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Questions about agreed fee's

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:16 am
by Trinity
Right, a shoot I did a few weeks ago the 'producer' agreed, via email to pay me a set fee with a 'bonus' of a set amount.

Now, I got the set fee, and he 'forgot' the bonus, so the next shoot I asked for it as I'd emailed to say he'd not given it me, he then quibbled it!

His lame excuse was that 'he couldn't use the footage'

Now, my understanding of this is that if, like I did I signed a release, the actual footage isn't anything to do with me even if it's never used, but the fee agreed is still to be paid, is that right!?

If so, this is a warning to models out there about this douche bag!

I'm not bothered about the money, it's the principal of him not sticking to a written agreement.

He's since called me 'childish, pathetic, and un professional' and that 'nobody had a good word to say about me'

I don't give a shit what he thinks or says, but this 'site' he is on I've only ever worked with one of producer on there!

Any help appreciated!


Re: Questions about agreed fee's

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:29 am
by Paul Taylor
Hey Trinity,
Ok was the amount on the model release the amount including the bonus on the form?

Why are you not getting paid on the day??? personally I would not do any work that wasn't cash on the day, the way things are at the moment thats money for people to pay after they have shot the content, there is no incentive to pay you that if they already have the content.

You gotta remember people aren't making what they were so if things a tight he is not going to pay if he has a gas bill to pay first. I never book and shoot I can't pay for.

Since your self employed I doubt there is anything you can do, its the same in any industry I hav a mate who's a tiler and he didn't get paid for a few houses he did, unless he took the to court he couldn't do a thing.

Not that I have helped much but don't be nice and take what people say to you, even if he meant well, he hasn't paid you, get the money on the day or not at all. If someone of the bigger companies weren't paying people a while back they why would someone on a smaller level if they know they can get away with it?

But you are right even if the footage hadn't come out, hes on the camera, hes the one who hasn't shot it to the person/company who he was going to sell it too, and now they don't want it or whatever the reason. Bottom line its not your problem if he can't use the footage, you still need to be paid for your time.

But if you had been paid upfront on the day by the time he realised the footage was no good as he claimed hen you would already have is money :0) and you would be doing nothing wrong if you kept it too as that was the deal. I always tell models these days to take the e-mails with them on the day incase someone tries to drop in a major change your not happy with or a level you don't go up to etc....

Re: Questions about agreed fee's

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:40 am
by Trinity
Hiya babe,

I take everything in this biz with a pinch of salt lol

I don't mix business with pleasure but I remain professional at all times.

This was a catfight, and my 'opponant' didn't really try, now this was my 3rd fight and I won hands down, as I did on my last fight but the things that's pissed me off is he quibbled about it.

He's turned round and said I'm scared about my next fight and I know I'll get beat!!

Now, for anyone that's met me or workd with me they know how I am and what my hobbies are! I LOVE and I mean LOVE inflicting pain, the CP shoots I did I relished, the first fight I had I was bouncing with excitement!

I got to kick some lass's arse and got paid for it! He told my last opponant that he's never seen anyone as hard as me step into his ring, I've got the hardest slap he's ever seen and that I can't be beaten!

Now, I had a 'hit list' to take down every fighter he wanted to put me against, big, small, little, large doesn't matter to me I'll take anyone on, but he wanted me to fight his 'number 1' and I know for a fact she'll end up crying, but I refuse to fight for him again because of the fee issue!

If he'd have said sorry here's the rest of what I agreed to pay you, I'd have wiped the floor with her gladly! The very fact he's resulted to name calling tells me he's pissed about it!!

I didn't check money until after I'd left, my fault yes, but I rang him straight away and he then emailed to say he'd not paid me all of it and I have it on laptop that he was to pay me the rest. Also had witnesses to say he quibbled about it

Trinity x

Re: Questions about agreed fee's

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:31 pm
by emmab
Dont work for him, he sound more hassle then its worth.
He called you names and said 'noone has a god thing to say about you' how low can you go?
I'm sure you can get the catfight work anywhere else email round some other places and ditch this bloke!

Re: Questions about agreed fee's

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:43 pm
by Trinity
He's only said that today after I said I won't fight again, have been biting my tongue nearly 2 weeks with this tosser!

Not bothered about the work, take it or leave it due to other personal commitments, it's the principal that pissed me off lol


Re: Questions about agreed fee's

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:46 pm
by Trinity
If any models want his details to avaoid him, email me!

Abusive messages and phone calls now being reported to the site involved and the police.


Re: Questions about agreed fee's

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:25 am
by emmab
email his details, glad you had already made the decision not to return he sounds like a nightmare!

Re: Questions about agreed fee's

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:20 pm
by Trinity
He's noow slagging me off all over the place.

Lmfao, such a sad pathetic man!
