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Re: Anna Span

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 1999 9:02 am
by woodgnome
no she hasn't. she is a producer/director not a performer. it might be an idea though, to have a section devoted to people behind the camera in the british industry - especially as the home grown market has burgeoned so much in recent years.

i'm not talking about exposing the people involved to undue scrutiny but it could be a useful form of cross reference, if you find yourself becoming a fan of the work by a particular producer/company.

or maybe you guys have got enough info overload on your plate already. ;-)

Anna Span

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2000 2:23 pm
by marcus
I met her a few years back at a conference and I see she has an entry in the database. I just wondered if anyone had seen the series. Was she director or star of Anna Span's Summer Special.

She made a very sexy impression at the meeting and I am hoping to see more of her. Anyone know of anything else she has planned?


Re: Anna Span

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2000 3:46 pm
by Phil K
We have been debating whether to delete her entry and may do so in the future because we're not sure if she's ever appeared in front of the camera - if anyone knows she has then we'd love to know about it.

Re: Anna Span

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2000 8:28 am
by marcus
Thanks for the help

I agree about a database for those producing and inspiring.

Anna put a very thoughtful case despite some more than prudish opposition at the meeting we were at. So I admired that she stood up for what she believed in and went out there and did something.

Re: Anna Span

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2000 12:38 pm
by woodgnome
what meeting was this?

i have the documentary about her, shown on channel 4, and she was a breath of fresh air. articulate, frank and funny.

i would love to see her producing h/c material under the new r18 regime. it would be great to have a high profile, female in the business, and in control, in this country.

especially one who could be an engaging public advocate for porn against the forces of reaction. the british public can change their opinion on matters about which they are thought intractible very quickly, if someone puts the case for the opposition in an intelligent and witty way.

check the way george michael made cottaging seem just a bog(;-))standard part of human life, simply by being open and amusing about it. he had old grannys giving him high fives in the street, for being such a devil.

Re: Anna Span

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2000 12:43 pm
by marcus
Thanks Woodgnome

It was a meeting of the Fabians on Digital Broadcasting. I agree she is very frank but not strident - she knows how to argue strongly and persuasively and I really hope she will do much more. I know she was very keen and frustrated by the British Laws at the time.

When was the documentary shown? I missed that which is a pity. I will try and contact them for a copy.


Re: Anna Span

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2000 4:38 pm
by alec
woodgnome wrote:
> or maybe you guys have got enough info overload on your plate
> already. ;-)

We certainly do, but if you want to take it (producers/directors)on ... !! Seriously, it might make them keener to give us information on the films. The regular contributor to this forum would therefore have to be first on the list followed by - Remington Steele, Ben Dover, Frank Thring, Omar Williams, Neil Down, Vinny Curran ... etc., etc. (in no particular order of merit). I'd be here all night before I started on TAC and TVX producers.