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Would you like to see porn go 3D?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:57 am
by one eyed jack
With Panasonic set to roll out their first stereoscopic camcorder 3D porn is soon going to be in the hands of everyone who wants to buy this camera for a reasonably priced ?1200.

Thing is, does everyone really want porn to go 3D or is it a fad that will go the way of other fads?


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Re: Would you like to see porn go 3D?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:35 am
by Du Bois
Won't people also need special gear to watch it? How long will it be before very many have it? What does it look like? Hell, I didn't even see Avitar so have no idea how a 3D TV or computer screen would appear. I will have to check this all out, though. An interesting development, isn't it?

Re: Would you like to see porn go 3D?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:09 pm
by MegaTon
who wants to watch 3d porn with those glasses on? lol

Re: Would you like to see porn go 3D?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:35 pm
by spider
What worries me about 3-D porn is the possibility that are you going to be watching a scene, the guy suddenly turns towards the camera, and you'll have a dick leap-out from the screen and poke you in the eye!

It doesn't bear thinking about.

Re: Would you like to see porn go 3D?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:57 pm
by Elektro666
This is from an Episode of Jonathan Creek a few years ago about 3D porn that's quite amusing -

Re: Would you like to see porn go 3D?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:58 pm
by BigMattyP
3D never took off before did it either? I personally won't be bothering with getting a 3D camera, my HD one cost enough and I will just stick with that. I don't know how many people will really buy the 3D tv's etc when you need the glasses etc, just not sure about it all.
Big Matty P

Re: Would you like to see porn go 3D?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:24 pm
by one eyed jack
Hmm all resounding no's here then.

So its all still a grey area despite Sky foisting their 3D channel on us.

I doubt if 3D porn for TV took off that it would look anything remotely like Avatar, DuBois

We're comparing a ?1200 Panasonic camcorder to the one that looked like a truck modified to shoot the movie for the big screen and further modified by computer to create its rich colours of an alien planet

I saw 3D porn in Berlin and can't say that apart form the background and subject seperation that I was that impressed.

Seeing titties on the big screen with Piranha 3D was cool but I'd feel stupid banging one out wearing those shades. Make you look cool having a wank I guess and it would be obvious what you were up to if you were caught at home with one of those on and nothing on the tv screen

Re: Would you like to see porn go 3D?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:55 pm
by johnuk
I don't see it taking off at the moment, I think it'll still be just a novelty for a good few years yet. If you look at pornsites and tube videos the most popular content these days is grainy homemade stuff.

With porn so over saturated we've gone full circle, back in the late 90s all sites had were tiny and grainy VHS rips, with HD appearing a few years ago people already seem to be "over it" and looking for more realism in their smut. Unless 3D tech comes so far that it looks as though the performers are in your living room I can't see it catching on.

Re: Would you like to see porn go 3D?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:57 pm
by James not Bond
I was thinking about buying a 3D camera, but couldnt work out how it would work on the internet.

Re: Would you like to see porn go 3D?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:03 pm
by one eyed jack
It wouldnt. That negates why it came into being as a commerical means to get more people out into the cinema and to deter pirates from copying movies to put on the internet.

Plus in order for people to watch it efficiently you wil have to give out the specs or at least expect them to have one compatible with the 3D format youve shot it in