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OT - Double capacity DVD problem

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:50 am
by Tittywobbler
I have a DVD drive on my PC. I usually have no problem playing DVDs on this using the latest version of PowerDVD software. But I could not get a double capacity porn DVD to play. Should you be able to play double capacity DVDs on a PC DVD drive ?

Re: OT - Double capacity DVD problem

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 12:20 pm
by Sir Noel Plum
I've never had a problem. Perhaps you should visit the manufacturers website (of the dvd drive itself) and see if the issue is mentioned in the support section.
There may be a firmware update for the dvd player. This is a bit like flashing the BIOS with a newer version but for your dvd player rather than your motherboard.

Sir Noel