Oops! I did it again.........

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Post by jj »

.......just as mine wasn't an attack on you.
I just feel gobsmacked at the apparent fragility of some of our peformers and producers' egos.
Have they considered therapy?
My rates are very reasonable..........
"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
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Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Post by jj »

Ben's stuff I regard as 'superior gonzo'.......I tried watching Seymore Butts, and while Klass/Taylor Hayes are great-looking gals, I thought he was taking the piss out of them with that awful, self-referential, shaky-camera 'style'..........like very bad home-movies. There's nothing wrong with trying to inject 'personality' into a flick, as long as it doesn't come to dominate the effort, at the expense of the girls. Some of Extreme's stuff (e..g. Brett Rockman, M.D.) is border-line film-school stuff- just plain weird. What's erotic about a girl covered in woad and dressed as the Statue of Liberty?
Some of Thomas' stuff is very banal and over-staged, I find: a distinctly production-line, formulaic approach. I suppose it's the difference between 'glamour' and erotica...........Private went that way a good while back, with a few directorial exceptions: almost makes me wish for Woodman's return. God, never thought I'd find myself saying that...................and let's all dump from a great height on the next flick that features 20 minutes of some guy doggying a girl- great for the guy, terrible for the punter. RC/CG/
spoon/even mish, but let the dog see the rabbit, eh? One minute of doggy per 20, by law, is about right.
Rant rave gibber rant.................
"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

All formulas go stale if used repeatably

Nothing like the unexpected

Lets face it doggy has been done to death but then so has every other position(the closeup) and you can usually pick the order it will come in without even watching it.You're right if you can't see the rabbit why bother watching

No I wouldn't wish for the return of Woodman the director,producer & performer.
Seeing him in Casting 2 looking like an Army Sergeant wasn't a good sight

The likes of Blake & Ninn have had their day
Just regurgitating old ideas with new faces
A recent flyer had their DVDs selling 6 for $AUS99-says to me they're not flying off the shelf anymore...vids I could understand

Private seem to be putting out far to much product IMHO that its all become a farcical production line.Which is probably why as someone alluded to in another thread German Amateur vids are out selling them in Germany

Less is definitely more

John Mason
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Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Post by John Mason »

It's got nothing to do with ego JJ. Look at it this way, why should an industry professional open themselves up for a possible attack from people they've never spoken to, never met and who don't know them apart from maybe seeing them in a movie or two. What's the point!
Me...I don't give a fuck, for the past 16 years I've managed to grow a thick skin, I take very little personally, and have a nasty habit of speaking my mind, that has over the years tended to ruffle a few feathers.
I've been accused of many things from being a shit photographer, a crap performer and a 'pedestrian' film maker, all of which in some peoples eyes is probably true, but I just keep on doing what I do and the pictures keep selling and so do the films and I'm making enough money to keep the tax man happy!
Ben Dover
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Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Post by Ben Dover »

And let's not forget JP did accuse people who buy my movies as 'Muppets'
Ben Dover
Phil mCc
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Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Post by Phil mCc »

Ben I am off to Zurick show on 28th, fancing joining me for a Double Throwout. I amazes me how these organiseres get away with it, They create a sex show they put semi-naked girls there, next step fuel it with the beer from their bar and then ask people to behave ????
As for the muppets bit who cares, most of the punters I know are reasonable blokes who like a bit porn at the weekend, I have to admit knowing a few trainspoters who can remmeber the colour of my socks in a scene in 1984 but it takes all types. We are all punters after all.
I suspect the reason Ben keeps to his shooting style is because HE likes it and if he was not shooting this stuff he would be buying it. Ben is fortunate that what he likes sells and as for the selling he works very hard as a team to market it.

Phil McC

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Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Post by JP »

"Jeez it must be hard being innovative in the adult movie industry, produce the same product over and over again and some muppet will buy it, another Merc in the garage, lovely jubbly, where's the camcorder."

Where in the above statement did I atate that all people who bought Ben Dover movies were muppets, I'm merely making the generalisation that many adult producers of which you are one off are happy to produce the same material over and over again.

What yourself and other producers are not happy about is when a consumer offers the viewpoint that what is being produced by yourself and others isn't what it used to be and that the format in my opinion is stale.

Then we get the likes of John Mason coming on to the forum attacking consumers for having such a viewpoint and inferring that we should all be eternally grateful at the hard work that is put in, that we have no right to complain at what is produced with the inference being that we should all just buy the product and shut up beacuse any such criticism will upset those terribly sensitive souls in the Industry and as a result many of them don't bother coming on to this forum for fear of being slagged off. Well all I can say to that argument is that the few people who do bother to post regularly on this forum from the industry receive in my view a good response and respect from the ordinary forum member, eg Layla Jade, Wendy, Faye Rampton etc.

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Truth is the less the porn you watch the more you enjoy it IMHO

Like anything really...the more you do it the less satisfying it becomes

Ben Dover
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Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Post by Ben Dover »

Much appeciated mate. Hope you're well.

Ben Dover
Ben Dover
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Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Post by Ben Dover »

Thank you for that John. All the best.
Ben Dover
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