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Question for producers / photographers

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:31 am
by harmonyhex
Hi everyone

I have a quick Q for producers and photographers on here.

I had planned to come back to shooting at the end of the year when my little one is a bit older. But .. I didn't plan on having to have an emergency c-section in April.

So ...... am I now on the shelf for good? Can't really think I have seen any girlies with a scar! Would hate for this to be goodbye forever.

Kisses from Mummy Hex !wink!

Re: Question for producers / photographers

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:30 am
Firstly, congratulations Harmony and I hope your little bundle of joy is all good and well! !happy!

A c-section shouldn't ruin your career at all, providing that the scar heals up and fades ok.

The insertion is normally pretty narrow so given a fresh pair of fake'll take time to settle down.

There's loads of models I work with who have had them. Some have tattoos to cover the up, some don't. I won't mention names 'cause BGAFD will just remove them anyway.

Oh, and any show of it in stills?.....there's a heal brush in Photoshop!

Don't worry aint on the shelf JUST yet! !happy!

Re: Question for producers / photographers

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:06 am
by emma butt
hey babe i had c section on both my kids and it has never stoped me i decent pair of knickers will cover the scar on shoots and for pics just keep knicks on or for nude make sure there good with the old airbrush i do tv films mags the lot with my scars dont let it or anyone else put you off
emma x

Re: Question for producers / photographers

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:16 am
by katiek
Hey sexy!

I completely agree with the replies already but just another tip, maybe wear a suspender belt if you're a little worried about it? That should cover the whole thing up and you'll look very classy and sexy in the making! I hope you're little one is well! Love to you and your family

Love ya xxx

Re: Question for producers / photographers

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:29 am
by andy at handiwork
You would look great in a basque. One doesn't need to be naked to look good.

Re: Question for producers / photographers

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:47 am
Hit the nail on the head andy at handiwork. I for one think a girl is sexier in a bit of lingerie, rather than fully naked.

Re: Question for producers / photographers

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:19 am
by one eyed jack
I agree with everyone here. I wouldnt hand in your porno p45 yet because of a little old scar !happy!

Re: Question for producers / photographers

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:21 am
by Paul Taylor
Yeah I don't think it will make one bit of difference,and I still want to work for you

Re: Question for producers / photographers

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:01 pm
by MelodyChase
Hiya Harmony, I have had a section too and give it time to heal and you wont even be able to see it, if it has been done correctly it will be in the crease of your bikini line so will just blend in. I have never had anyone comment about my section scar and say its noticeable, it truly cant be seen.

But give yourself time to heal properly.
Im having a 2nd section in August so hoping the surgeon does just as good a job as the last one.


Re: Question for producers / photographers

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:38 pm
by kiNky erOtica
I say keep going, You was a great shoot for me :)
And as long as you let people know before hand of you scar you shouldn't have a problem. I did shoot a model who didn't tell me until she arrived, so it kind of ruled out full nude as she didn't want to, but she turned out a good shoot, but I just wish she told me before.