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Parliament considers internet block list

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 2:01 pm
by one eyed jack
If people were worried about their Clips4Sale and Adult Work accounts then you should consider what this next step will mean for you and us all for that matter

The Cameron asteroid is coming ad it could be an extinction level event for UK porn if you dont sign up and have porn regulated by Pete Johnson and his team at ATVOD.

What a great business model. We pay them to watch porn all day and they tell us what we are allowed to see...Oh and you can forget seeing the tube sites too because they'll be blocked as well.

In fact, anythig considered politically subversive, be it music, videos or simply anything the government dont want you to see or hear will be blocked

Welcome to the New China beginning January 2014 when the ISP controls come into effect

Re: Parliament considers internet block list

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 2:35 pm
by rgb
Look on the bright side.
If tube sites are blocked, everyone will have to pay for porn; which is good for producers.
If all porn, foreign and UK, is regulated by ATVOD (same strength as BBFC R18), UK porn will be on a level playing field with foreign porn; which is good for UK producers.
Everyone got used to working with the BBFC - and ATVOD is a damn site cheaper!

The general censorship thing is a bigger issue.

Re: Parliament considers internet block list

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:04 pm
by andy at handiwork
If Cameron, and Johnson come to that, are so concerned about child welfare then perhaps they could take some sensible steps with regard to a REAL issue, namely the 600 children a day who start smoking.

Re: Parliament considers internet block list

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:15 pm
by spider
Have you ever come across such a hypocritical bunch of bastards as there are in this Government?

Cameron goes to Sri Lanka and starts lecturing them on their Human Rights record. Two weeks later he goes to China and doesn?t say a word about the repression going on there.

They don't give a fuck about child welfare, they just want the Daily Mail vote.

Dont worry...

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:05 pm
by andy at handiwork
All those Tory MPs and newspapers who complain about the Nanny State and say there should be more personal responsibility will ride to our rescue and defeat this nonsense, wont they???.... Oh shit!

Re: Parliament considers internet block list

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:54 pm
by one eyed jack
They don't give a fuck about child welfare, they just want the Daily Mail vote.

Yep I agree. If it was all about protecting the children then all they had to do was spend very little money educating parents in how to use the filters that are already in place I dont know so much about the daily Mail vote. I think the real golden goose here is that restricting the internet to their control is future proofing against things like Irangate, bad press and exposure to their dodgy dealings and think about it, if they control the internet they can influence thinking like Rupert "The Kingmaker" Murdoch with the press

If all this was on a Monopoly Board the internet would be Park Lane with three red hotels on it. Land on that and thats you out the game

Re: Parliament considers internet block list

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:12 pm
by one eyed jack
Thats for all the ones that Pete Johnson cant get no doubt

I wouldnt bank on ATVOD keeping the prices cheaper than the BBFC who dropped their prices simply because theres not much demand for certifiying DVD for sale in sex shops when all it does is end up on line within minutes of being for sale in the shops.

Think about it, when everyone is in the same room they have a captive audience and the only way to stop the websites from growing out of control is to proce them out the market with over inflated fees.

Think thats far fetched?

Remember the sex shop licences? taxing it at a high price doesnt mean the local coucils hads were clean. They were practically extorting like gangsters did in the 70's is how i see it but theyre legitimate because theyre the council

Re: Parliament considers internet block list

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:33 pm
by sefstar4uk
You said parliment has 'considered' the internet block list. I thought that the filters were already underway.

Sky already has theirs up an running. ... et-1199488

Re: Parliament considers internet block list

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 6:40 pm
by one eyed jack
The filters come into effect January 1st. The site blocking has been put in as a private bill for ATVOD to outlaw any site in the UK that does not sign up with them

I'll give that Pete Johnson his dues, he's like a dog with a bone about his job. I dont think he has anything against it anymore than Clubs & Vice but when you got a job to o an you have political ambitions then you will do yur best to do a good job.

Its pointless in seeing him as a bad guy as some have but I just dont agree with them enforcing their will when in fact it is ineffective.

I have said that it would be goo if they met with s half way to discuss this but in fact he has by attending the AITA meeting and the recent XBiz and hardly anyone butt the anti censorship lot were there to defend asking why the porn contingent were so few

Erm....Yeah I thought that too

Re: Parliament considers internet block list

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:13 pm
by number 6
Surely the great xhamster won't be blocked,its the most watched porn site on the net. And they no extreme stuff allowed on there.