a regular basis...its almost becoming a full time job.


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Re: Password sellers

Post by mart »

In my spam recently there was a site claiming to sell software that gave free access to over 25,000 adult sites. I won't post the URL in case there are some unscruplous forumites reading


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Re: Password sellers hows that then?

Post by crofty »

doesnt the original member still get billed?
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Re: Password sellers hows that then?

Post by Raven »

Yes he gets billed but you have to cancel the password to stop every Tom Dick or Harry getting into your sites. Once the password is cancelled the billing stops....we tried changing the users password but when they figure out whats going on they cancel their billing or make a charge back.


Phil mCc
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Re: Password sellers

Post by Phil mCc »

CC Bill did not help as recently they took the old 2 passwords the same at any one time both get kicked off tool,,,I have had the same problem yesterday and took me a day to solve it. but it is solved. Now I can get back to my world domination plan and Bev's pictures (first).

Phil McC

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attn Phil Mc......

Post by todge »

Phil mCc wrote:

> ......................... Now I can get back to my world domination plan........
> Phil McC

Aside from the unsettling news of a scot taking over the world......
how come tottyshop is still using paypal ?
Mick Handy
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Re: Password sellers

Post by Mick Handy »

Hi Dean

You'll have many more years of password traders in front of you .... you can go to CCBill and ask that he never signs up to your site again and they will ban his credit card from being used again with any other CCBill billing sites .... i do this virtually on a daily basis ..... the bigger your site gets the more password traders will attack you .....

Get password protection software installed asap ..... i use very good script and does the job well ..... and he will install it on the server for you if you don't understand CGI ..... it cost about $70 + installation .... forget pennywize it's crap and why pay a monthly fee when you can buy a script outright.

If any webmasters out there are interested in helping set up a naming and shaming site drop me a line .... it's about time webmasters stood up and started fighting back against these assholes ....

Mick Handy
Mick Handy
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Post by Mick Handy »

Bev got the leather gloves yet for next weeks shoot .... ????

Mick Handy
Posts: 72
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Re: Password sellers - an alternative view

Post by s8ds8ck »

having read all the replies thus far to Dean & Bev's post, i haven't come across anyone with my point of view - u may not like it but this is a forum....

and b4 i start, let me make it clear that I have NEVER paid for or sold/traded a pass, and i have paid up for pay sites before now...

firstly, if a customer signs up (and pays) for one month, why cut him off after 15 days just cos he cancels? I understand you may have in your Ts & Cs that passes may not be traded/sold or otherwise transferred, but i would think this is an empty threat, to put off casual abuse. You have (after all) taken money in the first place, and the customer may decide that either they have got what they want off the site or it isn't worth their while staying as members (not many sites are worth it....)

I wonder what concrete proof you have that the "customer" did sell their pass. Did you see money change hands? did you see the e-mail the customer sent to his "customer" with login details?

Why would anyone buy a second-hand pass anyway? I have never come across this b4, but i've come across plenty of "cracker" sites, where passes are given out for free - the crackers do it 4 fun (they like pi55ing people off). I won't give out names/sites but the same site names crop up again and again at these "pass dumps" - the passes are got by custom software trying thousands of user:pass combos at a given site. the lists are made up or randomly chosen from dictionaries etc. the crackers aren't stupid tho, and cover their tracks very well with proxies....

It is something all webmasters of pay sites have to live with - I don't see it on the same level as shoplifting, but same arena: you have something on offer that looks attractive and that people want. You want people to pay for it but it is human nature (imho) to try to get it 4 free (or at lower cost)...

feel free to shoot me down for speaking my mind - but the challenge is there for you to get to grips with what is happening and come up with alternative solutions....there is help out there....


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