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TV Doco
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 8:54 pm
by Phil McC & Violet
Met up with Chris Kelly from Essential Films, He posted on the forum a few weeks ago about a doco he is working on. This seems strait and a good one, he is aware of the circumstance regarding TV and why we are warey of them. I would encourage you to speak to him. His doco sounds real fun and a laugh, it is a bit arty but not really about porn more about why guys join fan clubs and why they become fans, They will be making a music/poetry feature out his footage and he strikes me a someone we could trust,
He is aware I would not be happy if this is another attempt to show UK Porn or its stars/fans in a bad light, so when he posts his email later, mail him for more details,
Jim (Phil McC)
Re: TV Doco
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 9:13 pm
by magoo
I remember the guy posting. As usual he was met with a load of abuse from my fellow posters. If porn is to become acceptable we need to get the subject aired on mainstream TV. I remember at the time thinking "for fucks sake, if someone is wanting to make a documentary showing the industry in a positive way and all he gets is abuse then we are shitting in our own nest and perhaps even pissing on our own chips". I know in the past that the media have done misleading docs on porn but how are we going to give the industry any positive light if every time a journo or tv producer ventures onto this forum he/she is bombarded with abuse. I mean C4 in particular are just the sort of people to air a doc that doesnt fall into the "wimmins lib/porn is bad" style of tv journalism (although I am sure Dibble will disagree.....Dont forget Dibble that Polly Toynbee was writing anti censorship articles in The Guardian so some handwringing Grauniad readers must like a wank flick)
BTW you seem to be on more tv progs than Carol Vordermann these days Jim!
And Violet, you get better looking every day.
Re: TV Doco
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:45 am
by jj one of those who indulged in the 'abuse' you mentioned, I'd view it more as justifiable cynicism......having seen some of the lazily-biased and moronically-cliched efforts that now seem to pass for TV 'journalism', I'd suggest that it is for the programme-makers to prove their good intentions rather than for anyone to give them an easy target for their unthinking prejudices.
I hope if ti gets off the ground, all goes well: for BOTH parties.
Re: TV Doco
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:09 am
by magoo
How is anyone going to be able to make a fair and positive documentary if they are met with such hostility and cynicism?
Re: TV Doco
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:53 am
by Chris Kelly
Thanks for that Jim. Yes if anyone is big into porn and ain't afraid to say it, please let me know because we just can't make a decent film about porn without talking to people who are fans. Call myself on 020 7378 6106 or e-mail me at As well, we're going to be filming up at Erotica North in Manchester, we're hoping to set up a booth where people can come in and talk porn. Doesn't have to be all deadly serious - the more fun and filth the better I reckon.
Re: TV Doco
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:02 am
by Chris Kelly
jj & magoo - we're not aiming to make a one-hour promo for porn, but we're not making a prejudice piece either: open minds. We're making this film with porn models and porn fans, and you can't make a good music video with people if you're working against them. We want to capture what 's going on, put it up there in the most creative and entertaining way we can, and hopefully put across more vividly than ever before on TV why some people can perform in porn where other people can't, and why some people get into watching it in a big way whereas other people just have a quick wank to it from time to time.
Re: TV Doco
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:30 pm
by jesus
hey chris, are you are not that football pundit, who used to front Over The Moon on channel 4 are you??
Re: TV Doco
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:50 pm
by jj
I'm not hostile, just cynical. I recognise (and have often said) that the industry ought to be given a fairer shake, and that requires a lack of 'angle'/preconception/whatever on the part of docu-makers.
I'm more inclined to believe Mr Kelly than most, simply because of his (good) reputation. But I'd still advise potential participants to bring a long spoon......
Re: TV Doco
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:59 pm
by joe king
talking bollocks as usual Chris
tv and the rule makers (the ITC) are institutionally against porn, it is censored and has to be shown in a bad light. Documentary makers (as the Micheal Jackson doc shows) are as trustworthy as polystyrene paper cups (with a strange after taste).
Re: TV Doco
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:35 pm
by Officer Dibble
"talking bollocks as usual Chris
tv and the rule makers (the ITC) are institutionally against porn"
Of course they are. Pretentious, hand wringing, middle class ponces almost to a man - or woman. Yes, I best mention 'wimmin' in this instance or I might get an unfavourable referral to some unspeakably poncey middleclass commission for some kind of equality somewhere. Jeez, I just wish ordinary people would wake up and realise that all those stealth taxes that are being siphoned out of their wallets were going to pay these pretentious twats ?50,000 a years or so just to sit there, talk a load of socialist bollocks, think up ever more loony rules and regulations and just make life more difficult in general.
It might not be so bad if these Commissions and public bodies were a little more (OK, a lot more) representative of society at large. I mean if these bodies had a few more voices on them like 'Dave the mechanic' 'Mervin the meter reader' or 'Daz' the delivery driver, instead of the usual Jemmimas, Charlottes, Tarquins, Jeremys and Tristrams, I bet you?d get a dam sight more common sense out of them. Plus, it wouldn?t just be one section of society imposing their standards, values and poncy morals on the rest of society.