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A Tog to Avoid - Please Read

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:24 pm
by Tiffany Naylor
Hi all,

Now I'm not one to get caught up in dramas, mudslinging or bitching but I feel I need to mention this.

I worked with an amateur tog last week for a leather fetish website - which, to this date I have no idea the name of. Another model suggested me to him and I trusted her judgement. I worked with him two weeks prior to this as well. On our first encounter, I picked him up at Milton Keynes train station and HE asked ME where we were going?!

I was surprised and said that I didn't know the area. To this end most of the booked time was spent driving around trying to find a suitable place to film something. He was extremely disorganised and didn't communicate what he wanted from me very well at all. I was a little peeved but thought nothing of it, he'd got some footage, I'd got paid. I agreed to work with him again with another model; this was last weekend.

All throughout the shoot he was vague and unhelpful as to what he actually wanted us to do and left us guessing. For the most part we improvised and got on with what we thought he meant.

At the end of this particular shoot I was putting on some gloves and turned to find he was pointing the camera at me and gesticulating wildly for me to "go". So I asked him what he wanted me to do. Again, mad gesturing to just go - without actually telling me what I was supposed to be doing. By this point I'd had enough of being expected to read his mind and I did get shirty with him about it. He did not react well to this and started sulking.

He did not pay me or the other model the full amount he had agreed for the shoot and stalked off in a strop. He then texted me the following day to say I had made him feel worse than any other human being ever, which I ignored.

What prompted me to write this post on here was the fact that today he has tweeted me insinuating that I am a bully. Now that is one thing I am not and will not tolerate being called on a public platform such as Twitter. I have worked with many big name companies and never had anything but positive feedback. I work hard and have a good reputation and strive to maintain this. I have also worked with other amateurs in the past and never had as much difficulty with them as I did with this guy.

His name is Phil and he's from Manchester. I don't have any other info than that other than his phone number and Twitter handle, which while I may be the worst human being on the planet according to him, I am not about to post on a public forum. Just thought other girls should be aware how disorganised and unprofessional he is and not bother with him if he contacts you.

Thanks for reading.

Re: A Tog to Avoid - Please Read

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 8:33 pm
by one eyed jack
This sort of thing is not unusual Tiff. We hear about it a lot more than you realise and normally most amateurs are genuine fledgling guys wanting to make their hobby pay but every once in a while there is the odd one that just doesnt get the codes of conduct dealing with people in this business

Re: A Tog to Avoid - Please Read

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:46 am
by Admo
Yea i kinda agree but dont forget she worked with him two weeks prior to the incident, neither of them knew where they were going to shoot i mean wtf, he might be amateur but you expect better discussion upfront from a seasoned model. No offense but that shows an equal level of disorganisation and lack of communication from both model and tog.

The classic line for me is the model says after all that - "I got paid." then she agreed to work with him again lol. She moans and then wants more ?? Ahh i love models who only see ??? signs.

Sooooo they do another shoot.... Even after the 1st shoot farce. And again it seems neither of them have managed to discuss enough detail about what the shoot will involve. Will it be directed, will it be free flowing, in which case whats expected ....etc etc.

Result - both parties are equally unsure whats happening again and people get pissed off. What a surprise ..... not.

Re: A Tog to Avoid - Please Read

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:54 pm
by Rodallega
i agree with what you are saying and also she is not suppose to put the person name on this forum


Re: A Tog to Avoid - Please Read

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:03 pm
by Nob3y
Good point there bro. Takes two to tango.

Re: A Tog to Avoid - Please Read

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:30 pm
by one eyed jack
I disagree with you guys.

As a producer you should be the boss man in charge of all decisions involving where you spend your money.

A models job is to turn up looking the part of her job requirement and do what was agreed

I cant believe you guys are wanting to split the blame rather than take the blame. its not a models job to provide a location let alone driving him around for two hours looking for a place to shoot.

Damnit man thats what ?30 travel inns are for!!! No excuse!

All my years shooting if I had nowhere to shoot arranged after booking a model then that makes you look amateur

I've been very specific with models as to what was required for the job and pulled no 11:59 surprise options on anyone EVER!

Ive even had back up contingencys if I didnt get what was set out I would pay less for option B ie bloke cant perform Do a solo and get x amount or do two for this amount

It simply sounds like the "producer" ( i use the word in a loose sense) had no idea what he wanted or was too scared to admit that all he wanted or hoped for was a shag and couldnt hold the camera properly for excitement seeing pussy is more the likes of it

No offence. Just seen it so many times to know. Man up and admit it and I will have more time for an honest man than this bs I'm hearing from you guys

Re: A Tog to Avoid - Please Read

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:00 pm
by Pippa_Lily
Clearly Tiffany thought the first experience was him on a bad day and he would have it sorted out for the second shoot.

The fact that it was for a fetish website you (as a model) would EXPECT to get some direction.. If you aren't personally into that fetish you are shooting for you don't know what people want to see and he should have told her that!
If he wants to waste time getting her to drive him around then that's up to him, as long as she was paid for the time she did her job (turned up on time and stayed for the time agreed and shot the footage). Sounds like he didn't fulfil his side of the bargain or want to.

Accusing her of being a bully is just stupid.
I've met Tiffany and worked with her and she's the most lovely easy going girl to work with. He sounds like he didn't know what the fuck he was doing and got annoyed with himself. He is clearly accusing her of being a bully to tarnish her reputation to try and boost his own.

Is he also accusing the other model of being a bully or just picking on you Tiff?

Re: A Tog to Avoid - Please Read

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:22 pm
by Admo
"A models job is to turn up looking the part of her job requirement and do what was agreed" .... I thought who whole point is they obviously hadnt discussed it in enough detail to come to any agreement ?

The percentage of models ive ever worked with who dont discuss basic questions like "where will the shoot be?" and "what do i have to do?" is a big fat zero....why ? Well its basic model safety to know where you are going and what you are doing, lol.

I'm not saying the model is responsible for making arrangements...but it sure does take 2 people to discuss and this hasnt been done, so yeah it is split responsibility.

Re: A Tog to Avoid - Please Read

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:04 pm
by one eyed jack

"where will the shoot be?" and "what do i have to do?" is a big fat zero

So how do you know what the model is doing and what fee you are paying?

Are you saying models will just turn up to a designated point without knowing who she is meeting or what she is doing?

So if a girl turns up expecting to do solo she'll end up doing POV gonzo with anal???

Thats just bizarre, unprofessional and very rare to my knowledge and if thats the case Im not surprised why so many girls dont show up as it sounds like the kind of set up one wouldnt take seriously anyway

My roots coming up was very similar to you guys which is why I couldnt understand why no shows was, for a time, endemic given the ratio of new models coming up per new producers every month offering poor rates for as much as they can get out of a girl on the day.

Treat people well and the word gets out on you and everyone will be calling you for work.

Part of that is acting like you know what you are doing and the very least of that is knowing where you are shooting the model you booked on the day

Re: A Tog to Avoid - Please Read

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:31 pm
by one eyed jack
Dont take my word for it.

Listen to this podcast that features a models issues with the business. Kind of echoes what were talking about here

If you feel you want to redress the balance then maybe you shgould get in touch with Paul Taylor and do a podcast interview