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what money to expect modeliing

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:06 am
by titluver
My wife is a great bbw, love to get filmed doing it, for fun and some money. I think she would only do it in front of a female photographer though. Would we really earn anything out of it and what's it likely to be? Any females good at filming interested? Obviously we are not models, just ordinary people but with likes of Fiona Cooper being girls next door around for years i guess there is a market for that type of thing.

Re: what money to expect modeliing

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:14 am
by Chopper_Images
Female photographers? - you're about as likely to meet them as you would meet a Libyan Army machine gunner handing out flowers and chocolate to his countrymen

BBW - yes there is a market and some people do have a liking

As for earn anything? - Have you heard about something called the recession? Perhaps you could earn something, but certainly not if you are limited to female togs, you're email in-tray will be as empty as this Government's idea-box for generating wealth

Fiona Cooper? Ouch.. try searching this Forum and reading about the infamous Mr Sutcliffe and FC. Talk to a few models who have made the journey to Halifax and allegedly have had issues with Sooty. He'd be the last person you'd want behind the camera if you have doubts and only want female photographers..

There's your morning dose of reality
Time to smell the lovely aroma of coffee


Re: what money to expect modeliing

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:39 am
by Daz Savage
Chopper has made some points that I might have made.
Without mentioning names there certainly is no guarantee that a female togger or female-run company will bring either success or safety.
As to the worry of the togger running off with yer missus I can only speak from experience but most decent toggers are far too busy getting the shoot right to be arsed with trying it on with the talent... and I'm serious.

The money???
Well why not shoot the stuff yourself and put it on clipsforsale or ask on this forum for help on building a site..? There was a guy on here a week ago offering complete web design service for free! Okay, it may not be still on offer and maybe it never would have panned-out because people sometimes offer more than they will deliver... but you'll get help if you ask.

If what you mean is "how much per shoot" then that will strictly depend on:


Who is the woman? (appearance)
What will she do on camera? (oral, anal, DP, Bukkake, watersports dogging etc)
Where are you based and where will you travel? (the fact is that if there's competition your value may go down - fact of life. If your missus is the only BBW for 100 miles then you may be on to a winner... having said that the way things work it is usually the case that where there are no models there will tend to be a similar thin-spread of toggers too).
When can you work? (if you work regularly you can turn a decent rate into a great regular income. If you are trying to work once a month and earn a fortune then that's simply not gonna happen.)

Answer some of the questions I have asked and you may get some more specific answers... also post a picture - go here to do just that:

Hope this helps.

Re: what money to expect modeliing

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:17 am
by Josephine
i just would like to add that i did work for fiona cooper many years ago and i was ok