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Model Fee
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 6:00 am
by rob
I cancelled a shoot with a model giving her 48 hours notice. She's charging me a full half day rate as compensation.
Is this normal practice ?
Re: Model Fee
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 6:48 am
by Tucker
No!, 48hrs is a fair amount of time to give notice. If she had been othered another job for a lot more money than you were paying and she cancelled on you, would she pay you compensation, I think not.
Re: Model Fee
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 7:39 am
by paul jones
Everyone has different views on this.
I think that 48 hours is too short notice. From what I've seen the accepted rule seems to be that around 4 days (ie giving 3 full working days notice) is fair, and anything less deserves an apology or cash, depending on the circumstances and whether or not the excuse is believed/valid.
Send her the money, or at least a decent chunk of it. Or perhaps book her for a later date, (if she trusts you).
She doesn't have a reasonable chance of getting an alternative job at that short notice.
Producers blown out by models at that sort of notice tend to (rightly) hit the roof, because they can't be sure of finding a replacement.
Whether or not she could sue you is anyones guess. If she does, let us know and we'll book tickets.
Judge "Excuse me, what is this DP you speak of, is it perhaps a beat combo?"
Re: Model Fee
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 7:47 am
by sandie
how can i be held responsible for an unsuccessful turn out to a bukkake party. the planning was on ur part not mine. i was there. u were there. the few guys that confirmed would have been there but, i believe u panicked and realised u wouldnt have enough money to pay my model fee and cancelled me. how am i expected to earn any money if people cancel me all the time cos of poor turn outs. too many guys seem to think "oh i'll hold a party. its easy!" well i can tell u its not easy and poor turn out is one of the risks u take with this sort of thing. u wouldnt be the first organiser to have paid a girl for a practically non exsistant party. its just these other organisers are abit more appriciative of the situation.
and i would remind u that i did turn down other, higher paid work to do ur party. so even at half the fee u gave me, i lost out big style. i thought i was being quite generous. alot of the people i consulted before coming to this decision thought u should give me the whole fee.
see i put my hands up cos i know most people on this forum know me as an honest, genuine and very reliable girl. i thought the full story should be given too. not just the short, half details missing, sob story.
Re: Model Fee
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 8:54 am
by rob
Thanks for your reply - I didnt put the 'full' details as you put it as I was respecting the guidlines of the forum which protects the innocent - had I given too much detail , I felt people could have worked out who it was that I was referring to .
I merely put a posting asking advice and as we can see there are different takes on it. We could go on for hours and I could post even fuller details again
I was purposefully not trying to name you ! But you say that you were there and I was there - thats not true ! I canncelled on the friday - no-one (me included) was there on the Sunday ( I've never actually been to the venue that was going to be used)and I didnt panic - if that was the case I wouldnt have paid you at all !
I'm well aware from all the postings that I've seen that your highly regarded and respectable ( which is one of the reasons I approaced you in the first place) - I like to think of myself in the same category which is why I paid without question at the time - no questions asked at all - I simply wrote you out a cheque that day and sent it. I'm sure that there are other guys out there who would have said , "ok the cheque's in the post" and you'd never have seen a penny
I do appreciate that you will get timewasters and I am new to this and am bound to make mistakes - we all do when we learnig new stuff. I know how it feels - I've had models cancel on me too.
So , lets start again - per my email this morning and the details in that can we reschedule ? belive it or not I am a fan of your which is why I was trying to arrange a shoot in the first place !
To the moderator - I appreciate 100% this forum is not for airing public disputes ( and I genuinely on my part dont regard this as a dispute- the original post requests advice only)- the only reason for my last posting here is to reply to sandie's which raises valid points. I trust this acceptable
Re: Model Fee
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 9:11 am
by sandie
i meant "i was there. u were there" in terms of we were both up for it. of course i didnt go all the way to the flipin venue!
please see my mail that i posted u this morning for the answer to ur request.
Re: Model Fee
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 9:23 am
by John
Two points to this.
1. 48 hours, 2 hours 50 hours, for a model its a pain. Normally people book her weeks before, so she has lost out on cash. So from that pointshe is right to ask for cash.
2. At least you got in touch. You could just not have bothered. Can she sue? Well unless you agreeded to somthing in a written or at least verball contract, ie, if you cancell the shoot the model is entitled to some cash.
Also odds are she does not declare her income to tax people - so its better for her to lump it, and think of it as part of the job.
Also if she does sue, will people want to boopk her? Not realy.
OK, you could offer some cash, but lets face it, all she can do is moan.
If it was me, offer her another shoot. If she oes not want to do it, plenty of models who do.
Re: Model Fee
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 9:34 am
by John
It soundslike Sandie has a fair point.
If you had cancelled due to ill health, ok. But to cancell as what you planed did not work out for you is most unfaire.
I understand it this way:
You booked a shoot. Thought you could earn easy cash. Plans went wrong so you cancelled.
In this way you could not loose out.
I think that you have wronged Sandie and she deserves half the cash.
Re: Model Fee
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 10:18 am
by jj
.....but not after the word gets round, eh?
That's known in the trade as 'cutting your own throat', I believe.
Re: Model Fee
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 10:28 am
by sandie
just to clear the air.
a) i got half my fee and im happy
b) im not going to sue - i never said i would. for the sake of ?150 i may aswell go out and earn it rather than take time off to go to court
c)i can catagorically state that I DO pay tax.