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O/T Full Service Shows - New Licensing Information

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:32 am
by Bob Singleton
I hope you will indulge me once more regarding my shows, but the information contained below should be welcomed by all of us who wish to see a freer, more open society.

As regulars will know, I have been using the same venue for my shows for nearly two years now. Thanks to the new owners, Club Wicked, tens of thousands of pounds are now being invested in the overhaul of the venue, and thanks to the nature of the events Wicked themselves organise, the Full Service shows will be covered by the new licences currently being applied for. In order for Full Service to provide the erotic shows and environment for consenting adults to party, including the enjoyment of safe, consensual, sexual activity in a private place the events must be deemed to be a private members

(The law in this area has been very "grey" for many years - since 1751 to be precise! However Local Councils throughout the UK, who will soon become responsible for awarding all licenses, have been doing some sterling work in updating their Management Rules. As a result in April 2003 licences will include the option for a Sex Establishment Licence. Club Wicked have been working very closely with Southwark Council and have already applied for this licence as well as the renewal of their 6 a.m. Public Entertainment Licence and Special Hours Certificate. In addition they have applied for a film and video licence so that we can show R-rated erotic films, which means that we are bullet proof legally and you can relax and enjoy yourself in this knowledge.)

All membership applications must be received and confirmed 48 hours PRIOR to attending a Full Service Event. This is a condition of the Sex Establishment Licence. We cannot make any exceptions. Heaven forbid if we did it might just be someone with a mission to discredit or harm us or the club.

The guideline rules laid down by the Council require that membership fees be reasonable and not a token amount, that full names, addresses and ID are provided.

From 1st April show Annual Membership for a Single person is ?25
and for a Couple is ?35.

If you are already a member you will shortly receive a seperate e-mail. Those wishing to apply for membership will be e-mailed a membership form.

As you all know, the last thing I wanted to do after moving into a larger venue was to increase ticket prices, but this membership fee is something we must adhere to if we wish to continue to enjoy ourselves. Therefore, to sugar coat the pill, a new ticket pricing structure will come into operation from 1st April show.

Tickets bought in advance will be ?25 instead of ?30. As the
venue will be a members only club, tickets will now also be
available on the door for ?30.

If anyone has any questions about memberships, please don't hesitate to e-mail me off-board.

The shows themselves will still feature girls like Layla-Jade (when she finally gets bored with America!!!), Cathy Barry, Rebekah Jordan, Marianne Young, Gilly Sampson, Melissa Walker, etc., so no change there!


Bob S

Re: O/T Full Service Shows - New Licensing Informa

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 1:57 pm
by TM Video
These shows are FANTASTIC as I have been to one or two myself!! A great night out and a chance to meet all the lovely ladies from some of our films!!