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Be careful girls !!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:20 pm
Is a big Porn Star that use new girls not just
to use and abuse of them in shoots , promising work
contacts , love and in the end is all lies to take your money
and new girls for free be careful babes
tomorrow will give the name of this big porn star if I don't have my money back !!!!!!

cheers xxx

Re: Be careful girls !!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:09 pm
Trust a guy that tell me lot of lies at the time so I lent money to him
to pay his rent and bla bla , the end all were more lies and he been doing that for years with lot of girls , I just will discover him if he keep lying to me and don't give me my money cos man I really did help him out a lot !!
plus I just trust people , yes my fault !!

Re: Be careful girls !!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:13 pm
by Nob3y
Im liking you asian lover,you say it before I get a chance lol

Re: Be careful girls !!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:15 pm
by Nob3y
when it comes to money and birds.... trust nobody.

Re: Be careful girls !!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:01 pm
by andy ide
And I get stuck in the middle of it.

Gina, this is a private matter between two adults who once shared a sexual relationship. On that, I have no comment.

What I am compelled to comment on are the remarks you make concerning his professional conduct which, because I work with him as a producer, impact on my own professional reputation.

You state that he uses and abuses new girls in shoots. This may give the impression that these girls are taken sexual advantage of against their will. This is not, and never has been, the case. To be clear, we shoot sub-dom sex scenes. Within the context of those scenes, the girls get bossed around, called derogatory names, fucked hard, etc. But before the scenes start we ask all of them if there are any things they don't want to be on the receiving end of. We listen to what they have to say and we respect it. As a result, the strength of our scenes can vary greatly from one model to another.

You also suggest that you were told lies in order for us to get you in front of our camera "for free". This was not the case. We embarked on our day of work together in order to produce one scene for us and another separate scene for you. This happened. I then edited your scene for you, created formatted versions of it for you along with freeze-frames and delivered it to you shortly afterwards. It was an exchange of services. You enjoyed the day and you were very happy with the results.

Were it not for the personal relationship that then developed between the pair of you, and the fall-out from it, you would not have taken to BGAFD this evening making the comments that I have found it necessary to counter. Instead, you'd be of a like mind with the other girls we've worked with who've told us that they'd very much like to get together with us again to shoot a second scene.

Good luck sorting it out.

Re: Be careful girls !!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:11 pm
Andy if u read what I post u will see that I never say that u have to pay me for the shoot !! I said he use me for take money from me I didn't talk about work
cos it was content share , I didn't give a name but u just did !
well done , plus let's not talk about that yes u do first the interview asking what girls like or not , yes u do but after in camera don't give to much shit about what the girl said !!

You really wanna go into that ??
cos i try to keep cool for more than 3 month , yes was a relation ship thats why he make me feel sorry with lies to ask me for money and we know where this money goes , and he did and keep doing the same with others girls usually news on the business so of course now is not something personal is about business .
If u wanna keep talking and defending somebody that not have defense cool , but you are the one that answer letting people know about who I'm talking about .

Re: Be careful girls !!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:16 pm
Thanks !!!!! that was his excuse always to me , not money for train not money for food for rent , I even give money for u both Andy and Pascal to take train to do shoots so everyone knows who is him I didn't know before
but sorry Andy if u work with him knowing how he is and what he does then u are in the same boat