Page 1 of 1 dead ????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:22 pm
by Climie
Anyone else had a problem?

Tried to join the site three times over last two weeks and all I get is an error.

The end ??


Re: dead ????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:56 pm
Sorry Climie
The site has been closed to new members. There is new content still in place for existing members, but John is planning a new site which will hopefully launch soon. I'll keep you posted.

Re: dead ????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:59 pm
by Jolly Roger take all major cards, and Pieces of Eight?

Re: dead ????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:15 pm
by Hornetbloke
Yeah but none of those dodgy Spanish Doubloons or Euros as we call them nowadays ;-)

Re: dead ????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 7:18 pm
by John Mason
Since I parted company with Cool Piranha, they decided not to continue with the site. I only found this out myself last week.
So I'm now with a new company and will be launching a new site in the not too distant future.
It will have shit loads of new content, as well as behind the scenes video footage from a lot of my shoots!
The name is going to different because Cool Piranha still own the other domain, so look out for

And just to clear up any misunderstandings Cool Piranha will still be selling content on my behalf and I'm still good mates with at least 50% of the company!

Re: dead ????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 7:25 pm
by vila
John: Will you be putting all the old site's content onto the new site? If not, how will all us wannabe members be able to access it?

Re: dead ????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 7:42 pm
by John Mason
All the old content will be on there as well, so don't worry. I want to make this one work even better than the last one.

Re: dead ????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 7:53 pm
by vila
Brilliant. Thanks John.

Re: dead ????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 8:59 pm
by BlondeLover
Sounds excellent. On and off I have had a membership to the old site but have always been a little frustrated with the way things seemed to be run.

Looking forward to the new site!

Re: dead ????

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 10:00 am
by Mayfair/MensWorld Editor
If the new one doesn't walk properly, I hope John's going to make someone walk the plank