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Alana hennings

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:18 pm
by moto0595


I don't know if this is the right place to do this but I have 6 Polaroid pics of alana that she took for me from way back when she used to do webcam on her website, circa 2006 ish. The pics are topless and different poses. Wonder if anyone is interested in buying them?


Re: Alana hennings

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:46 am
by puretotty
Wow that's a name from the past... we shot her way way back when we started... like around 2001/2002 if my memory serves me right... Would her pictures be worth money then ? I might have to dig through some old hard drives if so lol

Re: Alana hennings

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:36 am
by rgb
Was she the girl who was topless modelling when she was only 17 and everyone was waiting for her eighteenth birthday so that she would show her fanny. Not sure you'd get away with that now !shocked!

Re: Alana hennings

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:31 pm
by moto0595
Yeh that's the girl. Only reason im asking for cash for mine is that they were shot on Polaroid and done by alana herself so bit original. Not looking for the earth, maybe ?40?

Re: Alana hennings

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:43 pm
by puretotty
Yep that was back in the days when 16/17 year olds we're shooting topless... Page 3 styled stuff like Sam Fox... and your right you definitely wouldn't get away with it nowadays...

I always remember a girl we used to shoot back then called Candy Summers (she did go under several names) she was 17 when the law changed and she was royally pissed as it stopped her from doing a lot of the work she was doing...

I arranged a studio day (at my old studio) and she was there with about 10 photographers, and came out with the most raw line ever, she said " You can all fuck me stupid now and no ones doing anything wrong, but if you take a picture of my boobs whilst doing it your a sex offender !" now weather you agree or not, or like or dislike the comment, she did sum it up pretty well... a girl can be fucked stupid by a bunch of guys at 16, yet she cant have a picture of her boobs taken :/

Re: Alana hennings

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:44 pm
by puretotty
Oh PS before people fly off on one, I do think the changes in the law we're for the best by the way... even if I am sure there's a lot of girls of all ages selling shit on SNAPCHAT on their premium accounts lol !

Re: Alana hennings

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:42 am
by one eyed jack
Its a shame mor people arent willing to stand up and be counted. Its why the adult industry makes for easy pickings when someone who is driven by self serving agendas wants to use it to further their cause.

Ridiculous laws like that get passed if there is no one there to oppose it and the reason people didnt bother defend it is because its not worth their while to complain but theyre quickto complain when the law is passed (present company excluded of course before you think its a sly dig at you. It isnt)

Re: Alana hennings

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 4:37 pm
by kinggonk
Does anyone have any pics they can post or imagebam?