< Sylvia Bourdon
from Les Goulues
Notes |
- French, b. January 29, 1949
Pseudonyms |
- Sylvia Bourbon (common typo on American sites)
Films |
- 3001: L'Odyssée de l'extase 1976, Dir. Serge Korber as John Thomas (archive footage)
- À bout de sexe 1975, Dir. Serge Korber as John Thomas
(plays Eliane, the boss's wife)
- À coeur ouvert alternative title for Chaleurs intimes
(archive footage from Dans la chaleur de Julie)
- Abenteuer der Lust alternative title for P ...comme pénétration
(plays Léna Granger)
- Africa Fuckdreams alternative title for Débordements de plaisir
(plays Anne)
- Africa Love alternative title for Débordements de plaisir
(plays Anne)
- African Fuckdreams alternative title for Débordements de plaisir
(plays Anne)
- Anal Libido 1970s, Dir. Lasse Braun
- Anal Sister alternative title for Candice Candy
(plays Candice)
- Attachées... de presse alternative title for La Kermesse du sexe
(archive footage from Candice Candy)
- Aventures aux tropiques alternative title for P ...comme pénétration
(plays Léna Granger)
- Les Bachelières en chaleur 1982, Dir. Jean Luret as John Blackley
(archive footage from Débordements de plaisir, some not in original (1982) release)
- Bachelières en folie alternative title for Les Bachelières en chaleur
(archive footage from Débordements de plaisir, some not in original (1982) release)
- The Big Fuck alternative title for La Grande baise
(archive footage, film within a film)
- Black Love alternative title for Dans la chaleur de Julie
(plays Marie, the cook / maid to the Doutrembles)
- Blue Ecstasy 1976, Dir. Frederic Lansac
(uncredited, plays a wife whose husband has anal sex with the heroine)
- Blue Extasy alternative title for Blue Ecstasy
(uncredited, plays a wife whose husband has anal sex with the heroine)
- Bouches expertes alternative title for Les Bachelières en chaleur
(archive footage from Débordements de plaisir, some not in original (1982) release)
- Bourgeoise et pute alternative title for Chaleurs intimes
(archive footage from Dans la chaleur de Julie)
- Cake Orgy 1972, Dir. Lasse Braun
- Il Caldo letto della vergine c. 1980, Dir. given as 'Hans Dilian'
(footage with Manu Pluton from Dans la chaleur de Julie)
- Calore intimo alternative title for Chaleurs intimes
(archive footage from Dans la chaleur de Julie)
- Candice Candy 1975, Dir. Pierre Unia as Renau Piéri
(plays Candice)
- Candice e Candy - calde confidenze di due giovani mogli alternative title for Candice Candy
(plays Candice)
- Candy's Candy alternative title for Candice Candy
(plays Candice)
- Chaleurs intimes 1977, Dir. Claude Pierson as Andrée Marchand
(archive footage from Dans la chaleur de Julie)
- Le Clandé aux partouzes 1977, Dir. Philippe Murcier

- Clandestine Prostitution alternative title for Prostitution clandestine
(plays La Comtesse)
- Claudine Beccarie e il Mondo Proibito de Les Pornocrates alternative title for Les Pornocrates

- La Clinique alternative title for Les Goulues

- The Countess 1970s, Dir. Lasse Braun
- Dans la chaleur de Julie 1975, Dir. Serge Korber as John Thomas
(plays Marie, the cook / maid to the Doutrembles)
- Dans la chaleur intime alternative title for Chaleurs intimes
(archive footage from Dans la chaleur de Julie)
- Débordements de plaisir 1975, Dir. Alain Nauroy as Lino Ayranu
(plays Anne)
- Delicias secretas alternative title for La Grande baise
(archive footage, film within a film)
- Domination profonde 1975
- Draguse ou le manoir infernal 1975, Dir. Patrice Rhomm and Patrice Rondard
- En Levrette 1978, Dir. Jean Luret as Christian Lacour (or as Jacques Parry)
(archive footage)
- Eva e l'amore alternative title for Eva et l'amour... sous toutes ses formes
(plays Rézy)
- Eva et l'amour alternative title for Eva et l'amour... sous toutes ses formes
(plays Rézy)
- Eva et l'amour... sous toutes ses formes 1976, Dir. Alain Nauroy but given as Jack Régis
(plays Rézy)
- Excès 1976, Dir. Serge Korber as John Thomas
(plays an orgy participant)
- Exhibition 2 1976, Dir. Jean-François Davy

- Experiments in Blue alternative title for Blue Ecstasy
(uncredited, plays a wife whose husband has anal sex with the heroine)
- Extases extra-conjugales alternative title for Blue Ecstasy
(uncredited, plays a wife whose husband has anal sex with the heroine)
- The Family Jewels alternative title for Penetration
(in the loop Cake Orgy)
- Folies tropicales alternative title for P ...comme pénétration
(plays Léna Granger)
- French Blue alternative title for Penetration
(in the loop Cake Orgy)
- French Nympho alternative title for Candice Candy
(plays Candice)
- Les Friandises musclées alternative title for Dans la chaleur de Julie
(plays Marie, the cook / maid to the Doutrembles)
- Les Friandises musclées alternative title for Hurlements de plaisir
(plays Sylvia Nader, mistress of Dr. Berger)
- Games for an Unfaithful Wife alternative title for Blue Ecstasy
(uncredited, plays a wife whose husband has anal sex with the heroine)
- Das Geisterschloß der Lüste alternative title for La Grande baise
(archive footage, film within a film)
- Gierig, geil und nimmersatt alternative title for La Grande baise
(archive footage, film within a film)
- Good Morning Sexe alternative title for La Kermesse du sexe
(archive footage from Candice Candy)
- Les Goulues 1975, Dir. Claude Pierson as Andrée Marchand

- Un Grand coup dans le pare-chocs alternative title for À bout de sexe
(plays Eliane, the boss's wife)
- La Grande baise 1977, Dir. Claude Mulot as Frédéric Lansac
(archive footage, film within a film)
- Growing Up alternative title for Dans la chaleur de Julie
(plays Marie, the cook / maid to the Doutrembles)
- Hard Love - Le Porno adolescenti alternative title for Hurlements de plaisir
(plays Sylvia Nader, mistress of Dr. Berger)
- Herr Graf lässt bumsen 1975, Dir. Alain Payet

- House of Love alternative title for Les Goulues

- Hurlements de plaisir 1976, Dir. Serge Korber as John Thomas
(plays Sylvia Nader, mistress of Dr. Berger)
- Ibiza Love late 1970s?, Dir. Jean Luret
(archive footage, from P... Comme pénétration, b/g on a beach with Cyril Val)
- Insaziabile e golosa alternative title for Les Goulues

- Jeanne et Paul alternative title for Excès
(plays an orgy participant)
- Jeunes filles perverses alternative title for À bout de sexe
(plays Eliane, the boss's wife)
- Jouisseuse et perverse alternative title for Les Bachelières en chaleur
(archive footage from Débordements de plaisir, some not in original (1982) release)
- La Kermesse du sexe 1979, Dir. Pierre Unia as Reine Pirau
(archive footage from Candice Candy)
- Lasse Braun LB340 Shocking! - Cake Orgy alternative title for Cake Orgy
- Lasse Braun's Liebesgeflüster alternative title for Penetration
(in the loop Cake Orgy)
- Lèvres de sang 1974, Dir. Jean Rollin
(plays Clara)
- La Levrette alternative title for En Levrette
(archive footage)
- Liebesgeflüster alternative title for Penetration
(in the loop Cake Orgy)
- Lips of Blood alternative title for Lèvres de sang
(plays Clara)
- Mädchen voller Sinnlichkeit alternative title for Excès
(plays an orgy participant)
- Le Manoir de Draguse alternative title for Draguse ou le manoir infernal
- Nicole par-dessus, par-dessous 1978, Dir. José Bénazéraf
(non-sex, plays Sylvia, footage from la Veuve Lubrique)
- La Ninfomane porno alternative title for À bout de sexe
(plays Eliane, the boss's wife)
- L'Odyssée de l'extase alternative title for 3001: L'Odyssée de l'extase (archive footage)
- Odyssee Eksatse alternative title for 3001: L'Odyssée de l'extase (archive footage)
- Onverzadigbare Wellust alternative title for Chaleurs intimes
(archive footage from Dans la chaleur de Julie)
- Orgasmi deliranti alternative title for Les Bachelières en chaleur
(archive footage from Débordements de plaisir, some not in original (1982) release)
- Les Orgie du compte Porno alternative title for Le Clandé aux partouzes

- P ...comme pénétration 1976, Dir. Alain Nauroy as Lino Ayranu
(plays Léna Granger)
- P... come penetrazione alternative title for P ...comme pénétration
(plays Léna Granger)
- Les Partouzes d'une femme du monde alternative title for Chaleurs intimes
(archive footage from Dans la chaleur de Julie)
- La Passera parlante alternative title for Le Sexe qui parle
(plays Tante (Aunt) Barbara)
- Penetration 1974, Dir. Falcon Stuart (and Lasse Braun?)
(in the loop Cake Orgy)
- Penetrator alternative title for Penetration
(in the loop Cake Orgy)
- Perverse Spiele unersättliche Mädchen alternative title for Blue Ecstasy
(uncredited, plays a wife whose husband has anal sex with the heroine)
- Phantasmes et sodomie alternative title for Chaleurs intimes
(archive footage from Dans la chaleur de Julie)
- Plainte contre X alternative title for Les Pornocrates

- Porn's Girls 1975, Dir. Guy Maria
- Les Pornocrates 1975, Dir. Jean-François Davy

- Prostitution clandestine 1975, Dir. Alain Payet
(plays La Comtesse)
- Pussy Talk alternative title for Le Sexe qui parle
(plays Tante (Aunt) Barbara)
- The Randy Widow alternative title for La Veuve lubrique
- Safari alternative title for Safari Porno
(plays an American)
- Safari Porno 1976, Dir. Alain Nauroy as Sam Corey
(plays an American)
- Scharfe Miezen, heiße Kolben alternative title for Porn's Girls
- Sex Academy alternative title for Les Bachelières en chaleur
(archive footage from Débordements de plaisir, some not in original (1982) release)
- Sex Story alternative title for Hurlements de plaisir
(plays Sylvia Nader, mistress of Dr. Berger)
- Le Sexe qui parle 1975, Dir. Claude Mulot (as Frédéric Lansac) and Francis Leroi
(plays Tante (Aunt) Barbara)
- El Sexo que Habla alternative title for Le Sexe qui parle
(plays Tante (Aunt) Barbara)
- Sexorgien und Liebe alternative title for Dans la chaleur de Julie
(plays Marie, the cook / maid to the Doutrembles)
- Sexual Circles alternative title for La Grande baise
(archive footage, film within a film)
- Sexuelle Vibrationen alternative title for Chaleurs intimes
(archive footage from Dans la chaleur de Julie)
- La Soubrette alternative title for La Soubrette perverse
- La Soubrette perverse 1975, Dir. José Bénazéraf
- Suce-moi vampire 1975, Dir. Jean Rollin as Michel Gand

- Suck Me Vampire alternative title for Suce-moi vampire

- Super sex super alternative title for Excès
(plays an orgy participant)
- Swingers' Matinee alternative title for La Grande baise
(archive footage, film within a film)
- Sylvia dans l'extase 1975, Dir. ?
- Sylvia's Abenteuer alternative title for P ...comme pénétration
(plays Léna Granger)
- El Telegrama del extasis alternative title for Blue Ecstasy
(uncredited, plays a wife whose husband has anal sex with the heroine)
- Trio erotique alternative title for À bout de sexe
(plays Eliane, the boss's wife)
- Trois mille un l'odyssée de l'extase alternative title for 3001: L'Odyssée de l'extase (archive footage)
- Die unersättlichen Schwestern alternative title for Les Goulues

- La Veuve alternative title for La Veuve lubrique
- La Veuve lubrique 1975, Dir. José Bénazéraf
- Wilde Lippen alternative title for 3001: L'Odyssée de l'extase (archive footage)
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