< Judith Kostner
courtesy of Swedish Erotica
Notes |
- Hungarian, b. October 26, 1976
Pseudonyms |
- Alexa
- Carmen
- Christie
- Cinzia Rosi
- Clarissa de Posa
- Judet
- Judiht
- Judit Connery
- Judit
- Judith Haas
- Judith Blonde
- Judith Weller (?)
- Judith Keys
- Judith Hass
- Judith Garlan
- Judith
- Judith Bator
- Juditta
- Judy Garland
- Judy Suns
- Judy
- Judy Grosland
- Judy Costner
- Judy Garlan
- Julia
- Julie
- July
- Mercedes
- Vanda
Films |
- 24 heures d'amour (as Judy, in final orgy)
- A.A.A. Cercasi Selen alternative title for A.A.A. Selen cercasi (as Judit)
- A.A.A. Selen cercasi 1998, Dir. Antonio Adamo (some sources say Joe d'Amato) (as Judit)
- Absolute Beginners 2 1998, Dir. Peter Backman (as Judith)
- Die Agenten der Lady Samantha c. 1998, Dir. Basil Sandford
(as Clarissa de Posa)
- Anal Games Dir. Ralf Scott
(as Brigitta)
- Anal Mermaids 2004, Dir. Kovi
(as Judy)
- Anal Paradise 2004
(as Judith)
- Angela Dir. Max Bellocchio
(as Judith; plays the dancer)
- Anita e la maschera di ferro 1998, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(as Judith Varadt?)
- Anni di piombo 1999, Dir. Silvio Bandinelli
(as Cinzia Rosi)
- Arrogance alternative title for Arrogance: No Limits
(as Judy)
- Arrogance: No Limits 1999, Dir. Joe d'Amato as Sergey de Palma
(as Judy)
- Attetszö selymek alternative title for Lingerie per feticisti
(as Judith)
- Baby-Huren 1998, Dir. Chris Austin
- The Baron of Darkness alternative title for Vampiri - prima parte
(as Judiht, plays the second prostitute)
- The Best of Blondes 6 2008 (as Mercedes)
- The Best of Fuck & Play 4 2007 (as Mercedes)
- Best of Lenka 2

- Best of Swedish Erotica 1 2006 (as Julia)
- Casa di cura 2000, Dir. Max Bellocchio
(as Judith, plays Angela)
- Casanova Power c. 1997, Dir. 'Jack Crawler'

- Der Clan der Unersättlichen 2 alternative title for Novecenterotico 2
(as Judy Garlan, plays Ingrid, a model)
- Clausura alternative title for Suore depravate in un convento di Clausura
(as Judith, plays a nun)
- Collezione privata 1998, Dir. Max Bellocchio
- La Contessa Svergognata alternative title for Don Giovanni
- Coppie perverse nell'harem degli scambisti 1999, Dir. Franco lo Cascio (Luca Damiano) as Marc Principe
(as Judit on cover of Harem (DVD) and Judith on screen)
- Cucci - crimen en la noche alternative title for Cucci - delitto a luci rosse
(as Stefania Guerritorre, Pamela Pinter, Gloria Fideli or Milvia Spadaro, plays the wife)
- Cucci - delitto a luci rosse 2000, Dir. Nicholas Moore
(as Stefania Guerritorre, Pamela Pinter, Gloria Fideli or Milvia Spadaro, plays the wife)
- De sang et de sexe alternative title for Vampiri - prima parte
(as Judiht, plays the second prostitute)
- Débutantes 1/2: HPG et Francesco s'amusent 1998, Dir. John B. Root (as Judith)
- Depravazione in convento alternative title for Suore depravate in un convento di Clausura
(as Judith, plays a nun)
- Dominated by Nora Nord alternative title for Dominerad av Nora Nord (as Julia)
- Dominerad av Nora Nord Dir. Christer Frankell (as Julia)
- Don Giovanni c. 1998, Dir. Franco lo Cascio as Luca Damiano
- Don Juan alternative title for Don Giovanni
- Doppi piaceri anali alternative title for Anal Games
(as Brigitta)
- Electra 48 - die Agenten der Lady Samantha alternative title for Die Agenten der Lady Samantha
(as Clarissa de Posa)
- Elixir 1998, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(as Judith Haas)
- Emprise sexuelle alternative title for Anni di piombo
(as Cinzia Rosi)
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 7 1999 (as Clarissa de Posa)
- Gli esami orali delle collegiali 1 1999, Dir. Riccardo Schicchi

- Un Españolito en Budapest 1998, Dir. Francis Ford Coppula as Daniel Holton
(as Judith Blonde)
- Euro Angels 1 1997, Dir. Christophe Clark (as Christie)
- Euro Angels 2 1997, Dir. Christophe Clark
(as Christie)
- Extreme Obsessionen alternative title for Pathos (as Judy)
- Les Filles de la patronne alternative title for Casa di cura
(as Judith, plays Angela)
- Filles sous clef alternative title for Collezione privata
- For Sale 1998, Dir. Peter Backman
(as Judit Connery)
- Die Frau in der eisernen Maske alternative title for Anita e la maschera di ferro
(as Judith Varadt?)
- Girl in the Iron Mask alternative title for Anita e la maschera di ferro
(as Judith Varadt?)
- The Girl Takes a Ride alternative title for Taxi Lady
(as Judy)
- Gnadenlose Sperma-Hexen alternative title for Le Porte del desiderio
(as Judy Garland in French version)
- Harem alternative title for Coppie perverse nell'harem degli scambisti
(as Judit on cover of Harem (DVD) and Judith on screen)
- Harem 2000 1998, Dir. Joe d'Amato as as Raf De Palma
(as Judith Haas)
- Hongrie interdite 1 alternative title for Euro Angels 1 (as Christie)
- Hongrie interdite 2 alternative title for Euro Angels 2
(as Christie)
- Igezo szemek alternative title for Ragazze terribili
- In nome della cosa 1999, Dir. Franco lo Cascio as Luca Damiano
(as Judith)
- In the Flesh 1998, Dir. Stuart Canterbury

- L'Initiation alternative title for Love and Pain
(as Judith, plays 'Schiava 1')
- Innocent Letters - Gefangen in der Fantasie c. 1997, Dir. Kovi (as Koshiba, Monika, Annamarie, Maria Gonsuela, Satana Mai or uncredited)
- The King's Musketeers alternative title for I Moschettieri del Re
(plays Milady)
- Des Königs geile Garde alternative title for I Moschettieri del Re
(plays Milady)
- Kvinnor Kan Tillsammans 2006, Dir. Christer Frankell (as Julia)
- Ladro d'amore - Giacomo Casanova 1998, Dir. Joe d'Amato (as Judith Haas, plays the female lead)
- Ladron de amor alternative title for Ladro d'amore - Giacomo Casanova (as Judith Haas, plays the female lead)
- The Lady in the Iron Mask alternative title for Anita e la maschera di ferro
(as Judith Varadt?)
- Lap Dance alternative title for Vészhelyzetben (as Alexa)
- Lebbar Som Jobbar Dir. Christer Frankell (as Julia)
- Lesbian Delicacys 2006 (as Julia)
- Lesbian Sex-Suaders alternative title for Lebbar Som Jobbar (as Julia)
- Lesbian sexsuaders alternative title for Lebbar Som Jobbar (as Julia)
- Lingerie alternative title for Lingerie per feticisti
(as Judith)
- Lingerie per feticisti 1999, Dir. Franco lo Cascio as Luca Damiano
(as Judith)
- Lingeries alternative title for Lingerie per feticisti
(as Judith)
- Lip Lickers 2 2005, Dir. Tracy Twat (as Mercedes)
- Love and Pain 1998, Dir. Franco lo Cascio (as Mark Principe in French release)
(as Judith, plays 'Schiava 1')
- Love Me Deadly alternative title for Pirate 5 - Love Me Deadly
(as Judit)
- M.I.F. Ügynökök Feketében Dir. Kovi
(as Judy)
- Das Mädchen von der Schatzinsel alternative title for Selen nell' isola del tesoro (as Judith Weller)
- Magic Perversion alternative title for Tarocchi (as Judith)
- Magie & Perversion alternative title for Tarocchi (as Judith)
- La Maschera di ferro alternative title for Anita e la maschera di ferro
(as Judith Varadt?)
- MIF Men in Fuck alternative title for M.I.F. Ügynökök Feketében
(as Judy)
- La Monaca lussuriosa alternative title for Suore depravate in un convento di Clausura
(as Judith, plays a nun)
- I Moschettieri del Re 1999, Dir. Enzo Gallo as Steve Morelli
(plays Milady)
- Les Mousquetaires de sexe et d'épée alternative title for I Moschettieri del Re
(plays Milady)
- Nonnen gaan over de Schreef alternative title for Suore depravate in un convento di Clausura
(as Judith, plays a nun)
- Nora Nord: Lebbar Som Jobbar alternative title for Lebbar Som Jobbar (as Julia)
- Novecenterotico 2 1999, Dir. Ricky Grimaldi
(as Judy Garlan, plays Ingrid, a model)
- Obsedées alternative title for Pathos (as Judy)
- Obsession 52 - Safari Park alternative title for Safari Park
(as Clarissa de Posa)
- Off Limits 1998, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(probably as Judith Weller)
- L'Ospizio della Vergogna Dir. Nicholas Moore
(as July (Judit on cover))
- Pathos 1999, Dir. J. F. Carrello (as Judy)
- Pirate 5 - Love Me Deadly 1998 (2001 for DVD), Dir. Frank Thring
(as Judit)
- Plaisir diabolique 1999, Dir. Michael di Caprio (as Judy Costner)
- Planet Sex alternative title for Planet Sexxx 2 (as Julie)
- Planet Sexxx 2 1998, Dir. Anita Rinaldi (as Julie)
- Le Pornololite di Diva Futura 13 1997, Dir. Riccardo Schicchi (uncredited)
- Le Porte del desiderio 1998, Dir. Alex Martini
(as Judy Garland in French version)
- Les Portes du désir alternative title for Le Porte del desiderio
(as Judy Garland in French version)
- Il Presidente alternative title for Scandalo
(as Cinzia Rosi)
- Prisonnière du vice alternative title for Storie di ordinaria follia
(as Cinzia Rosi)
- Prisonnières du vice / Prisoners of Vice alternative title for Storie di ordinaria follia
(as Cinzia Rosi)
- The Private Life of Nikki Anderson 2001
- Private Triple X Files 10: Memories alternative title for Triple X Files 10 - Memories
(as Judit, non-sex)
- Private Triple X Files 8: Dungeon alternative title for Triple X Files 8 - Dungeon

- Profession: Porn Actress 1998 (2001 for DVD), Dir. Christophe Clark
(as Judit)
- Project Lingerie: anal edition alternative title for Lingerie per feticisti
(as Judith)
- Putas de clausura alternative title for Suore depravate in un convento di Clausura
(as Judith, plays a nun)
- Ragazze terribili 1997, Dir. Steve Morelli (?) as Enzo Lago
- Restaurang Vad-Du-Vill Dir. Christer Frankell (as Julia)
- Restaurant Filthy Fingers alternative title for Restaurang Vad-Du-Vill (as Julia)
- Rocco's Initiations 1 1999, Dir. Rocco Siffredi (as Juditta)
- Sacrées salopes 3
- Safari Park 1999, Dir. Basil Sandford
(as Clarissa de Posa)
- La Saga du Sexe 2 des années 30 de l'an 2000 alternative title for Novecenterotico 2
(as Judy Garlan, plays Ingrid, a model)
- Scandal alternative title for Scandalo
(as Cinzia Rosi)
- Scandale alternative title for Scandalo
(as Cinzia Rosi)
- Scandalo 1999, Dir. Silvio Bandinelli (as Frank Simon in some versions)
(as Cinzia Rosi)
- Scopate la soldatessa Erika! alternative title for War & Sex
- Selen Confidential alternative title for A.A.A. Selen cercasi (as Judit)
- Selen dans l’île des trésors alternative title for Selen nell' isola del tesoro (as Judith Weller)
- Selen nell' isola del tesoro 1998, Dir. Joe d'Amato (as Judith Weller)
- Selen on Treasure Island alternative title for Selen nell' isola del tesoro (as Judith Weller)
- Selen the Girl of Treasure Island alternative title for Selen nell' isola del tesoro (as Judith Weller)
- La Setta alternative title for Love and Pain
(as Judith, plays 'Schiava 1')
- La Signora dei girasoli alternative title for Un Españolito en Budapest
(as Judith Blonde)
- Silvia's Spell 1998, Dir. Frank Thring

- Der Skandal alternative title for Scandalo
(as Cinzia Rosi)
- Sonore lezioni alternative title for Suore depravate in un convento di Clausura
(as Judith, plays a nun)
- Storie di ordinaria follia 1999, Dir. Silvio Bandinelli as Marco Trevi
(as Cinzia Rosi)
- Sunflower Lady alternative title for Un Españolito en Budapest
(as Judith Blonde)
- Suore depravate in un convento di Clausura 1999, Dir. Franco lo Cascio as Luca Damiano
(as Judith, plays a nun)
- Tarocchi 1998, Dir. Franco lo Cascio as Luca Damiano (as Judith)
- Tarocchi: Magic Perversion alternative title for Tarocchi (as Judith)
- Taxi Lady late 1990s, Dir. Kovi
(as Judy)
- Thief of Love alternative title for Ladro d'amore - Giacomo Casanova (as Judith Haas, plays the female lead)
- Tops models et viçieuses alternative title for Cucci - delitto a luci rosse
(as Stefania Guerritorre, Pamela Pinter, Gloria Fideli or Milvia Spadaro, plays the wife)
- Triple X Files 10 - Memories 1998, Dir. Christophe Clark, John Millerman, Kovi
(as Judit, non-sex)
- Triple X Files 8 - Dungeon 1998, Dir. Christophe Clark, Francois Clousot, Kovi, Pierre Woodman, Scott Lucky

- Vampiri - prima parte 1998, Dir. Max Belloccio
(as Judiht, plays the second prostitute)
- Die versaute Nonne alternative title for Suore depravate in un convento di Clausura
(as Judith, plays a nun)
- Vészhelyzetben 1998, Dir. Kovi (as Alexa)
- Le voleur d‘amour, Giacomo Casanova alternative title for Ladro d'amore - Giacomo Casanova (as Judith Haas, plays the female lead)
- War & Sex 1998 / 2002, Dir. Viv Thomas
- Women Does It ... Together! alternative title for Kvinnor Kan Tillsammans (as Julia)
- Year of Bullets alternative title for Anni di piombo
(as Cinzia Rosi)
- Zorras cachondas como almejas alternative title for Coppie perverse nell'harem degli scambisti
(as Judit on cover of Harem (DVD) and Judith on screen)
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