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NTL broadband
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:23 pm
by John
A BBC story - may put you off from joining NTL
Re: NTL broadband
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:57 am
by Mart
I'm quite happy with ntl. Ok, I'm on 600k not 1G but who wants to download 10,000 images per day?
Re: NTL broadband
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 3:53 am
by KJ
You misunderstand.
If you're on the 600k service you could quite easily exceed 1GB of downloaded date in a few hours.
On the 600kb/s service you can typically sustain a max of around 70KB/s. Four hours of that would take you to the 1GB limit (70*60*60*4).
It doesn't take long to work out that it is not only those downloading movies, mp3s etc. from the likes of Kazaa and WinMx for long periods that will fall foul of the 1GB limit.
What if you listen to an internet radio station all day on your PC while working from home? If it streamed at half your maximum d/l rate then that would be your 1GB gone in eight hours without doing anything else (i.e. you wouldn't be able to dowmnload 1 picture without upsetting the NTL police let alone 10000).
Listening to streaming content all day is perfectly legitimate use of a service that is advertised as 24/7 unlimited surfing. Indeed broadband has always been sold on the basis of high quality streaming media! That's why people are up in arms about it and why they now have zero chance of selling the 1mb service to anyone at the premium (I believe people are already downtrading back to the 600kb service).
This is all about ntl's failure to invest in their infrastructure, and given how bad they are at collecting money fro mtheir customers, talking to them, resolving customer problems etc. etc. it's no wonder they've got no money.
They slipped this cap into their Acceptable Use Policy, rather than informing their customers directly, because the cutomers "would not understand what it meant". That's the sort of twats we're dealing with and why people are up in arms.
Re: NTL broadband
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:58 am
by Lizard
I,d quite like to!
Re: NTL broadband
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:22 am
by grey
I'm an NTL broadband subscriber and as soon as my 12 month contract is up I shall be cancelling it.
Between 7pm and midnight everything slows to a crawl, except e-mail and newsgroups which cannot be accessed at all! The times vary slightly each day and very occasionally you can go right through the evening ok, but that is the exception.
I have 2 newsreaders, neither of which can now pick up complete parts of any mpg posts, presumably because of ntls lack of servers.
In the past they rushed to get new subscribers without having the infrastructure to cope with them and consequently all hell broke out and sites such as ntlhell (which incidentally NTL have now purchased!) were set up.
As they were losing as many customers as they gained they supposedly went for the new policy of not touting for more business but looking after the customers they already had in an effort to keep them.
It appears that they are now reverting back to form.
Re: NTL broadband
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:08 am
by Holden MacGroyn
I've been having problems with NTL all morning.
Couldn't get my BB connection to connect.
The IP number was all screwed. Tech help man asked what I had been doing on the pc.
Oddly enuf, I had been d/l'ing shedloads yesterday on 600kps.
Anyone else found their connection dead and in need of tech help?
Still.....Holden macGroyn
Re: NTL broadband
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:14 pm
by mike hunt
i've got to agree with the last two posts. ... i'm on the 600kps and when my 12 months are up i'm f##kin the shite off ......mmmmmmmmmmm feel abit better for gettin THAT off me chest
Re: NTL broadband
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:42 am
by grey
By the way,although ntl purchased nthell world website and now delete any postings they like to and stop any real critics posting, the good news is another site has arisen to once again expose ntls failings.