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How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:17 am
by Amber Freeway
Hi Guys and Girls

Firstly, thanks to all those who replied to my previous post about rates...the info was very helpful.

I was just wondering how producers can make any profit (however small) via the web? I have been asking around lots of people who watch porn and the majority say that they get all their stuff free from Xhamster or Redtube....they have never bought any for years!! You can get full scenes and even full feature films (the old stuff from the 80's), you can get virtually any niche as well.

I thought those sites were to just give a taste of what is on offer with some trailers, but from looking at them you would never need to buy any porn again!! I have looked at about 7 or 8 different sites and can't understand why people pay for stuff on the web!!

How do producers make any profit?

Amber x

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:31 am
by videokim
Amber go to and set up a profile today, we don't know anyone who can't earn on this site.
Try not to copy the mainstream porn as it is vast & easy to find on tube sites, find a niche or something unique to you & personalise it as much as you can with your phone number/addy etc.

By putting 50-100 private pics on AW & a couple of vid clips (about 90 seconds each) you should start earning, once you have a set of private pics on the site add one private pic 3-5 times a day to increase your earnings.

You can have several sites on AW e.g. solo, couple, couple ff, producer...etc.
The more you are in peoples faces the more they know you or of you.

Email us privately if you need any help with the above & John will help you as he does lots of photos/video updates for various girls on there.

If you come into porn thinking its a great earner & you will be rich forget it, if its something you enjoy & would do it for fun anyway then you stand a chance.

Kim x

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:51 am
by Paul Taylor
The bottom line is we don't lol.

No seriously the tube sites along with the recession has made a big dent in the industry. Producers content is being ripped off left right and center and so we don't have the same profit we once did so in some cases there isn't the work for models as producers can't pay for it. The tube site are being used by webmasters of sites to show clips for free with a banner to there main site on the page to direct and tempt people into buying the scenes from an official site. I know SCC who runs my site have done this a few times and it has produced sales slightly so they say last time I was talking to them. But no the tube sites are not used by the industry at large they are used as a way of getting free porn. These are videos that are shared by people on the net, uploaded and shared for free, in other words its copyrighted material and its theft, the same way you would download and torrent/tube the last cinema release, however the law don't want to help our industry with piracy as we are sleaze and scum or thats how the general public see it.

Those of us who where where before the recession have some loyal members and although we don't make what we once did we still can pay the bills and shoot new content. I wouldn't envy anyone starting from scratch today and I usually advise against it. You can't re-invent the wheel with porn so anything you do, is usually done else where and there can get it for free else where and thats the problem. Even a new sites content will end up for free eventually I have sent out a few DMCA notices over the last few months. I say I offer new girls not seen anywhere else or models first ever scenes, but even that is it enough that someone will like the new girl that much they want to pay and wank over her?????, or do they just think a slut is a slut and I will get it for free as long as its the porn they like to watch. There is money to be made, just its harder than ever and without the right team/partners who know how to spread the word about your content, then picking it up as you go along isn't enough, I did that years ago and all I do now is shoot and perform, thats it. I leave the promotion and marketing to the people who know what they are doing.

The fact you said people prefer to get porn for free and haven't paid for it for years kind of proves what I have been saying and how people's attitudes are towards how they access there porn on the net today. This is where minors are seeing adult material from tubes sites and torrent sites, if the government really wanted to protect children from seeing this stuff then they should start there.

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:30 am
by one eyed jack
Pretty much what Paul said. It kind of feels like Last Man Standing but I'm optimisitic that the future presents new opportunities for adult content.

This business has been constantly evolving since I got into it and I've often wondered back in the 90's for all the producers that came and went thinking porn was going to be a fast way to make a buck how soon it would come crashing down

The key for the standalone producer is adultwork/ web camming or become part of a super/ mega site. Standalone sites that make any kind of money have to be rather special if they are to make any money at all.

With website you really have to be in it for the long term and stay the distance. Never be late with updates. Update everytime you promise to and make it as interactive and interesting as possible beyond just selling mere porn.

Tube sites offer content for the generic user who probably would have never paid for a site. People are still willing to pay as evidenced from getting the free stuff. Why? Probbaly because they like your stuff and want it regularly than have to search for free links on sites where they can pick up viruses.

I've known several people who have had computers ruined for viruses ....and they think what they get is for free until they fork out several hundred quid for a new computer and realise nothing is for free in the end. Downloads and filesharing sites are just an illusion of free. Lets not forget they are also about making money

Look at MegaUpload recently...Those motherfuckers were making more from stealing peoples content than those who produced and paid for it

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:47 am
by Paul Taylor
Mother fuckers indeed Terry

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:57 pm
by videokim
Does anyone use clips for sale? if so can you earn anything like AW's site, John wants to try but its a lot of time & work if its a dead duck.

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:12 pm
by Paul Taylor
I have been told by some people Kim that at first when you first sign up you make some money then its dies off and even if you update it or not you don't seem to get anywhere.

Adult work is good because of the time you can spend on the front page if you work at it and take advantage of their traffic. But I don't need to tell you that do I?

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:30 pm
by videokim
Our main site is down a third to last year so AW makes up the difference & a bit more on top so its a godsend to us smaller producers, we tend to think if you throw enough muck at the wall something will stick lol!

Thanks for the heads up on CFS Paul, hope you & Scarlett are keeping well mate.

Kim x

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:31 pm
by jimslip
I think you could ask this question of anyone thinking about starting a new business at the moment, not just porn. Every business has its own set of problems and you have to be able to innovate and think your way around these problems. For many years all a fledgling porn producer needed to do to make money was basically fiim a couple of people shagging, in a blue light, either dressed in rubber or some kinky clobber and set it in a dungeon for fetish. Or same thing with no dungeon and no rubber and a 100 watt lightbulb and a cheeky chappy, waving a camcorder all over the place saying, "Wey, hey, hey, git 'em orff darlin'....." for gonzo and that was that, instant !cigar!!cigar!

Those days are now long gone, you now have to have a good idea, in fact an idea so good that people will actually pay for it. So the answer is lying somewhere in your own head, thinking of a good idea!

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:48 pm
by videokim
"a 100 watt lightbulb and a cheeky chappy, waving a camcorder"

Thats us lol!, it usually was a 150 watt bulb or an halogen from B&Q...
Saying this John still has a video light with a old piece of glass covered by white paper to diffuse it which he made up for ?7 with an 80 foot power lead, he now uses camera powered LED video lights but he still keeps it with his old video8 camcorder.