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Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:09 am
by one eyed jack
Ok Im gonna get some heat on this but so be it. Whats new?

I couldnt help but dust the cobwebs off the think tank upstairs and think about the advantages of AW over paid work

Now I know many swear by AW and that is cool. This is not a diss to them

But I asked around and used the following as my source of calculation

Adult work with 70 clips earning 10k p.a

The equivalent but with 70 paid jobs avg ?250

If the fees are less than ?140 then youre better off with AW

All this earning more per shoot in this day and age where AW is coping with the exodus of producers migrating there to earn money. We havent factored in the costs that go towards producing videos ie cameras, editing unless of course most of it is edited on windows movies maker....

Gasp! You use windows movie maker???

Anyway, lets not fool each other that AW is a big earner because youre doing yourself out of pocket giving that delusion as more people go on there and its less money for those in direct competition who use it

Now if there was a blend of AW and paid work then I can see a lot more earning potential.

The only real convenience I see to it is that you need not leave your house for camming at home and lets face it, you still have to put a lot of time in working, uploading, promoting and doing this from home isnt always the best option if you live with others

I dont doubt that AW has its stars that earn a lot of money but I also know people who just make residual income and its probably these people that will work for ?150 that are happy because they dont know any better

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:19 am
by one eyed jack
I agree the sites win hands down but I'm talking about the models. Not the sites. I know of plenty people that think a couple hundred a week extra on top of the benefits or day time job is a touch. The illusion of success differs from person to person. It all depends on how much time youput in on it and there is the difference

I know plenty of girls from this business which is why I am able to come up with figures but I also understand there is no such thing as a free lunch when you are at the mercy of having your accounts pulled without warning to lose all your credits which has been known of Adult Work. I understand they have an appeals procedure

The future is in constant flux. Its the here and now, like everything else has been in the past. Technological advancements or legislation can easily change that in the short term.

I'm not moaning about it as this business has constantly been evolving since I got into it in tthe late 90's

Its all well and good that the models control their own destinies. Its also interesting to see that more dommes were at XBiz with an active interest in what ATVOD are doing because with self employment comes knowing the business you have got into and to ignore that you will find the business model will come to a full stop

As I said, it could all come undone with the ISP filtering and ATVOD

Aint that right Jay K !wink!

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:32 am
by one eyed jack
Can i just point out that the only producers that come up on here moaning about the state of the industry are mainly amateurs?

This is not a pop at amateurs because it is where I came up from.

My business model rarely if ever has no shows. I travel to couples homes to do shoots. Couples get in touch with me to do shoots. In fact I can tel how bad the environment is hen former contract girls to big companies get in touch wanting to do a shoot with me. I don't pay thousands and nor do I do a leased car/ mortgaged home payment plan

I rarely ever solicit...Well ok once when I head hunted Tallulah Tease when she was new

I agree though that things certianly aint what they used to but we need to be more creative in monetising produced content. Don't waste time hankering for the good old days when you should be mindful on the here and now and the future

I also know a couple of girls who closed their AW accounts because they have so much paid work on they don't have time to put in on the site.

Just trying to vary the understanding about Adult Work being the be all and end all is all

As a revenue stream its a great platform. Just dont put all your eggs in one basket in case the bottom drops out is all I'm saying.

You ight think I'm a know-it-all...But thats only because its based on hard nosed experience of 15 years and over 1000 shoots shot all over the UK and in Europe.

When wise man speak unwise man should listen. Especially when he give gold for free.

I did that.

Im stlll here

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:06 am
by Scarlet Grey
Interesting stuff.

I find the stuff I shoot with Paul he always has to pay.

When he shoots the experienced performers, who do have AW accounts, web cam and shoot their own content, he can't approach them with content share as they want paid work.

I guess Dusk Films has been a middle level company for a few years now and that means paying rates models are happy to be paid to do the job.

The girls seem to do content share with studs they know.

Paul seems to get on with a lot of the girls he has worked with, but the fact he is paying them himself means he's the producer and so would be seen as being cheap if he wanted content share.

Even though technically he is both, he has never done POV for 3 years, I film him, he's completely in front of the camera now, so he is in a way a male performer as much as he is a producer, hell I order him about more than he does me when I'm shooting him to get my angles.

But because he's a producer too, he would be seen to be cheap if all he offered was content share. We have done two content shares this year but they approached us and one wanted another one doing as it made her money.

So we find that the girls we shoot all want paid work just as much, but do AW as well for extra.

I can only think if a model wanted nothing but content share all the time, then they are doing so not out of choice, as they must not be getting work offers at all and thats there only option.

It's a shame but I have spoken to a few girls who aren't getting work at all, and this ranges from well known, once up on a time busy models, to girls who just have a handful of paid shoots here and there.

Its very sad

I think there will always be girls who want paid work, and to be seen on sites that are known because its good for the CV and to show people and say they have done it. Not all models are lazy and won't leave the house to travel to a shoot.

I also get told that they get fed up of doing there own stuff 24/7 and so getting directed and working on another project for paid work is a nice change.

I think thing have changed yes, and content share is king at the moment, but there still a very small percentage of models who still make a living of paid work, or paid work and AW and not just AW alone. But we always speak about the maority of the industry instead of the small view and that means content share is probably what???? 98% of the UK industry now?

The only reason why Paul and Dusk films pays for almost all of their content is because we happen to have our content in the US market, on program that is growing and growing and still makes a decent turn over by working very very hard. Nerd Pervert the content we shoot for them is there flagship new site that I do believe them have spent a lot of money on marketing and promotion over there. I know Paul uses AW but I don't know how well he does on it, but thats using content that is years old, no new content has been shot just for AW.

I know there are a lot of people offering bad rates, and that will be why a lot of models turn paid work down, its up to them if they do it, but they won't sell there self out especially if they are travelling long distances.

Like mentioned above the industry is in flux at the moment.

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:27 am
by one eyed jack
What was that said earlier about this not being open for discussion? !happy!

Thanks for your very brad and incisive answer to this question Scarlet.

It would be great to hear from other models and what they think of it

Al the comments you have made I have heard from a variety of models. Its not cut and dried as people would think

I know people who shoot good content suffering because they need the money to shoot more content and I suspect its down to too many cooks in the kitchen and not enough customers in the restaurant

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:30 am
by Emac
Wouldn't this be better in the girls forum? Not a criticism one bit by the way, I think this is a great conversation, and as a junior I'm reading and learning!

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:44 am
by Paul Taylor
If its for the girls section then BGAFD will move it

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:46 am
by Emac
I think you're missing the point. It was a question, not a criticism.

Not your most helpful response.

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:00 pm
by one eyed jack
You make a good point Emac

Sorry. My bad