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!!!!! VERY ABUSIVE TOG !!!!!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:02 am
by holly xx
hi guys and girls
i Am letting u know about a tog that contacted me on harmony for a shoot, basically he confirmed the day before, did not show nor text had his phone switched off after waiting an hour i texted to say " thank you for wasting my time " this morning i recieved a text reading and i quote " Holly (f*** off) u r the lowest form of life" Im deeply hurt by this comment as i pride myself on professional work as do other models and producers, if anyone is interested in knowing whom this very rude person is please feel free to contact me and i will send a link
It makes me wonder whether there is point carrying on in this business when we strive to give ourselves a good reputation and to then be hurlled abuse at when we r not even in the wrong.
Sorry to go on
lots of love a sad
Holly Kiss xx !sad!

Re: !!!!! VERY ABUSIVE TOG !!!!!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:20 am
by TonyT3003
Hi Holly
I really understand how upsetting this is must be, but please don't let someone like get to you and put you off modelling....!!! You're far too good for that..!!'s his loss babe...!!!

TonyT xx (Leicester)

Re: !!!!! VERY ABUSIVE TOG !!!!!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:38 am
by nikonman
Sorry to read about this.
We don't want to see you packing up your modelling.
I expect you will receive many posts from the forum readers saying the same. Especially from your big Forest fan

Re: !!!!! VERY ABUSIVE TOG !!!!!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:49 am
by Jason Porn
How horrible Holly - but don't let the bast**ds get you down.

You are a fab model and a super person - i loved our shoot last autumn you were superb.

Remember that THIS is what you are good at!!!

Hope you and your man are well.

luv JP x

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Re: !!!!! VERY ABUSIVE TOG !!!!!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:54 am
by DazyBoy
People like them have no life hun i wouldnt even waste my time thinking about it hun, your better than that person anyway and you look awesome too :).

Re: !!!!! VERY ABUSIVE TOG !!!!!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:58 am
by glamourchicks
Hi Jason, i echo that mate super girl !!! Don't u dare think off quitting babe lol. Gary xxx p.s say hi to Simon

Re: !!!!! VERY ABUSIVE TOG !!!!!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:48 am
by one eyed jack
Hey Holly, dont you go quitting this business because of time wasting twats like that.

Thing is this has always been an opportunists business to get into , i know because I was one but the way I see it, you get into a business then you conduct yourself in a way that you would like ot be treated.

There is no excuse for his comment and if he takes offence by it from his comments then he should stay out of it then instead of being a curious sad time waster who obviously had no money to follow through with commitment to book you.

As Cockney said, this guy makes the business look bad for the rest of us. I hope this helps people understand why I harp on about UKAP so much as they are a bunch of producers who are trying to distance themselves from these kind of time wasters.

Its high time the adult community of amateurs and professionals, performers and behind the scenes talent came together a bit and let these people know that people talk within this business and hopefully they will take it a bit more seriously.

If the BGAFD came on board and provided a resource of infomation that could help models with this type of situation then i wouldnt keep banging on about UKAP

Re: !!!!! VERY ABUSIVE TOG !!!!!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:51 am
by one eyed jack
Sorry to rant on but Ive worked with Holly and I hate hearing this sort of thing virtually every other day now.

Come on you guys. Play the game properly.

Dont book girls unless you have the money to do so and dont give them shit to compensate for your fuck ups. They gotta make a living and eat too

Re: !!!!! VERY ABUSIVE TOG !!!!!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:59 am
by oli_cortez
Holly I can't find the email you sent. Please send again as I may have a shoot fr you at start of July.