from Der Ruf der blonden Göttin
Notes |
- French, magazines: Pleasure 11 (Aug 1976), ERO 14 (Oct 1976), Sexteen 3 n.2 (Feb 1978), Lady Porno 1 (Nov 1979)
Pseudonyms |
- Barbara Stephen
- Barbara Sellers
- Barbara Miller
- Brigette Lanning
- Carine Stephen
- Carine Gambier
- Corinne Gambier
- Karin Gambier
- Karin Stephen
- Karin
- Karine Stephen
- Karine
- Simone Sanson
Films |
- Aberraciones sexuales de una rubia caliente alternative title for Die Teuflischen Schwestern
(plays Millie)
- Adolescentes libertines alternative title for Prenez-moi, j'aime tout
(archive footage from Perversions très intimes)
- Adolescenza morbosa alternative title for Grimpe-moi vite
(plays Martine Frojac)
- Aerolineas sexuales alternative title for Les Hôtesses du sexe
(plays the second air hostess)
- L'Age d'Or du X 2000, Dir. various
(clip from Parties chaudes, as Karin Gambier here)
- L'Allumeuse alternative title for Mains douces et lèvres chaudes
(plays Juliette)
- L'Amante tuttofare c. 1980

- L'Amour c'est mon métier alternative title for L'Amour c'est son metier
(in loop Porno Roulette)
- L'Amour c'est son metier 1980s
(in loop Porno Roulette)
- Amour sale alternative title for La Rabatteuse
(as Barbara Stephen, plays Inge, the air stewardess)
- Anal teen-agers alternative title for Scrabble partouze

- Anna cuisses entrouvertes alternative title for Anna les cuisses entrouvertes
(uncredited, plays Gerda)
- Anna cuisses toujours entrouvertes alternative title for Anna les cuisses entrouvertes
(uncredited, plays Gerda)
- Anna les cuisses entrouvertes 1979, Dir. José Bénazéraf
(uncredited, plays Gerda)
- Ardente et infidèle Émilia alternative title for Chaude et perverse Émilia
(plays Émilia)
- L'Asta dell'amore alternative title for Sarabande porno
(plays Julie)
- Attention peinture alternative title for J'ai rien dessous
(as Karine Stephen, plays the girl who crashes her car)
- Attention, je vais jouir alternative title for Baise-moi partout
(plays Madame Winkler)
- Auto-stopistes calientes alternative title for Auto-stoppeuses en chaleur
(as Karine Stephen, plays a woman whose car breaks down)
- Auto-stoppeuses en chaleur 1978, Dir. Claude Bernard-Aubert as Burd Tranbaree
(as Karine Stephen, plays a woman whose car breaks down)
- Les Aventures d'une petite fille perverse alternative title for Les Enfonceuses expertes
(plays a guest at the orgy)
- Bagnate d'amore alternative title for Perversions très intimes
(plays Fanny)
- Baise-moi partout 1978, Dir. José Bénazéraf
(plays Madame Winkler)
- Baisez-moi partout alternative title for Baise-moi partout
(plays Madame Winkler)
- Bangkok Connection alternative title for Pornographie thaïlandaise
(plays the dark-haired saleslady in the sex shop in the airport in Paris as well as her usual blonde self as one of the three tourists in Bangkok)
- Bangkok Porno alternative title for Pornographie thaïlandaise
(plays the dark-haired saleslady in the sex shop in the airport in Paris as well as her usual blonde self as one of the three tourists in Bangkok)
- Best of Beate Uhse Nr. 14
(g/g scene from Je suis à prendre)
- Best of Beate Uhse Nr. 6
(g/g scene from Je suis à prendre)
- Best of Beate Uhse Nr. 7
(scene from Les Hôtesses du sexe)
- Best of Josefine Mutzenbacher Dir. Hans Billian and Gunter Otto
- The Big Fuck alternative title for La Grande baise
(original and archive footage)
- Big Orgy alternative title for La Grande mouille
(as Karine Stephen, plays a guest)
- Black Dreams alternative title for Veuves en chaleur
(uncredited, 6th widow)
- Blondie's Lovers 1977
- Blue Dreams alternative title for Schulmädchen-Report 11: Probieren geht über Studieren
- Blutjunge Mädchen zur Liebe Gezwungen alternative title for Les Demoiselles de pensionnat
- Bouches lascives alternative title for Bouches lascives et pornos
(footage from La Comtesse Ixe)
- Bouches lascives et pornos 1979, Dir. Jean Rollin as Robert Xavier
(footage from La Comtesse Ixe)
- Les Bourgeoises de l'amour alternative title for Die Nichten der Frau Oberst
(as Simone Sanson, plays Frau Oberst)
- Bourgeoises en chaleur alternative title for Prouesses pornos
(plays Françoise)
- Caged Women alternative title for Gefangene Frauen (plays the warden)
- Cailles sur canapé 1977, Dir. Serge Korber as John Thomas
(plays Suzie, a secretary)
- La Calda pelle della bestia 1980s, Dir. mostly Michel Baudricourt

- Call Girls de Luxe alternative title for Enquêtes
(plays Ellie)
- Call Of Nature alternative title for Josefine Mutzenbacher ... wie sie wirklich war 2. Teil

- The Call of the Blonde Goddess alternative title for Der Ruf der blonden Göttin (plays Olga)
- La Calle en celo alternative title for Cailles sur canapé
(plays Suzie, a secretary)
- Callgirls alternative title for Baise-moi partout
(plays Madame Winkler)
- Cambio de parejas alternative title for Échanges de partenaires
(plays Joëlle)
- Caprices secrets pour libertines sans culottes alternative title for Petites filles très précoces
- La Carne erotica alternative title for Pornotissimo
(as Carine Gambier)
- Casa privata per donne in calore alternative title for Prouesses pornos
(plays Françoise)
- Cavalcata selvaggia alternative title for Obsessions pornos
(plays the first fantasy girl)
- Certaines l'aiment grosse 1980s, Dir. Michel Baudricourt
(archive footage)
- A Change of Partners alternative title for Échanges de partenaires
(plays Joëlle)
- Chasseur de veuves alternative title for Veuves en chaleur
(uncredited, 6th widow)
- Les Chattes en feu 1978, Dir. Jean Desvilles as Georges Fleury

- Chattes mouillées alternative title for La Grande mouille
(as Karine Stephen, plays a guest)
- Chaude Émilia alternative title for Chaude et perverse Émilia
(plays Émilia)
- Chaude et perverse Émilia 1977, Dir. Lazlo Renato
(plays Émilia)
- Chloé, l'obsédée sexuelle 1979, Dir. Michel Caputo as Michel Baudricourt

- Cocktail spécial 1978, Dir. Jesus Franco as Clifford Brown
(plays Sandra)
- Colegialas en celo alternative title for Les Petites écolières
(uncredited, non-sex, brief appearance)
- Collégiennes en délire alternative title for Prends-moi comme une bête
- Come Play With Me 2 alternative title for Die Nichten der Frau Oberst
(as Simone Sanson, plays Frau Oberst)
- La Comtesse Ixe 1976, Dir. Jean Rollin as Michel Gentil
(as Karin, plays the real 'comtesse Ixe', a late arrival at the party/orgy)
- La Comtesse X alternative title for La Comtesse Ixe
(as Karin, plays the real 'comtesse Ixe', a late arrival at the party/orgy)
- El Conejo de la vecina alternative title for La Grande levrette
(as Barbara Stephen)
- Los Conejos jugosos alternative title for Cuisses ouvertes
(as Barbara Sellers, plays Joëlle)
- Confessions of a Naked Virgin alternative title for Schulmädchen-Report 11: Probieren geht über Studieren
- Confidences d'une petite vicieuse alternative title for Petites filles très précoces
- Countess Ixe alternative title for La Comtesse Ixe
(as Karin, plays the real 'comtesse Ixe', a late arrival at the party/orgy)
- The Countess X alternative title for La Comtesse Ixe
(as Karin, plays the real 'comtesse Ixe', a late arrival at the party/orgy)
- Les Cris d'amour d'une déesse Blonde alternative title for Der Ruf der blonden Göttin (plays Olga)
- Cuisses ouvertes 1980, Dir. Jean-Claude Roy as Patrick Aubin
(as Barbara Sellers, plays Joëlle)
- Dans la chaleur du plaisir alternative title for Parties chaudes
(as Barbara Stephen, plays Françoise)
- Deep Inside Pamela alternative title for J'ai très envie
(uncredited, plays the maid, Chichi)
- Délectation alternative title for Délectations

- Délectations 1977, Dir. Jean Luret as Sam Corey

- Les Délices de l'adultère alternative title for Parties chaudes
(as Barbara Stephen, plays Françoise)
- Delicias secretas alternative title for La Grande baise
(original and archive footage)
- Delights of Adultery alternative title for Parties chaudes
(as Barbara Stephen, plays Françoise)
- Délires alternative title for Délires porno
(plays the heroine in the Shaft sequence)
- Délires porn alternative title for Délires porno
(plays the heroine in the Shaft sequence)
- Délires porno 1976, Dir. Michel Barny
(plays the heroine in the Shaft sequence)
- Delirios pornográficos alternative title for Délires porno
(plays the heroine in the Shaft sequence)
- Les Demoiselles de pensionnat 1976, Dir. Jean-Claude Roy as Patrick Aubin
- Le Depravate dai sensi infuocati alternative title for Scrabble partouze

- La Dernière nuit alternative title for Shocking !
(plays Patricia)
- Désirs inavouables de Joséphine alternative title for Josefine Mutzenbacher ... wie sie wirklich war 2. Teil

- The Devilish Sisters alternative title for Die Teuflischen Schwestern
(plays Millie)
- Dévouée corps et âme alternative title for Les Enfonceuses expertes
(plays a guest at the orgy)
- Las Diosas del porno alternative title for Der Ruf der blonden Göttin (plays Olga)
- La Dolce Ossessione alternative title for Obsessions pornos
(plays the first fantasy girl)
- La Dolcissima alternative title for Obsessions pornos
(plays the first fantasy girl)
- Échanges de partenaires 1976, Dir. Claude Mulot as Frederic Lansac
(plays Joëlle)
- Ekstase einer Nacht alternative title for La Grande mouille
(as Karine Stephen, plays a guest)
- Elle aime ça (aussi par derrière) alternative title for Queue de béton
- Enesis Pathus alternative title for Lust-Injektion - Eine Spritze der Lust

- Enfermeras experimentadas alternative title for Les Suceuses
(as Barbara Stephen)
- Les Enfonceuses alternative title for Les Enfonceuses expertes
(plays a guest at the orgy)
- Les Enfonceuses expertes 1979, Dir. Alain Payet as John Love
(plays a guest at the orgy)
- Enquête 666 ! alternative title for Enquêtes
(plays Ellie)
- Enquêtes 1979, Dir. Gérard Kikoïne
(plays Ellie)
- Enquêtes spéciales pour couple pervers alternative title for Enquêtes
(plays Ellie)
- Entre aussi par derrière... alternative title for Entrez aussi par derrière

- Entrez aussi par derrière 1979, Dir. Jean-Marie Pallardy and Michel Baudricourt

- Les Envoutées alternative title for La Grande levrette
(as Barbara Stephen)
- Erotic Delights alternative title for Délires porno
(plays the heroine in the Shaft sequence)
- Erst weich dann hart! alternative title for L'Infirmière n'a pas de culotte
(as Albine, Foxy or uncredited)
- Esclaves sexuelles sur catalogue alternative title for Sarabande porno
(plays Julie)
- Etreintes 1978, Dir. René Mazin as Maxi Micky
- European Sex Vacation 1979 (USA), Dir. Andreas Katsimitsoulias, as Andy Katz

- Everybody's alternative title for Luxure
(as Karine, plays Laure (credited as Brigette Lanning in US hard version))
- Extases totales alternative title for La Grande mouille
(as Karine Stephen, plays a guest)
- Fais m'en plus ! 1979, Dir. Alain Payet as John Love (or as René Houaro?)
(in archive footage from Les Enfonceuses expertes)
- Fais-moi tout 1977, Dir. Henri Sala as Ken Warren

- Fata Morgana alternative title for Pornotissimo
(as Carine Gambier)
- Fedora e Amanda: le depravate del piacere alternative title for Scrabble partouze

- Femmes brûlantes alternative title for Langues de petites filles

- Les Femmes des autres alternative title for La Grande levrette
(as Barbara Stephen)
- Feuchte Lippen alternative title for Cocktail spécial
(plays Sandra)
- Feuchte Schenkel alternative title for Anna les cuisses entrouvertes
(uncredited, plays Gerda)
- Flucht von der Todesinsel alternative title for Frauen für Zellenblock 9
- Le Fourre-tout alternative title for Cailles sur canapé
(plays Suzie, a secretary)
- Frau Oberst's Nieces alternative title for Die Nichten der Frau Oberst
(as Simone Sanson, plays Frau Oberst)
- Frauen für Zellenblock 9 1977, Dir. Jesus Franco
- French Gigolo alternative title for Prouesses pornos
(plays Françoise)
- French Lessons alternative title for Les Petites écolières
(uncredited, non-sex, brief appearance)
- French Sex Delights (Delires) alternative title for Délires porno
(plays the heroine in the Shaft sequence)
- Frenesi erotichi di una ninfomana alternative title for Die Teuflischen Schwestern
(plays Millie)
- Das fröhliche Männerbordell alternative title for Prouesses pornos
(plays Françoise)
- Fucking Lessons alternative title for Lycéennes perverses
- Fuktisa Läppar alternative title for Cocktail spécial
(plays Sandra)
- Furia sexuelle 1978, Dir. Jean Desvilles as Georges Fleury
- Gefangene Frauen 1979, Dir. Erwin C. Dietrich as Michael Thomas (plays the warden)
- Das Geisterschloß der Lüste alternative title for La Grande baise
(original and archive footage)
- Gierig, geil und nimmersatt alternative title for La Grande baise
(original and archive footage)
- La Grande Ammuchiata alternative title for La Grande mouille
(as Karine Stephen, plays a guest)
- La Grande baise 1977, Dir. Claude Mulot as Frédéric Lansac
(original and archive footage)
- La Grande levrette 1978, Dir. Claude Bernard-Aubert as Burd Tranbaree
(as Barbara Stephen)
- La Grande mouille 1978, Dir. Claude Bernard-Aubert as Burd Tranbaree
(as Karine Stephen, plays a guest)
- Grimpe-moi vite 1979, Dir. Yves Prigent as Lazlo Renato
(plays Martine Frojac)
- Grimpe-moi vite je mouille alternative title for Grimpe-moi vite
(plays Martine Frojac)
- Los Gritos de placer alternative title for Je crie, je jouis

- Die große französische Orgie alternative title for Chloé, l'obsédée sexuelle

- Hard Love - Le Porno adolescenti alternative title for Cailles sur canapé
(plays Suzie, a secretary)
- Het Trillende Vlees alternative title for Entrez aussi par derrière

- Hitchhikers in Heat alternative title for Auto-stoppeuses en chaleur
(as Karine Stephen, plays a woman whose car breaks down)
- Hommes de joie pour femmes en chaleur alternative title for Prouesses pornos
(plays Françoise)
- Hot and Horny alternative title for La Grande mouille
(as Karine Stephen, plays a guest)
- Hot and Perverse Emilia alternative title for Chaude et perverse Émilia
(plays Émilia)
- Hot Love alternative title for Je suis à prendre
(as Carine Stephen, plays Maguy, the maid)
- Hot Tits alternative title for Auto-stoppeuses en chaleur
(as Karine Stephen, plays a woman whose car breaks down)
- Les Hôtesses du sexe 1977, Dir. Didier Philippe-Gérard as Michel Barny (and Francis Leroi according to some sources)
(plays the second air hostess)
- I Am Yours to Take alternative title for Je suis à prendre
(as Carine Stephen, plays Maguy, the maid)
- (I Loro nomi erano) Fedora e Amanda: le depravate del piacere alternative title for Scrabble partouze

- I Want What I See alternative title for J'ai très envie
(uncredited, plays the maid, Chichi)
- Ich schreie, ich genieße alternative title for Je crie, je jouis

- Illusions Within Girls alternative title for Le Pensionnat et ses intimités
(semi-nude only, appears in swingers' party orgy)
- Infirmière esclave alternative title for Les Enfonceuses expertes
(plays a guest at the orgy)
- L'Infirmière n'a pas de culotte 1978, Dir. Francis Leroi
(as Albine, Foxy or uncredited)
- Infirmières a tout faire alternative title for Les Suceuses
(as Barbara Stephen)
- Infirmières expertes alternative title for Les Suceuses
(as Barbara Stephen)
- Initiation à l'échangisme alternative title for Cuisses ouvertes
(as Barbara Sellers, plays Joëlle)
- Injection of Passion alternative title for Lust-Injektion - Eine Spritze der Lust

- Insomnia in the Tropics alternative title for Insomnies sous les tropiques
- Insomnies sous les tropiques 1977, Dir. Claude Mulot as Frédéric Lansac
- Internat d'amour alternative title for Les Petites écolières
(uncredited, non-sex, brief appearance)
- Intime confessioni e caldi appuntamenti c. 1980, Dir. various (scenes from Je cris ... je jouis and Parties chaudes)
- Island Women alternative title for Gefangene Frauen (plays the warden)
- J'ai rien dessous 1979, Dir. Gérard Grégory
(as Karine Stephen, plays the girl who crashes her car)
- J'ai très envie 1977, Dir. Michel Caputo as Michel Baudricourt
(uncredited, plays the maid, Chichi)
- J'irai cracher sur ta queue ! 1986, Dir. Michel Baudricourt as "Jack Amelot"

- Je crie, je jouis 1978, Dir. Claude Bernard-Aubert as Burd Tranbaree

- Je crie... je jouis ! alternative title for Je crie, je jouis

- Je suis à prendre 1977, Dir. Francis Leroi
(as Carine Stephen, plays Maguy, the maid)
- Je te suce, tu me suces, il nous... 1979, Dir. José Bénazéraf
- Josefine la viziosa alternative title for Josefine Mutzenbacher ... wie sie wirklich war 2. Teil

- Josefine Mutzenbacher - Mein Leben für die Liebe alternative title for Josefine Mutzenbacher ... wie sie wirklich war 2. Teil

- Josefine Mutzenbacher ... wie sie wirklich war 2. Teil 1979, Dir. Gunter Otto

- Jouissances profondes 1979, Dir. Michel Caputo as Michel Baudricourt
- Jouissances tres speciales alternative title for Jouissances profondes
- Journal intime d'une salope alternative title for Porno Story
(archive footage from Sarabande porno)
- Joy alternative title for Anna les cuisses entrouvertes
(uncredited, plays Gerda)
- Labios humedos alternative title for Les Enfonceuses expertes
(plays a guest at the orgy)
- Langues de Petites Chattes alternative title for Langues de petites filles

- Langues de petites filles 1980, Dir. Alain Payet as John Love

- Laure, perverse et nymphomane alternative title for Luxure
(as Karine, plays Laure (credited as Brigette Lanning in US hard version))
- Lèche-moi partout 1978, Dir. Francis Leroi
(as Carine Stephen)
- Leçons privées alternative title for Les Petites écolières
(uncredited, non-sex, brief appearance)
- La Libidine e il piacere alternative title for Lust-Injektion - Eine Spritze der Lust

- Liebeskur auf Station Sex alternative title for Les Suceuses
(as Barbara Stephen)
- Little Schoolgirls alternative title for Les Petites écolières
(uncredited, non-sex, brief appearance)
- Love Airline alternative title for Les Hôtesses du sexe
(plays the second air hostess)
- Love Film L682 - Blondies Lovers alternative title for Blondie's Lovers
- Lust-Injektion - Eine Spritze der Lust c. 1979, Dir. Andreas Katsimitsoulias

- Luxure 1976, Dir. Max Pecas
(as Karine, plays Laure (credited as Brigette Lanning in US hard version))
- Lycéennes perverses 1979, Dir. Peter Rafael
- Mad & Sexy alternative title for Made in Sexe (plays Carole)
- Madame und ihre Vergnügen alternative title for Les Plaisirs de Madame
(as Barbara Miller, plays Claudette, Madame's maid)
- Mädchenfantasien alternative title for Fais-moi tout

- Mädchenpensionat - Blutjunge Mädchen zur Liebe gezwungen alternative title for Les Demoiselles de pensionnat
- Made in Sexe 1976, Dir. Jean-Louis van Belle (plays Carole)
- Maidens of the Dormitory alternative title for Les Demoiselles de pensionnat
- Mains douces et lèvres chaudes 1976, Dir. Henri Sala as Ken Warren
(plays Juliette)
- Les Maitresses alternative title for Je crie, je jouis

- Martine et ses amies alternative title for Les Enfonceuses expertes
(plays a guest at the orgy)
- Massagesalon Elvira 1978, Dir. Hans Billian
(plays Judith)
- Un Membre de fer 1980, Dir. Charles Giny (Guy Lansac) as Job Blough

- Mémoires d'une p... alternative title for Parties chaudes
(as Barbara Stephen, plays Françoise)
- Mia moglie, l'eroticissima alternative title for Je suis à prendre
(as Carine Stephen, plays Maguy, the maid)
- Moglie in orgasmo alternative title for Fais-moi tout

- Monsieur Balboss (Le Depravate dal sensi infuocati) alternative title for Scrabble partouze

- Movie Fantasy 1982 or later, Dir. Alain Payet and Joe de Palmer
(Obsessions pornos footage)
- La Mujer gaucho alternative title for La Rabatteuse
(as Barbara Stephen, plays Inge, the air stewardess)
- Mujeres en el campo de concentración del amor alternative title for Frauen für Zellenblock 9
- Nach Bangkok, der Liebe wegen alternative title for Pornographie thaïlandaise
(plays the dark-haired saleslady in the sex shop in the airport in Paris as well as her usual blonde self as one of the three tourists in Bangkok)
- Die Nichten der Frau Oberst 1980, Dir. Erwin C. Dietrich as Michael Thomas
(as Simone Sanson, plays Frau Oberst)
- Obsessions alternative title for Luxure
(as Karine, plays Laure (credited as Brigette Lanning in US hard version))
- Obsessions pornos 1978, Dir. Alain Payet as Jean Pardaillan
(plays the first fantasy girl)
- The Oddest Couple alternative title for La Rabatteuse
(as Barbara Stephen, plays Inge, the air stewardess)
- Oh! Ok heb er niets onder alternative title for J'ai rien dessous
(as Karine Stephen, plays the girl who crashes her car)
- Ontsnapt uit de hel der lusten alternative title for Gefangene Frauen (plays the warden)
- Oral total alternative title for Cocktail spécial
(plays Sandra)
- Orgasmo pornografico alternative title for Parties chaudes
(as Barbara Stephen, plays Françoise)
- Orgias calientes alternative title for Parties chaudes
(as Barbara Stephen, plays Françoise)
- Orgies pour jouir 1979, Dir. Lazlo Renato
(as Karine, plays Karine)
- Paris Telefon 666 alternative title for Enquêtes
(plays Ellie)
- Partenaires de vacances alternative title for Échanges de partenaires
(plays Joëlle)
- Parties chaudes 1979, Dir. Claude-Bernard Aubert as Burd Tranbaree
(as Barbara Stephen, plays Françoise)
- Parties de chasse en Sologne alternative title for La Grande mouille
(as Karine Stephen, plays a guest)
- Partnerspiele alternative title for La Grande levrette
(as Barbara Stephen)
- Le Pensionnat et ses intimités 1975, Dir. René Gainville as Catherine Balogh
(semi-nude only, appears in swingers' party orgy)
- Perverse Wünsche alternative title for Parties chaudes
(as Barbara Stephen, plays Françoise)
- Perversions d'une petite fille alternative title for Un Membre de fer

- Perversions très intimes 1978, Dir. Michel Caputo as Michel Baudricourt
(plays Fanny)
- Les Petites écolières 1980, Dir. Claude Mulot as Frédéric Lansac
(uncredited, non-sex, brief appearance)
- Petites filles très précoces 1979, Dir. Michel Baudricourt as Antoine Sarrazin
- Les Pipeuses 1979, Dir. Job Blough
- Les Plaisirs de Madame 1980, Dir. Hubert Géral & Bylly Cosky
(as Barbara Miller, plays Claudette, Madame's maid)
- Plaisirs No. 2 alternative title for Perversions très intimes
(plays Fanny)
- Plaisirs No. 2 : perversions très intimes alternative title for Perversions très intimes
(plays Fanny)
- Plein les miches pour pas un rond 1980s, Dir. Michel Baudricourt (archive footage)
- Plus salopes que nous tu meurs !!!! 1980s, Dir. Jean-François Davy and maybe others
(archive footage)
- Porn's Girls 1975, Dir. Guy Maria
(plays Ginette)
- Porno Express 4 c. 1990 (from loops within Eine verdammt heiße Braut)
- Porno Obsession alternative title for Obsessions pornos
(plays the first fantasy girl)
- Porno Roulette 1978
(plays Pommy, as a brunette)
- Porno Shock alternative title for Der Ruf der blonden Göttin (plays Olga)
- Porno stars françaises 1980s
- Porno Story 1979, Dir. Claude Bernard-Aubert as Burd Tranbaree
(archive footage from Sarabande porno)
- Porno-Sklaven alternative title for Sarabande porno
(plays Julie)
- La Pornografia tailandese alternative title for Pornographie thaïlandaise
(plays the dark-haired saleslady in the sex shop in the airport in Paris as well as her usual blonde self as one of the three tourists in Bangkok)
- Pornographie thaïlandaise 1977, Dir. Alain Payet (as John Love in some versions)
(plays the dark-haired saleslady in the sex shop in the airport in Paris as well as her usual blonde self as one of the three tourists in Bangkok)
- Pornolujuria alternative title for Luxure
(as Karine, plays Laure (credited as Brigette Lanning in US hard version))
- Pornoroulette alternative title for Porno Roulette
(plays Pommy, as a brunette)
- Pornoshow 1970s
- Pornotissimo 1977, Dir. Serge Korber as John Thomas
(as Carine Gambier)
- Poupée la pipe 1978, Dir. Job Blough
- Prends-moi alternative title for J'ai très envie
(uncredited, plays the maid, Chichi)
- Prends-moi comme une bête 1979, Dir. Job Blough
- Prends-moi comme une chienne alternative title for J'ai très envie
(uncredited, plays the maid, Chichi)
- Prends-moi, je suis encore vierge alternative title for Perversions très intimes
(plays Fanny)
- Prenez-moi, j'aime tout 1979, Dir. Michel Caputo as Michel Baudricourt
(archive footage from Perversions très intimes)
- Primizie pornografiche alternative title for Fais m'en plus !
(in archive footage from Les Enfonceuses expertes)
- Professional Janine alternative title for Josefine Mutzenbacher ... wie sie wirklich war 2. Teil

- Projections spéciales 1976, Dir. Jean-Louis van Belle as J. L. Van Belle
(plays Carole)
- Prostiutas encarcaladas alternative title for Gefangene Frauen (plays the warden)
- Prouesses pornos 1977, Dir. Claude Bernard-Aubert as Burd Tranbaree
(plays Françoise)
- Queue de béton 1978, Dir. Michel Caputo as Michel Baudricourt
- Queue de Béton ! alternative title for Queue de béton
- La Rabatteuse 1977, Dir. Claude Bernard-Aubert as Burd Tranbaree
(as Barbara Stephen, plays Inge, the air stewardess)
- Ragazze Supersexy alternative title for Made in Sexe (plays Carole)
- Refais-le moi encore 1978, Dir. Pierre B. Reinhard
- Remplis-mois vite alternative title for Grimpe-moi vite
(plays Martine Frojac)
- Rentre c'est bon 1977, Dir. Maxime Debest
- Rêveries érotiques alternative title for Délires porno
(plays the heroine in the Shaft sequence)
- Der Ruf der blonden Göttin 1977, Dir. Jesus Franco (plays Olga)
- Sarabande porno 1977, Dir. Claude Bernard-Aubert as Burd Tranbarée
(plays Julie)
- Satanic Sisters alternative title for Die Teuflischen Schwestern
(plays Millie)
- La Scatola dei giochi erotici c. 1980, Dir. various
(footage from Obsessions pornos and ?)
- Scharfe Miezen, heiße Kolben alternative title for Porn's Girls
(plays Ginette)
- Schulmädchen-Report 11: Probieren geht über Studieren 1977, Dir. Ernst Hofbauer
- Scrabble partouze 1979, Dir. Alain Payet as John Love

- Secrets of a French Maid alternative title for Die Nichten der Frau Oberst
(as Simone Sanson, plays Frau Oberst)
- Secrets of a Naked Virgin alternative title for Schulmädchen-Report 11: Probieren geht über Studieren
- La serva perversa alternative title for Lèche-moi partout
(as Carine Stephen)
- Serva perversa - baby doll alternative title for Lèche-moi partout
(as Carine Stephen)
- La Servante Perverse alternative title for Lèche-moi partout
(as Carine Stephen)
- Services Rendered alternative title for Lèche-moi partout
(as Carine Stephen)
- Sex Airlines alternative title for Les Hôtesses du sexe
(plays the second air hostess)
- Sex Cocktail alternative title for Cocktail spécial
(plays Sandra)
- Sex Hunting Adventures alternative title for La Grande mouille
(as Karine Stephen, plays a guest)
- Sex ist Trompf alternative title for Petites filles très précoces
- Sex Office N° 2 : Le divorce alternative title for Mains douces et lèvres chaudes
(plays Juliette)
- Sexpuppen aus Fernost alternative title for Pornographie thaïlandaise
(plays the dark-haired saleslady in the sex shop in the airport in Paris as well as her usual blonde self as one of the three tourists in Bangkok)
- Sexual Circles alternative title for La Grande baise
(original and archive footage)
- Sexy alternative title for Délires porno
(plays the heroine in the Shaft sequence)
- Sexy Fantasy alternative title for Pornographie thaïlandaise
(plays the dark-haired saleslady in the sex shop in the airport in Paris as well as her usual blonde self as one of the three tourists in Bangkok)
- Sexy Girls alternative title for J'ai rien dessous
(as Karine Stephen, plays the girl who crashes her car)
- Sexy Sisters alternative title for Die Teuflischen Schwestern
(plays Millie)
- Shared with Strangers alternative title for Cuisses ouvertes
(as Barbara Sellers, plays Joëlle)
- Shocking alternative title for Shocking !
(plays Patricia)
- Shocking ! 1976, Dir. Claude Mulot as Frédéric Lansac
(plays Patricia)
- Slave Girls Market alternative title for Sarabande porno
(plays Julie)
- Sobresaliente en lujuria alternative title for Je suis à prendre
(as Carine Stephen, plays Maguy, the maid)
- Sobresalientes en erotismo alternative title for Schulmädchen-Report 11: Probieren geht über Studieren
- Las Sobrinas de la Sra. Obersts alternative title for Die Nichten der Frau Oberst
(as Simone Sanson, plays Frau Oberst)
- Sodomisation 1978, Dir. Anne Marie Tensi as Job Blough

- Des Soeur Vicioses alternative title for Die Teuflischen Schwestern
(plays Millie)
- Sophie aime les sucettes 1978, Dir. Alain Payet as John Love
- Soubrette vicieuse 1986, Dir. Michel Baudricourt, but given as Jean Castaing (archive footage from J'ai très envie)
- Suce et tais-toi 1980s

- Les Suceuses 1979, Dir. Claude Bernard-Aubert as Burd Tranbaree
(as Barbara Stephen)
- Suceuses Chaudes alternative title for La Comtesse Ixe
(as Karin, plays the real 'comtesse Ixe', a late arrival at the party/orgy)
- Sueurs Chaudes alternative title for La Comtesse Ixe
(as Karin, plays the real 'comtesse Ixe', a late arrival at the party/orgy)
- Superfemmine in calore alternative title for Prouesses pornos
(plays Françoise)
- Swapping Partners alternative title for Échanges de partenaires
(plays Joëlle)
- Swedish Nympho Slaves alternative title for Die Teuflischen Schwestern
(plays Millie)
- Sweet Taste of Honey alternative title for Luxure
(as Karine, plays Laure (credited as Brigette Lanning in US hard version))
- Swingers' Matinee alternative title for La Grande baise
(original and archive footage)
- Synden Näste alternative title for Les Plaisirs de Madame
(as Barbara Miller, plays Claudette, Madame's maid)
- Ta Mej Igen Grabbar alternative title for Mains douces et lèvres chaudes
(plays Juliette)
- Take Me alternative title for Je suis à prendre
(as Carine Stephen, plays Maguy, the maid)
- Teléfono roso ... El último orgasmo alternative title for Shocking !
(plays Patricia)
- Téléphone 666 alternative title for Enquêtes
(plays Ellie)
- Die Teuflischen Schwestern 1976, Dir. Jesus Franco
(plays Millie)
- Todos mojados... a por toallas alternative title for La Grande mouille
(as Karine Stephen, plays a guest)
- Ton diable dans mon enfer alternative title for Die Teuflischen Schwestern
(plays Millie)
- Trainingscamp für Liebestolle alternative title for L'Infirmière n'a pas de culotte
(as Albine, Foxy or uncredited)
- Träume junger Witwen alternative title for Veuves en chaleur
(uncredited, 6th widow)
- Tremblements de chair alternative title for Entrez aussi par derrière

- Tremblements de chair alternative title for Prenez-moi, j'aime tout
(archive footage from Perversions très intimes)
- Tropical Inferno alternative title for Frauen für Zellenblock 9
- Turbamenti alternative title for Mains douces et lèvres chaudes
(plays Juliette)
- Two at Once alternative title for Auto-stoppeuses en chaleur
(as Karine Stephen, plays a woman whose car breaks down)
- Vacances sexuelles alternative title for Auto-stoppeuses en chaleur
(as Karine Stephen, plays a woman whose car breaks down)
- Vedova in calore alternative title for Veuves en chaleur
(uncredited, 6th widow)
- Eine verdammt heisse Braut, 1. Teil: es bleibt in der Familie 1989, Dir. Hans Billian
(archive footage from Massagesalon Elvira)
- Veuves en chaleur 1978, Dir. Claude Bernard-Aubert as Burd Tranbaree
(uncredited, 6th widow)
- Les Vicel'hardes alternative title for Fais m'en plus !
(in archive footage from Les Enfonceuses expertes)
- Vicieuse, experte, sensuelle alternative title for Josefine Mutzenbacher ... wie sie wirklich war 2. Teil

- Visa pour mourir alternative title for Frauen für Zellenblock 9
- Viudas caliente alternative title for Veuves en chaleur
(uncredited, 6th widow)
- Volupté secrète alternative title for Je crie, je jouis

- Voluptés secrètes alternative title for Je crie, je jouis

- Voodoo Passion alternative title for Der Ruf der blonden Göttin (plays Olga)
- Wenn die Gier erwacht alternative title for Cuisses ouvertes
(as Barbara Sellers, plays Joëlle)
- Wenn es Nacht wird im Lyzeum alternative title for Lycéennes perverses
- Wilde heiße Katzen alternative title for Cuisses ouvertes
(as Barbara Sellers, plays Joëlle)
- The Wives of Others alternative title for Parties chaudes
(as Barbara Stephen, plays Françoise)
- Women In Cellblock 9 alternative title for Frauen für Zellenblock 9
- Young Head Nurses alternative title for Les Suceuses
(as Barbara Stephen)
- Young Widows alternative title for Veuves en chaleur
(uncredited, 6th widow)
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