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How can you tell....

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:45 pm
by judy_drench
If someone is wasting your time??

The number of lengthy email discussions regarding shoots that lead to nothing is becoming quite tiresome.

Is it me or do all models get this?

Isn't it supposed to be 2 or 3 emails to discuss content, fees, location and perhaps a few minor details before you agree a meeting to do whatever it is you need to do to get the job done?

My experience in the industry amounts to a pin prick on the planet, but it seems like I've been working my tits off for a few months that amounts to about 5 years....

Can somebody, anybody, all of you....!!!! give me some tips to sniff out the time wasters pleeeeeeeeease...

JD x

Re: How can you tell....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:47 am
by paul jones
Serious people show their bona fides fast.

Most serious people are a,so pretty clear about levels and scenario - they know what they want to get on film, that's why they contacted you.

Timewasters - they start with low levels and then start asking about higher ones, always a bad sign.


If you are talking to someone you can tell very quickly whether they are serious or not.

BOOKSAFE - my attempt at setting up something to deal with this problem. Timewasters will never join. Hopefully a reasonable proportion of serious amateur people will (as they are ones who find it hard to book modles because they bget confused with beiong time wasters). ... t/booksafe

Re: How can you tell....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:30 am
by planeterotica
I agree with Paul, bona-fide people cut to the chase and ask straight out what your rates are for a given shoot ie: if its B/G then then they ask for it straight away you dont waste 3 emails finding out wether the model is interested or not.

Re: How can you tell....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:26 am
by Nob3y
Keep the e mail tennis down to just a few e mails then its time to phone people.
Genuine people will give you their number and you should also.
Personaly I dont like too much e mail tennis and preffer to speak to a person as it saves time and you can sound people out.

Re: How can you tell....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:22 am
by judy_drench
Indeed, the emails are always vague to begin with. Very annoying.

Thank you all :)

Re: How can you tell....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:31 am
by Josephine
there is no point moaning we all get them ,even when they put a deposit down its just the job we are all in

Re: How can you tell....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:57 am
by judy_drench
Like I said, I'm very new so just getting to know things, having a bit of a moan perhaps, but mostly asking advice.

Thanks for your input, most helpful.

JD x

Re: How can you tell....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:38 pm
by videokim
Hi Judy

Do you arrange your own bukkake parties etc? if you do charge a fee to the guys & also charge a few amateur or pro camera men to come & film it on a content share basis.
This gets rid of time wasters & puts you in control plus you can't help but earn,
switch from being the model to co co-ordinator & take lead of your own shoots.

Re: How can you tell....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:36 pm
by RoddersUK
I always state upfront what I like and ask will the model do.
My preference is hard BG with facials and I always state that.
Perhaps I am too picky but if the model is not one I would like to perform with then it ends there and I do not pursue it. Until the girl posts me a picture of herself obviously I don't know. I have had a couple who I just wouldn't go further with and pulled out of further negotiations.
I once commented on UK Exhibitionists that there were a lot of dogs on the site who thought they were gods gift to mankind. I was taken to task by several "dogs" one being a site administrator.
The vast majority of models in the industry are lovely girls who I would just love to bed, but there are some who are "dogs", not many I grant, but still there.

Re: How can you tell....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:30 pm
by videokim
With that attitiude i bet the girls are queuing at your door, do you post the girls a pic of yourself to see if you measure up to their standards...i bet you don't.
Be nice & people will be nice to you, be rude & you will never get anywhere.