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Amateur Fun Studios CALL BACK

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:30 pm
by carpediem18

My very first post!!

I know this thread has been done before.

I don't know if this is for real or not, but I got a call back from Amateur Fun Studios they said that I was randomly picked to be a performer for them and to give them a call back.

Now I applied and got a interview with them which I went to, and I was interviewed by a rather attractive woman not local I presume East European (with a few nice tattoos).
Was told that I will be earning ?500 a movie and there would be always two women to perform with, was then told that I would need a photo-shoot, have a choice of there in-house photographer or find my own. But they advise to use there in-house one of a cost of ?179, now everything was O.K up to that point where I had to fork out the cost of photos.
They gave me a pack to take home with pictures of 6 women and to choose 2 from and to send the other pictures back with the forms that I had to sign. As this was my first I get to choose two women. Then I would need to sign the forms and to choose a 'Porn name'.

I must say it was very nicely done and the pics of the women looked amazing but in my mind alarm bells ringing in my head so I left it and did not return any of the forms back or pictures. But then out of the blue I recently got a message from them saying I got randomly picked to perform for them and to give them a call back, but the number they gave does not work!!!

Was really looking forward to getting into the Adult industry :)

Re: Amateur Fun Studios CALL BACK

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:36 pm
by Fordcortina
Don't carpe diem with this scam.

Instead caveat emptor. !idontbelieveit!

Re: Amateur Fun Studios CALL BACK

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:19 am
by cockneygeezer2009
Sounds too good to be true. How do they know if you can perform or not without a test shoot?

Re: Amateur Fun Studios CALL BACK

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:43 am
by KelticaMedia
I heard they offered this to Father Christmas but he said he was a bit busy at the moment.