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I'm sorry if I've come across the wrong way

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:25 pm
by Sindy_Strutt
Anyone that knows me will know I'm not demanding and big headed at all, far from it actually.
I never once said I wanted more money than other girls.

Is all the hate mail really necessary?
I'm 22 year old girl and my inbox is rammed with abuse from people who have never even spoke to me.

Believe it or not I'm a human being.

Re: I'm sorry if I've come across the wrong way

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:27 pm
by rebecca ryder
where are people sending you hate mail mate? why has rodway billy have such an issue with ya!?!

Re: I'm sorry if I've come across the wrong way

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:39 pm
by Toliverwist
I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering abuse like that. Really, models don't deserve such ill treatment.

From what you posted in the other thread, your responses are perfectly in order. Please do not let abusive messages get to you. Often, when a person resorts to abuse it says more about the abusers character than that of the abused. Just try and rise above it, and concentrate on the positive side of things, successful shoots gone, and successful shoots to come.

Re: I'm sorry if I've come across the wrong way

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:56 pm
by scorby2002
you don't deserve the abuse, do carry on with your work..personally Ilove it!!!

Re: I'm sorry if I've come across the wrong way

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:59 pm
by Toliverwist
However, I've just had a look at your profile on AIR, and read this;

"I don't work with amateurs so don't contact me unless you actually know what you're doing."

There is still no excuse for people abusing you, but you might want to consider being a little less assertive, especially in what is essentially an advert for your services.

Re: I'm sorry if I've come across the wrong way

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:47 pm
by one eyed jack
...After all, werent we all amateurs once?

I was quite happy with my amateur status until many decided I was no longer amateur but professional because I make a living full time doing what I do

Re: I'm sorry if I've come across the wrong way

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:02 pm
by Millzy82
I'm not jumping on the bandwagon to send abuse though I have to admit I resent your implication that amateurs don't know what they're doing.

By definition "amateur" only means the photographer/filmmaker doesn't earn a wage out of it. It doesn't have to mean they're less skilled, organised, timely, polite or courteous than somebody called a "professional". Of course, there are guys with cameras/cameraphones but not all amateurs are sleazy, unskilled or clueless.

Not wanting to blow my own trumpet but I've committed to every shoot I've booked and I like to think the models I've worked with have been happy with my conduct, time keeping and organisation even though I'm not a "pro".

In any case, I agree that there's no excuse for anybody to be flooding your inbox with hate mail. Maybe you could help ease matters with toning down the confrontational comments and using some diplomacy? Perhaps you could reword your AIR profile and say you only work with recognised producers?

Re: I'm sorry if I've come across the wrong way

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:06 pm
by Billy69
what do think you are doing mentioning my full name are you stupid or just dont have a brain cell

that was bang out order saying my full name on a on this network and you havent heard the last of this