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Indfustry syphilis outbreak - budapest

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:06 am
by frankthring

Fellow industry professionals - yesterday 10 performers in Budapest
tested positive for syphilis, today a further 6 = 16 as I write this. All
performers are going to our 2 clinics here today and tomorrow to have
a new "full test" (HIV, Syph/Gonr/Hepatitis) + an extra more complex
test for syphilis. As of today all Talent have stopped work until a new
bout of tests on the 21st, after which, if things are improving, all
performers will be required to be be tested weekly until further notice.
Jim Slip and others can confirm that we take tests very seriously in
Budapest and have good clinics.
Rumours abound - it was caused by swingers, czechs, russians....It
doers not matter. We live in a real world.
However, I strongly advise all British performers who might have worked
with Hungarian & Czech talent in the past 3 weeks to have a fresh test
for syphilis. Producers planning to come here would be advised to give
it 3-6 weeks and I will keep bgafd updated.

Re: Indfustry syphilis outbreak - budapest

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:45 am
by jimslip
Thanks for that Frank, luckily for me I have been in the UK for the last few months. The great thing about Budapest is that such outbreaks are recognised and dealt with immediately by the whole industry. No one there can get away with dodgy or fake tests and so an outbreak can be properly stopped in its tracks.

Re: Indfustry syphilis outbreak - budapest

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:54 am
by jimslip
Frank said:

"Rumours abound - it was caused by swingers, czechs, russians....It
doers not matter. We live in a real world."

Swingers always get the blame for this sort of thing, but in reality such a disease can be brought into the industry in many different ways. For example a stud might have a one night stand with an infected girl outside the business, go home and screw his model girlfriend and voila you have 2 people circulating the disease to all and sundry! To be honest at the rate this infection seems to have spread this scenario might be quite possible!

Re: Indfustry syphilis outbreak - budapest

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:26 pm
by bamboo
It had nothing to do with my visit to Budapest in June, honest !innocent!

Re: Indfustry syphilis outbreak - budapest

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:29 am
by one eyed jack
People waste far too much time wondering who gave it to who and without realising the infected person didnt give it to themselves

Update - Budapest syphilis

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:45 am
by frankthring

Last night at a meeting between the main clinic, agents and producers it
was agreed, as I said on the bgafd in my first blog, that the whole industry
will be re-tested with a very full 3-part syphilis test on 21 August. Those
who are now and are then still "clean" will be allowed to work. Those
found infected will have to wait several weeks until the clinic thinks them
safe (probably 6-12 weeks). This week already most of the industry here
has been given a full syphilis test in addition to our regular test.
It seems that a little over 20 people were infected, considerably more girls
than boys, and I cannot reveal names but it includes several top stars.
I repeat - all performers who may have worked with hungarian or czech
talent (there has been one or two cases in Prague) should take a syphilis
test. I advise producers booking E.European talent or visiting us to
postpone until the end of the month.

Re: Indfustry syphilis outbreak - budapest

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:16 am
by Dave Wells
Two questions spring to mind, who goes to Budapest from the UK anymore apart from the Slips ? And I'm guessing that this 'outbreak' will be contained pretty easily hopefully because there isn't much of a business left there either, just like here !

Dave Wells

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:03 am
by frankthring

Dave - while considering that UK producers do come here sometimes
(Kendo for instance and Jim Slip), I would add that companies such as
Harmony and Brazzers have used talent based primarily in Budapest in
the UK in past six months.....Moving on to your second point, I am sorry
to disappoint you but the industry seems vibrant here. I might wish to be
busier myself, but for the models the industry remains quite active and,
overall, rather busier than the days when you used to be a visitor. In fact
if you think about it, the very fact that over 20 performers in a few days
have caught the disease demonstrates I think how busy they all are fucking
on camera ! Finally, let me say that producers from other mainland
european countries - France, Italy, Germany and others - may not rush to
use British talent but they all come here or use Hungarian -based talent in
their productions.

Re: Dave Wells

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:08 am
by Dave Wells
Funny that because everyone I speak to over there says that they are all struggling for work and that companies don't go there anymore etc etc.

Or maybe they are all just bullshitting me, eh ? How unusual that would be ha, me being bullshitted to in this biz !!

Re: Dave Wells

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:33 pm
by jimslip
I think you are being "Bullshited" Dave, it is busy over there and it is a vibrant, professional industry.