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Cameron Seeks Strict Porn Curbs

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:51 pm
by Benson_Media
Wow! What's happening over there!

Just read this on the Japan Times website:

" LONDON ? In a land whose uptight reputation is belied by its wicked ways, the Conservative-led British government is in midst of a crusade to enact some of the strictest curbs on pornography in the Western world.

The campaign follows the rape and murder of two young girls by men seemingly addicted to online pornography. One of the children, 5-year-old April Jones, was buried Thursday after a nationally televised funeral...

Family-friendly filters will soon be automatically installed when most new subscribers sign up for Internet service, with customers wishing to view pornography needing to make a conscious choice to turn them off. Before the end of next year, most of the 21 million wired households in Britain will also be placed in the awkward position of having to declare whether they want to keep access to legal online pornography or have it blocked by their telecommunications providers....

Free-speech advocates, however, see a slippery slope ? one that could eventually rob Britain of the moral authority to denounce government-imposed Internet filtration in countries such as China. Perhaps more than any other Western nation, critics say, Britain has become a test case for how and whether to more deeply police Internet images and social media in free societies..."

Re: Cameron Seeks Strict Porn Curbs

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:51 am
by VintageTog
Welcome to two years ago. Sorry, had to say it.

Re: Cameron Seeks Strict Porn Curbs

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:36 am
by one eyed jack
Sex & Censorship Rally: Finally the business stands up and has its say

Could do with a lot more supporters though...Although I've heard it said (in XBiz forum) by one member, "

"Whats the point? Nothing wlll come of it. Might as well stay at home and watch Coronation Street"

Oh the apathy. At least I know who to call on with a tub of vaseline if I ever switch teams ....!laugh!

Re: Cameron Seeks Strict Porn Curbs

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:44 am
by one eyed jack
Q&A with Pete Johnson boss of ATVOD from XBiz

Everything you ever wanted to know about ATVOD and then some with a standing room audience....scales of fines, UK sites in breach, payment blocking, TV stations, adult work, clips4sale and more discussed

By he way anyone who uses AW and C4S are in breach (says Pete Johnson) because you do not control the payment mechanism.

Keep ignoring this issue until they come get you then you're on your own. There's no magic wand to deal with this after you've been caught so act now and support the cause before its too late

You cant engage these people unless you do so with dialogue

Re: Cameron Seeks Strict Porn Curbs

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:49 am
by Welshmorph
Always nice to get a mention. Viva Abused Piggy!


Re: Cameron Seeks Strict Porn Curbs

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 12:59 pm
by rgb
Me too !happy!

Re: Cameron Seeks Strict Porn Curbs

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:19 pm
by rgb
Terry said "By the way anyone who uses AW and C4S are in breach (says Pete Johnson) because you do not control the payment mechanism."

Can't be faffed to listen to the whole video again, but I think it's more likely he said to the effect " breach in spite of the fact you do not control the payment mechanism"

In my humble but considered opinion, speaking as someone having gone through the ATVOD mill and having had some legal training in the distant past, I think you are more likely to be liable to ATVOD using C4S than Adultwork.

A key ATVOD phrase is "editorial control". Adultwork exercise a lot of editorial control with videos and often reject them for quality or content. I think ATVOD would be hard pushed to argue that the uploader has editorial control.

With C4S the uploader has much more control and can position the videos himself on the "store" and C4S seem to accept anything - ATVOD could probably make a case there.

The other great ATVOD phrase is "television like" . Last year ATVOD tried to get the BBC and a company called Channel Flip Media Limited to register their Youtube clip services as ODPSs. The latter appealed to Ofcom on the basis that short clips are not television like. OfCom upheld the appeal and ATVOD had to give in. So, a precedent has been set that short clips are not ATVOD-able. Whether Ofcom would uphold an appeal that short porn clips are ok is another matter, but it is another good defence argument for anyone offering the short Adultwork or C4S clips.

Re: Cameron Seeks Strict Porn Curbs

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:51 pm
by one eyed jack
RGB wrote:

I think it's more likely he said to the effect " breach in spite of the fact you do not control the payment mechanism"

Something to that effect where he excluded livecams under direct questioning but pointed out AW and C4S on the grounds that the "uploaders do not control the payment mechanism"...Means what I said in essence

Interesting that live cams get let off despite their "television like" definition

Re: Cameron Seeks Strict Porn Curbs

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:26 am
by Fordcortina
I watched the Q&A session. It appeared to be very television like. It went on for ages. I shall be making a complaint to Atvod.

Regardless of what Mr "pete" Johnson may have said, or be thought to have said, the person who Atvod might find liable, if material on the internet is judged to be in breach of the regulations, is the person who uploaded it not the service that allowed its transmission. The reason why he might have mentioned payment mechanisms is because if all material is behind a credit card payment barrier the person viewing such material has demonstrated that they are over 18 and so not worthy of Atvod's protection from the corrupting effects of learning the sordid truth about the birds and the bees.

But it seems certain that Atvod has set it's sights on A/W and Clips4Sale. And they will be coming for the individuals uploading the clips.

This is a very serious issue, of concern to everyone, because it is about your fundamental freedom. The place to attack it is on it's legality. Whereas it might be interesting to see and hear 'pete' you need to understand that he is a regulator. He arrives at his office every morning and decides who to regulate today. Porn producers are an easy target. Harassing them is popular with some politicians because it is censorship of the internet through the back door. 'Pete' would say that everyone is liable, because he would wouldn't he. But he can only regulate you if you produce television, or a 'television like' product that competes with scheduled television for a mass audience.

Re: Cameron Seeks Strict Porn Curbs

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:45 am
by one eyed jack
Spot on FordCortina

Except the definition of "television like" Seems anything filmed except short clips of under 2 minutes can be defined as such

It seems OFCOM are not always in concert with ATVOD

A victory for PlayBoy but what does it mean for their future in the UK? I've read that they'v ceased production in the UK and moving elewhere now they are owned by Manwin

Also, I have no idea how ATVOD plan on targetting and enforcing individual users of AW and C4S unless they go through the company to get their detials or worse give their banking details to get their address which to me spells like trouble for ATVOD if anyone flicks a switch in their big brains for breach of the data act for disclosing perosnal details.

This an get awfully messy and I suspect ATVOD will want to go for the least line of resistance with people not aware of their rights.