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Livid, absolutely livid

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:03 am
by paul jones
It takes a lot to make me angry. I don't like being angry. It's a migraine trigger for me so getting angry can really ruin my day.

I'm angry.

Until this morning I had a shooting trip booked to Europe with a well known and good rep model.

All arranged a couple weeks ago, leaving TOMORROW

Flights, booked, paid for by me. Accom - booked and paid for by Italian client.

This morning, a txt saying

"My mum and dad don't want me to go to Italy so can't. Happy to pay for my flight cost thanks"

No mention of my flight cost, no mention of the 300 Euros stud fee I will lose. No indication of sorrow for making me look like a prize idiot in the eyes of the Italians and thus ruining before it started what I hoped would be a decent long term relationship.

Is she taking my calls? Like hell she is. And I made the first one within moments of getting the txt early this morning.

I'm not naming the model here, and haven't yet done so on AIR because I am hoping that she will rediscover her previously unblemished professionalism before I feel I have to let the europeans know.

Other than that, it's a lovely sunny day.

Re: Livid, absolutely livid

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:18 am
by Safia Stone
I feel for you, what an absolute nightmare!

I really hope she does the right thing.

Re: Livid, absolutely livid

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:35 am
by Dave Wells
Nature of the beast Paul.

I've had 28 years of bollocks like this. Doesn't help but get used to it.

Re: Livid, absolutely livid

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:43 am
by Welshmorph
I think you have may have accidently said who it was in another thread yesterday.

If it is that person you may want to get the post deleted if you don't want people knowing who it is yet.


Re: Livid, absolutely livid

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:44 am
by stiffoak571
I now live in Thailand most of the year.

Cannot get anyone to come out here for a free holiday + money for shoots


Well - they get so far then "boyfriend won't let me" or even funnier "can you pay for boyfriend as well"

Or they wonder why I wont trust them with the money for the flight up front - yes let me give you 600 quid and then "boyfriend wont let me"!

So at the moment cannot give it away and this post shows me exactly why.

Re: Livid, absolutely livid

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:13 am
by morganmediauk
Paul - That sucks! hope she sees sense and sticks to her commitment.

Welsh - nice spot lol

Re: Livid, absolutely livid

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:25 am
by Twingo
[quote]"My mum and dad don't want me to go to Italy so can't.[/quote]

Haha, thats the worst excuse i think i've ever seen.

Maybe you can get another girl booked at short notice to save the day, what a gutter though :(

Re: Livid, absolutely livid

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:39 am
by marshman
Hi Paul - Knowing you as well as i do i have never seen you loose you temper or get angry,so this model has really touched a nerve.As Dave has previously mentioned "nature of the beast" but with someone of your high professional standards i suspect you feel more betrayed by so called "Professional model"


Re: Livid, absolutely livid

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:51 am
by Josephine
some of us are professionals and never let anybody down but we get over looked now