What on-line adult DVD shop is the best to buy fro
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:38 am
Hello, this is the first time for me, on this forum.
I hadn't realise that the UK has finally(!) passed laws that allows hardcore porn in this country in 2000, until last year, (2002) when I popped into a newly opened adult sex shop in my area. I bought a few tapes, but was horrified by the price. ?30 for videotapes, and ?40 for DVDs! That's when I scoured the 'net for on-line porn video and DVD shops. I was just about to buy from Vidshop, when I decided to surf a bit more, and found Statesidedvduk. Boy, was happy I did! Vidshop was selling videos at ?20, and DVDs at ?30, while Stateside was selling DVDs at ?20! Not only that, but they give you 1 free Videorama DVD, per 4 orders! I had immediately ordered from them, and 14 days later, my package arrived. And yes, they were originals, complete with boxes and covers. I have since used them, time and time again, and have not been disappointed by them (one time, I ordered an out-of-stock item, and ALL of them was delivered. Within 10 days, too!). Now, for my one gripe at them: they don't seem to have a large choice, especially in terms of labels. I want to buy some US label films, but it seems I have to go somewhere else, since Statesidedvduk don't stock them. After reading all the stuff said about Vidshop on this forum, I'm GLAD I didn't try them, the first time round, and I hesitate to use them now, though they do seem to have a large choice.
I have read about how it is still cheaper to buy from US sites, but I had a bad experience before. I ordered 1 DVD from Excalibur Films, just to try them out first. The DVD was "Double Anal" or "Double Anal Alternatives". I NEVER RECEIVED IT! I e-mailed them about it, after 2 weeks, and they just assured me it had been sent out, and that, only with proof (like it had been seized by Customs), can I either receive another copy, or a refund. I am guessing Customs had gotten hold of it, but then I read all this stuff on this forum, that Customs often leaves things posted from the US alone. So. Shall I give Excalibur Films another try (I have read that someone on this forum recommended them)? Or should I just continue using UK based sites, who ships from WITHIN the UK, because they're still the safer bet? And if so, what sites should I try, besides Statesidedvduk (who HAVE kept me happy, with their cheaper prices and fast service/delivery, not to mention, it's always a relief that they're reliable and honest business people, NOT a con, scam, shady oufit, etc, etc.)?
BTW, after reading some reviews of some porn films, I am particularly interested in getting the "Jules Jordan's Ass Worship" series. Dirty, disgusting anal sex themed films...exactly what I am into. Right up my alley, so to speak! (Not literally, though).
I have read good things said about simplythebest and Your Choice...Shall I try them out? simplythebest did have the "Ass Worship" series, and their prices are comparable to Statesidedvduk.
Sorry for being so long winded, there, folks.
Thanks for your attention and any help you guys can give me.
I hadn't realise that the UK has finally(!) passed laws that allows hardcore porn in this country in 2000, until last year, (2002) when I popped into a newly opened adult sex shop in my area. I bought a few tapes, but was horrified by the price. ?30 for videotapes, and ?40 for DVDs! That's when I scoured the 'net for on-line porn video and DVD shops. I was just about to buy from Vidshop, when I decided to surf a bit more, and found Statesidedvduk. Boy, was happy I did! Vidshop was selling videos at ?20, and DVDs at ?30, while Stateside was selling DVDs at ?20! Not only that, but they give you 1 free Videorama DVD, per 4 orders! I had immediately ordered from them, and 14 days later, my package arrived. And yes, they were originals, complete with boxes and covers. I have since used them, time and time again, and have not been disappointed by them (one time, I ordered an out-of-stock item, and ALL of them was delivered. Within 10 days, too!). Now, for my one gripe at them: they don't seem to have a large choice, especially in terms of labels. I want to buy some US label films, but it seems I have to go somewhere else, since Statesidedvduk don't stock them. After reading all the stuff said about Vidshop on this forum, I'm GLAD I didn't try them, the first time round, and I hesitate to use them now, though they do seem to have a large choice.
I have read about how it is still cheaper to buy from US sites, but I had a bad experience before. I ordered 1 DVD from Excalibur Films, just to try them out first. The DVD was "Double Anal" or "Double Anal Alternatives". I NEVER RECEIVED IT! I e-mailed them about it, after 2 weeks, and they just assured me it had been sent out, and that, only with proof (like it had been seized by Customs), can I either receive another copy, or a refund. I am guessing Customs had gotten hold of it, but then I read all this stuff on this forum, that Customs often leaves things posted from the US alone. So. Shall I give Excalibur Films another try (I have read that someone on this forum recommended them)? Or should I just continue using UK based sites, who ships from WITHIN the UK, because they're still the safer bet? And if so, what sites should I try, besides Statesidedvduk (who HAVE kept me happy, with their cheaper prices and fast service/delivery, not to mention, it's always a relief that they're reliable and honest business people, NOT a con, scam, shady oufit, etc, etc.)?
BTW, after reading some reviews of some porn films, I am particularly interested in getting the "Jules Jordan's Ass Worship" series. Dirty, disgusting anal sex themed films...exactly what I am into. Right up my alley, so to speak! (Not literally, though).
I have read good things said about simplythebest and Your Choice...Shall I try them out? simplythebest did have the "Ass Worship" series, and their prices are comparable to Statesidedvduk.
Sorry for being so long winded, there, folks.
Thanks for your attention and any help you guys can give me.