< L'Age d'Or du X
Details |
Released: | 2000 |
Director: | various |
Notes: | Compilation of clips featuring Brigitte Lahaie. Correct title L'Âge d'Or du X. |
Actresses |
- Brigitte Lahaie in every scene and, 20 years on, links them with her comments in an interview presumably by Francis Mishkind as they are both thanked in the end credits
- Cathy Stewart clip from Les Petites ecolières, non-sex here
- Céline Gallone clip from Les Petites ecolières, uncredited here
- Elodie Delage clip from Les Petites ecolières, non-sex and uncredited here
- Emmanuelle Parèze clip from La Rabatteuse, miscredited as Barbara Stephen here, and for the wrong clip
- Jane Baker clip from Les Petites ecolières, uncredited here
- Karine Gambier clip from Parties chaudes, as Karin Gambier here
- Maude Carolle clip from Parties fines, uncredited here
- Mika Barthel clip from La Clinique des Phantasmes, as Mika here
- Ursula White clip from Fièvres nocturnes, uncredited here
Notes and Reviews |
A compilation, made in 2000, of clips featuring Brigitte Lahaie and linked by her comments. An unsuccessful attempt was made to give the source of each clip with accurate credits. For example, Claude Bernard-Aubert is mis-credited throughout as Burd TraMbaree rather than Tranbaree and two sets of credits were transposed.
- Parties fines, 1977, dir. Gérard Kikoïne, Maude Carolle (uncredited here), Alban Ceray, Jack Gatteau
- Parties chaudes, 1979, dir. Burd Trambaree, Karin Gambier, Richard Allan
- Je suis à prendre, 1978. dir. Francis Leroi
Jean-Pierre Armand
- Fièvres nocturnes (Nuits brûlantes), 1978, dir. Burd Trambaree, Ursula White (uncredited here), Jean-Louis Vattier
- La Clinique des Phantasmes, 1980, dir. Gérard Kikoïne, Alban Ceray (uncredited here), Richard Allan, Mika (Barthel)
- A clip from La Rabatteuse, 1977, dir. Burd Trambaree, but credited to Couple cherche esclave sexuel. The clip feautres Lahaie, Ghislain van Hove and Emmanuelle Parèze (mis-credited, and in the wrong place, as Barbara Stephen, an alias for Karin Gambier).
- A clip from Couple cherche esclave sexuel, 1978, dir. Patrick Aubin, but credited to La Rabateuse (sic) inaccurately as stated above. The clip features Lahaie, Hubert Géral and Alban Ceray.
- Auto-stoppeuses en chaleur, 1979, dir. Burd Trambaree
Guy Royer, Richard Allan
- Les Petites ecolières (Leçons privées), 1980, Frédéric Lansac, Cathy Stewart (non-sex here), Alban Ceray and, uncredited, Dominique Aveline (non-sex here), Elodie Delage (non-sex here), Céline Gallone, Jane Baker
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