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Has anyone seen the frenzy going on at purestorm

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:42 am
by KazB
General chat section , something about a pervert. I've no idea who it's about but there's a mob braying for blood!

Re: Has anyone seen the frenzy going on at purestorm

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:06 am
by MaleSub
I've had a photographers account on purestorm for afew years now, and this dose seem to be a recurring problem, over that time I have been told by models of photographers which have gone alittle to far with cheeky comments and those which are just taking the f***ing piss. Who in there tiny little mind offers a model cash for a quick !hump1!

She realy should say something, if theres really proof....

Re: Has anyone seen the frenzy going on at purestorm

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:23 am
by nikonman

Have you got a link to which post it is on P/S?. Please.

Unfortunately once again this is going to give genuine togs a bad name.
It's already hard enough to receive replies to emails sent to models on there anyway.

If this is true I am surprised the P/S have not suspended him.

Re: Has anyone seen the frenzy going on at purestorm

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:27 am
by MaleSub

Dont bother if you aren't registered

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:34 am
by andy at handiwork
You cant read the thread if aren't registered on PS. Love to know what its all about though; simply for prurient intertest, of course.

Here it is

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:47 am
by Essex Lad
Moderator Comment - 23: 00 21st February
For the record, we believe this sex pest was removed from Purestorm some time ago.

Yes, the question is just as it reads.
I have a model friend who, a few months ago, was propositioned by a photographer some days after a shoot, asking her to go back so they could have sex, even offering ?650 for back door, unprotected sex. The photographer has continued contact but she ignores it in the main. She confided in me a good few weeks back and I told her she ought to report him, but she was scared to do so. And yes, a well known photographer on here, I assume, quite widely published too.

Then, this evening, she contacted me asking if ok for her to ring me for advice.
It turns out that a very, very well known and respected photographer on here, I am sure he is widely published, one of those photographers that pretty much every model would jump at the chance to shoot with, has got a bit too frisky with her.

The contact started on here and led to a conversation on Facebook. The messages have been over a period of time about a shoot due this Saturday. But today, the conversation got a little too involved, suggestions of adult images (not the original plan) and moved on to gonzo style, him wanting to take images of her giving oral sex to him, plus more including facial "you know what". For those in any doubt, I have the messages screen printed on my computer as this model trusts me enough to let me log in to her account to see them and screen grab them.

She is scared to report him, even though I said she really has to, she now wants to quit modelling altogether. I pleaded with her not to quit, just take a break, don't delete the account as it has all her references on it. She is in a right state over this and she is aware that I was going to post on the forum, but she is scared of the repercussions on her as he is such a well known and admired photographer. I was shocked when I found out. The photographer shoots for one or more agency.

She told him on FB, on my advice, she was not going to the shoot and that the conversation was over. He replied saying he was only messing around and teasing her. Yeah right, suggesting he takes pics of her with his willy in her mouth ain't messing about to me! He will probably see this so knows I have seen his messages. But then, he may not, for some reason, he is suspended at the moment. That is not as a result of this model reporting him as she hasn't, yet.

No one is whiter than white, I am terrible on shoots, I say all sorts of stuff some might find a bit OTT, but I have never had a complaint, only praise, every model I have ever shot with has said it is fun and laughter all the way, but it seems there are those who really are perverts in the real meaning of the word.

The model in question will see this thread, if it isn't removed, so how about a show of support for her, no matter who the photographer is.

Re: Dont bother if you aren't registered

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:52 am
by Peter
andy at handiwork wrote:

> You cant read the thread if aren't registered on PS. Love to
> know what its all about though; simply for prurient intertest,
> of course.

Someone posted a "I know something you don't know" message about some Facebook messages a model he knows received, requesting some sort of 'encounter' with the model. Made a few references so vague it could be anyone, and won't name them.


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:04 am
by andy at handiwork
Thanks for the slightly sordid details.

Re: Has anyone seen the frenzy going on at purestorm

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:00 am
by william
The industry is a murky grey area and not is all that is seems - Im a bit perturbed about the tog logging in as the model - this is frowned upon as I believe that these accouts should not be shared - why ? Well I had dialogue with a tog who I discovered was using the models portfolio and his own - this when looked back on is decidedly risky - I mean you book a shoot and ask for a reference and he gives this model as a ref then he logs in as her and gives himself a glowing report.....scary

I can tell you that this freked me and it put a model that I knew off of modelling totally. After dealings with this guy she hung up her modelling and has never done it again. You cant be too careful indeed. Too much of a scare and he was quite well known.

Its the ones that push the boundries - Ive done lingerie and totally no involvement and Ive done pov shoots but its knowing the line and ensuring that you dont cross it - you may enquire but you dont labour the point a no means no and to push is being rude and gives a totally bad impression of the hobby to those that partake and enjoy it for what it is.

Re: Has anyone seen the frenzy going on at purestorm

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:15 pm
by videokim
Purestorm is an funny site as it won't allow hardcore talked about or implied in any way, i have never been able to have a profile as they know we make hardcore & i only wanted a softcore glam page etc.
Complain to Facebook & they will sort the person out in question but the other problem you might have then is that they remove your profile because you are in the sex industry & Purestorm will do the same, if the girl in question don't do anything higher than topless Purestorm will be fine but if not say goodbye to her profile.
There are forums like the UKAP one that allow name & shame...i think this is her best course of action.