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Opinion poll

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:19 am
by one eyed jack
Gven this sensitive topic of Natalie Hecks recent passing I was wondering how people felt about the content she has done in the past.

Do you think websites should remove it out of respect or do you think it is part of her legacy and should live on?

I'm in favour of the latter but I can obviously be accused of being biased because I feel a lot of people who are consumers are indifferent tothe lives of the people they watch and those who feel weird by it will simply just avoid it but still curious to know peoples opinions on this.

You can also vote on this topic here if you like

Years ago I was asked to remove content on Candice Paris and James "out of respect" following their incident in the media to which I responded with a "no way", simply because I paid for it and it belongs to me as stated in both their releases.

The way I see it , there are dead movie stars who are still in rota today so why should porn be any different?

Over to you

Re: Opinion poll

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:34 am
by puretotty
This is a real bone of contention... and one I have had experience with.

I Think for Natalie her content should remain, she loved her work and was proud of it... her legend should live on...

I had two experiences of this... we shot a girl many years ago, only upto topless (she was 17, and yes this was before the over 18 rule came in) she was a truely beautiful girl... she was tragically killed in a car crash... and out of respect for her and her family we removed the content...

My other experience however was rather twisted... another girl we shot back when we first started, suposidly commited suicide, her sister contacted me with the news and I removed the content straight away... I then found her a year ago on a social network site very much alive ! I messaged her saying how well she looked for someone who had been dead 9 years !

I do agree with you OEJ, if you pay someone for a job, and they are happy to take the money I dont think you are compelled to have to take the content down... I understand morals and all, but this is business... tough one and I guess I would make a decision on a case to case basis...

Re: Opinion poll

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:41 am
by Pennywise
Tricky one Tel. Myself I'd leave things as they are; After all, she did, and will continue to, have a lot of fans that will still want to enjoy her work. Personally though I wont be watching anything of hers again- just as I did when U.S star Haley Paige died. Just seems a bit...morbid.

Re: Opinion poll

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:44 am
by Mysteryman
The straightforward answer has to be that what is done is done. Removing content would be almost a form of censorship. Presumably Natalie didn't ask for removal in her lifetime, either on retirement or later, so it can be assumed she was happy for the content to exist.

There is, however, the question of how the end user views and uses the content and when viewing becomes a form of passive necrophilia - a question that could be asked of users of any site featuring dead stars - in porn or the mainstream. Is the user being turned on by a piece of material or by the dead person depicted?

Re: Opinion poll

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:44 am
by Paul Taylor
yep it serves as a memory of her work and not for the reasons I have raised in the past about models wanting you to remove the content because you will loose money. It's the fact that he will always have fans and people can remember her by the work that is out there. Whether her family would see it like that I don't know.

Re: Opinion poll

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:06 am
by leannedd
This is really sad news about Natalie. but at the end of the day you dont start working in this job if you worry about having a past etc etc.

It wasnt the job that killed her. Do we honour her by having a fiesta of her work! I think it has to be a Yes...

As a newcastle united girl.. im not gonna stop watching goals of gary speed.

Long live natalie xx

Re: Opinion poll

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:26 am
by one eyed jack
Thanks for the opinons folks. Keep em rolling in. All interesting stuff.

I totally agree with you Pennywise. Every time I look at Haley Paige I think of the circumstances of her death which is not conducive to sexual arousal but on the other hand, a consumer who knows nothing of her, may still enjoy her scenes as if she was still very much alive just for what it is

I agree with the removal of content being an act of censorship too. Just because we remove it for personal moral grounds, another person oblivious to the reasons could disagree.

Betty Page pics are still up as is Marilyn Monroe and many others and they are still legendary. Probably more so in death than in life because their images have gone on for a lot longer than they had lived

Re: Opinion poll

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:31 am
by nikonman

This is a tricky decision, and in a ideal world it should be left to her family to decide what to do.
Unfortunately we all know that in the real world this will not happen, and the so called " Rip Off" sites will only be too happy to post stuff of hers and will be only be too pleased to do so.

I don't know if anyone will remember Afton (Vanessa Freeman) who was killed in 2007, but you can still find stuff of her on the net.

Re: Opinion poll

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:03 pm
by puretotty
Cant agree with you there Nikoman, if a company as paid her good money for shoots, and she did them willingly I am afraid it is bad business to take the content down...

She was a porn star, she knew what she was doing... and to my understanding enjoyed it... but every one is entitled to their opinion

Re: Opinion poll

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:20 pm
by Masie
If I died and my parents were asked if my stuff should be taken down they would say yes, but if you asked them today if they wanted it down they would also say yes so maybe best not to ask?

In the case of me I like the idea of part of me being young for ever on porn sites. As she hasn't done anything new for a while maybe it's best to let sleeping dogs lie.