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bt openworld plug and go

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:00 pm
by dave
anybody got this and is it easy to install thanx in advance

Re: bt openworld plug and go

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:14 pm
by Chris
Yeah I've been on Bt plug and go broadband since September last year. Had a few problems installing it, the lead with the box wasn't long enough(had to buy an extension), and the cd software kept bringing up errors. Also you need an adsl filter for every phone or fax line or Sky phone line you have in the house.If I remember right, Bt supply two with the pack. Other ones you have to purchase separately at 9.99 each. Since I went online though, I have never been unable to get on, nor have I been disconnected. On Kazaa I have downloaded at over 60 or 70k a second. It is a top notch service and highly recommended!

Re: bt openworld plug and go

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:14 pm
by Penfold
i had no problems installing it, and im a hamster :-P

Re: bt openworld plug and go

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:24 pm
by jj
That's enough of your lip, young rodent.
Or we'll set the Pet Shop Boys on ya.......

Re: bt openworld plug and go

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:57 pm
by Caractacus
Easy as anything. It comes with its own "how to install" disc, and is completely idiot-proof---and I should know as I'm an idiot.

No need to threaten Penfold, JJ. I think the Chairman already has her eye on him.

Re: bt openworld plug and go

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:04 pm
by Richard B
BT are a bunch of bastards. They kicked me off Openworld a few months ago for spending 12 hours on over a Saturday and Sunday - and this on a supposedly unlimited off-peak package.

It was a major inconvenience and all I got from BT was them hiding behind very inflexlible small print.

To give them some credit, I can't have been alone because they now say how many hours their so-called unlimited package offers.

Having said that, even if they gave it away free, I wouldn't rejoin because they were such tossers.

Re: bt openworld plug and go

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:38 pm
by jj
I can't bear to watch.
Oh- all right then....ices, get yer ices here......

Re: bt openworld plug and go

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:17 pm
by Richard B
Thank you JJ.

I feel better for getting that off my chest. Apologies to the original poster - it's a free country and I'm sure he's happy with his purchase. Rant over!!

Re: bt openworld plug and go

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:44 pm
by jj
What did I say?
BTW, my BB is supplied by BT via Freeserve, and it's fine: I assume that where they have another business party to answer to, BT behave themselves.......

Re: bt openworld plug and go

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:13 pm
by Crimpo
I haven't had probs with BT - touch wood - and its easy to install. My sympathies to Richard - once the corporate juggernaut rolls it can be a real bastard...