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Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:49 am
by sohojiveboy
Hi there

I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience of Amateurs Fun Studio which are based just behind Baker Street? They advertise **EVERYWHERE** for adult performers...

I actually called up, sent pics, got "accepted" and went for an "interview".... I was then told to call back tomorrow if I fancied doing some filming. The patter was seamless and seemed quite legitimate, but something didn't ring true (call me paranoid!).

The deal seemed to be 2 monthly film shoots with me and 2 girls (of my choice) and payment of ?750 each time. Now, call me naive, but I don't think performers in LA get that much at the basic level, although of course, I'm happy to be proven wrong!

Their film shoots apparently take place in a studio in Gloucester Place, London....

I asked if payment for anything (by me) was required and they said no....

I'd just appreciate ANY info based on experience please.... I'm still tempted to go ahead with it, but I want to be 100% sure that there's nothing lurking which will make me regret it!


Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:59 pm
by faye

I have applied for them, Ive had the same bullshit. went through same procedure to be just really fucked around. something is going on there!!! and I really dont no what.

I dont trust them now.I was even called for a photo shoot which I did attend prior to doing a porn shoot, nothing as of yet for a porn shoot and its been months. they seem tobe full of bullshit.

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:04 pm
by emmab
humm.. sounds like they are after free content faye?
I applied to them but if they want me to do a photoset for free they can fuck off!

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:09 pm
by sohojiveboy
Hmmm..... weird. I was so unsure of it all before my "interview" that I found a nice little coffee shop opposite their office and recce'd the place beforehand (jeez, I sound damn paranoid don't I?!)... nobody went in or out all the time I was there.

The shop next door which I went into to check out some clothes told me that the guy "seemed nice" and bought his clothes there too, but they agreed that something weird was going on, and that the place didn't seem right.

It all just didn't seem right to me either, but I've got to hand it to them, their chatting / interviewing is down to a fine art. It just seemed that they gave you a titbit of info, then dangled the carrot even more.... it all seemed too good to be true. I'm old enough and wise enough to pretty much understand that those situations mean bullshit or a big bad payoff (excuse the pun!) at the end of it all.

Thanks to both of you for writing.... I guess my new career isn't going to take off then ;)


Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:53 pm
by faye
hmmm I may be taking a trip down there to get my bloody photos!!!

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:34 pm
by legmanuk
Hi, first post here.

Interesting to see something finally about these guys, have done A LOT of googling around them and can never find much.

Also had interview and got accepted a few weeks ago with same "2 monthly film shoots with me and 2 girls (of my choice) and payment of ?750 each time" as above which as you say sounds fantastic and far too good to be true. I was bit sceptical about it before I went and the whole time I was waiting for some kind

Then when I collected my registration pack I had to return it with cheque or credit card details for deposit for an introductory photo shoot of ?75. Also the address they ask you to return it to is a MAil Boxes etc PO Box and no amount of googling returned any answers on the so called name of the production company (not Amateur Fun Studios, another name they gave me).

Common sense is always that you should never need to pay to sign up for any job in any industry so concluded was a scam. Kept meaning to phone up and have a discussion, play a bit dumb and see what they said but never got round to it yet.

So yes, presumably I too will have to look somewhere else for my big break...

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:56 pm
by jimsten1980
I was meant to be going in tomorrow for the interview, think I may give it a miss now as it sounds like a load of crap!

Thanks guys for reafirming my suspicions.

We are all talking about big breaks in the industry, why the hell can't a group of people get their own little LEGITIMATE porn company on the go? I for one would be happy to be involved. Would just need some willing boys and girls and a few sexual health checks :) And obviously a fairly decent camera.

Let's make our own amateur porn, even though I have watched enough porn for it not to be amateur lol

Anyone male or female let me know what you think??

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:54 pm
by Leslie
I have had pretty the same experience. Unfortunately it seems it is a swindle.
If they will not do what they promised we should come together and sue them. What do you think? If it is a scam, well it is built really good. But I think we can make it clear.

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:13 am
by Leslie
I will send you an email.


Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 5:54 pm
by faye
I agree with that, lets bring these assholes down.I had alot of bull shit off them.