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nookey bare/abuse

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:04 pm
by fugary dohnut
i can personally vouch for nookey and her products they are really great but as usual she has been abused by people on this forum

ok jokes are one thing but calling her a crank is well out of order she has been in the business at least 2 years i know of and produces her own "made to measure stuff"

marcus allen should say sorry to nookey

a while ago on this very site he demanded an apology from someone who said he worked with david sullivans private company
at the time maybe he didnt but now his vids are sold in the sport and at private shops

nookey has no website i agree but if this makes her open to this abuse i feel really strongly about this as she is a great girl so come boys lets get behind some of the independants and break up the sullivan cartel.i believe the great ben dover is the only uk "big name producer" who refuses to use the dwarf and more power to u ben

Re: nookey bare/abuse

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:20 pm
by Strand
If the person in question puts some stuff on display I am sure people will take a look before speaking....There are trolls who use this board and post some unbelievable stuff and expect people to take them seriously.
Be careful what you say about producers who use the midget to sell videos. Mr ben dover is not the only producer who doesnt use him there are others one of whom is Remington Steel.
On the subject of Marcus...he may have sold rights to somebody else who has done a deal with the sport....that doesnt mean Marcus has sold out to the sport.

Re: nookey bare/abuse

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:24 pm
by marcusallen
The marcusallen vids were not sold to DS by me but by an associate with whom I had a deal and did not question as to where they were to be sold.

If nookey bare is indeed genuine, I will be the first to apologise. However what one says and what one actually does can often be quite different. The lack of site is an indication and I would have thought that in this day and age, it was a prerequisite.

Being vouched for by an anonymous poster is also hardly reassuring.

I stand to be corrected.

Re: nookey bare/abuse

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:27 pm
by fugary dohnut
point taken about the trolls nasty creatures afaik nookey does business by word of mouth personnal recomendations etc and does not have a portfolio as such so just email her and find out about it

good on you mr steel and all the other decent porn makers who dont use the toad and i'm sure you agree shame on those who do

marcus maybe we can have your story

Re: nookey bare/abuse

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:39 pm
by fugary dohnut

maybe you should name your "mate" who sold you down the river and the website is an oversite as well i would like to stand corrected however what one says and what one does can be quite different

if you want to email nookey u will find out what she is all about

Re: nookey bare/abuse

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:52 pm
by marcusallen
I was not "sold down the river"
Correct the "oversite" and we will all be much wiser viz Miss Bare.

Re: nookey bare/abuse

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:03 pm
by Lizard
Correct me if I,m wrong Fugary, but the whole Idea of procurring work as a "Adult Model" is about showing your face on film be it still or moving to as many peole as you can, in order to earn a living, so why dont you ask Ms Bare to post a pic or two, they can be sent to the mods, or anyone with some web space, it may help in her search for gainful employment, and would end the troll speculation, why! you can send one to me if you like.

Re: nookey bare/abuse

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:44 pm
by Strand
If she is looking for work Strand offer a FREE service where girls can advertise and let people see what they look like and as I said its FREE
Check out and go to the models directory or she can post some pics here on on the strand forum.

Re: nookey bare/abuse

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:59 pm
by Officer Dibble
Sadist that I am, I quiet enjoy Marcus?s abusive outbursts - even when they're directed at his old pal and associate Officer Dibble - they spice the proceedings up and leave me tittering at the keyboard. I love to see him laying into hapless forumites, who I can imagine sat at their PC with a bewildered expression on their leather wondering just what is was they said. Groovy.

Agree with fugary dohnut about DS. I?m sure all self-respecting producers would say to Diddy Dave "Fuck off y'er cheap downmarket bum! Y'er not havin' my most excellent films for ?2.50 each to put in y're downmarket shops, newspaper 'n' websites. Huh, if you sell my movies off to cheap punters might get the impression that they're crap - and by extension that maybe I'm not the most wonderful porn producer the history of fuck 'n' suck. So, unless I get a minimum of ?6.00 each for 'em, y'er can naff off.

Don't know about all this secret nookey bare nonsense. Hey, if y've got somthin' t' sell lets have a gander at it. Because otherwise I can't be arsed. Yep, I'm that enthused.

Officer Dibble.

Re: nookey bare/abuse

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 8:32 pm
by Arctos
I did email nookey for some pics and details but she hasn't got back to me - yet????

If you are genuine nookey please do so.