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Posted: Fri Feb 19, 1999 4:47 am
Thanks alec
We are not in the business in riping people off.
We will send catalogues out to people who email us with their address.
alec wrote:
Send Address
Posted: Fri Feb 19, 1999 5:07 am
We will be happy to send our latest catalogue to you all.
Just email us with your details.
Re: Videos for Sale/PhilMc at ITN?
Posted: Fri Feb 19, 1999 7:11 am
by liam
How come no Stacey Hardcore in any of the HardCut series,even tho they were excellent?I got one of your early @!#$ Truck vids from the long defunct Premier Choice,not too dusty.Seems as if Mr Honey is hot on the trail of Andrea Clarke.What say you?.P.S.have you updated your site yet?
Posted: Fri Feb 19, 1999 7:12 am
by liam
Learn how to spell first.
Posted: Fri Feb 19, 1999 7:56 am
by woodgnome
> We are not in the business in riping people off.
> We will send catalogues out to people who email us with their
> address.
> Target
these guys most definitely are in the business of riping (sic) people off. this is what he said in one of his posts:-
Date: 12-07-00 10:13
"...we are nothing whatsoever to do with pheonix although we have heard they are no longer trading after a visit from the humourless gang with the big boots"
this denial is bullshit.
here is a quote from 'phoenix' catalogue issue 4, 2nd to last page:- "Now for the small print which isn't actually any smaller than the rest but is just as important."
and here is a quote from 'target' catalogue 4, on the centre page order forms:- "The small print which isn't actually any smaller than the rest but just as important..."
you don't have to be sherlock holmes to deduce that the same razor sharp wit penned both sentences. there are other pointers but really there's only one conclusion- LIAR,LIAR,PANTS ON FIRE.
even if phoenix were busted by the blue meanies, which i doubt, lying to your old customers by setting up a new operation and pretending that you obtained their addresses by buying up someone elses list is bottom line deception. don't pretend otherwise.
Videos for Sale
Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2000 3:04 pm
Monthley catalogue of the latest continental releases and UK Girls in XXX Video Action For Sale.
Email for latest catalogue.
Re: Videos for Sale
Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2000 3:12 pm
by mike
Do you have any video with Andrea Clarke?
Re: Videos for Sale
Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2000 5:15 pm
by alec
There are no Andrea Clarke hard core videos. She never did any.
Re: Videos for Sale
Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2000 7:31 pm
by p
Send me a catalogue.
Re: Videos for Sale
Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2000 7:44 pm
by plodder
Can I have a catalogue